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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Orangutans?

  2. Originally posted by G Gays are a unnatural mutation for sure, the whole purpose behind male & female copulation is to advance the species. You surely can't do that naturally w/ a homosexual lifestyle. When stripped down to basics, it's clear that gays are not what nature designed. Not to mention fecal bacteria intermingling where it doesn't naturally occur etc.

    yeah that's why literally every known mammal engages in homosexuality amirite
  3. Originally posted by Technologist No, but I’ve finally decided I have to put her down within the next week :(. Was gonna make a thread about it, not for sympathy or attention. I wanted ask people about their experiences.

    :( I'm sorry to hear that. How old is she?

    Will you buy her some treats before she goes? I've got a 12 year promise to my 14 year old dog that on the day he dies, he will get a hamburger.
  4. Originally posted by Sudo I hate how civilians got smoked over this. People with 1 degree of separation from me and things in common besides nationality died in that crash and it's disgusting Iran was so eager to retaliate they took out a civilian aircraft. This is way worse than MH370 because there's no excuse and they're not in a combat zone, it's just careless and stupid. Fucking Iran should be punished for that more than anything else. Too bad Trump is a fucking bitch

    Sorry, who are you?
  5. hao yi duo meilide moli hua
  6. Originally posted by Sudo Then don't believe it you dumb, pathetic faggot

    Sorry, who are you?
  7. Originally posted by Cheyes Look, dont take this personally but

    You are literally THE last person on Earth that sploo would want his personal information given to. Whether or not I give a shit myself doesn't matter. He would hate me or anyone forever if we gave you anything, and I'm gonna honour the wishes of the deceased. Especially one who trusted me.

    I already have all his PI. Do you need me to send it to you?
  8. he gave it to me but I'm not going to troll a potential grieving parent.

    Like I'm a shitbag on here, I know, but it's not worth the risk of dragging that up. I would just like to know for sure that he's dead besides someone just saying 'he's dead'.

    it's hard to believe till there's proof.
  9. I love babies.

    I'm drunk so I'd probably drop one right now

    but i love em
  10. Originally posted by -SpectraL Goo goo gaa gaa?

    I actually had like a 10 minute conversation with an infant cousin once. She babbled and I just kept responding. It was fucking amazing.
  11. sPEctrul HaVe a SeEt
  12. Still waiting on proof...

    had it for malice and juicebox

    not sploo
  13. Originally posted by Sudo I'm going to make a memorial site (already have one just have to add more content) and if anyone would like to contribute feel free in this thread or any other sploo related thread or PM me any content, suggestions or any kind of contribution they would like to make (as well as his family possibly looking at charities to make donations to). I would very much like to keep his memory alive. I think it's best to keep his God given name separate from this website for the time being out of respect for his family but any rare sploo pics and quotes are much appreciated (as well as helping with any handles and usernames associated with him). I have "sploog gook" on intosanctuary right now and are unsure of what accounts he may have had on here that aren't TTSM'd. Anything at all would be great

    Have you confirmed he's dead?

    I have his dad's home phone number but I don't really wanna call it if he's actually dead, so I'm looking for proof. Srs I already have all his PI so if anyone can just send proof that'd be great.
  14. Originally posted by Technologist See I thought I saw someone say he posted on Dec. 25th. IIRC it was Casper, but I saw the post myself from his Rrr account.

    i saw it too. This is the reptilians at work
  15. Originally posted by aldra uh

    which is it then


    They're all unreliable. BBC has openly edited footage and cannot be trusted.

    I only trust my tarot cards.
  16. Originally posted by theshroomguy Ever since I've been on an invoulantary break from weed it seems impossible to live in the moment anymore. Any joy I get out of anything is sucked out by the idea it will eventually get old and is not permanently entertaining. And this is pretty much an invoulantary thought loop I keep having. Fuck I can't wait to pick up again…

    Why involuntary, and how long has this break been?

    I disobeyed the sobriety owl today but I'm drinking way less than usual so there's that.
  17. RT is a Russian international television network funded by the Russian government.
  18. Honestly doing a big rug on the floor for a table seems badass. Think of all the space you save by not having a table or chairs. You can put everything in a box or something and keep a rack for your kegels or something that you can roll away when company comes over
  19. Originally posted by LilSavage Sploo had passed away early morning hours of December 22nd. I have been in contact with his father and a cremation was done. Sploos mother has flown in from Turkey and they are purchasing a plot near Queens. They will have a small ceremony TBD. I have his fathers email for those that want to pay respects without hindering his parents grieving. I will miss John dearly as he was a great personal friend of mine…RIH John ❤️

    ya send that email faggot
  20. These stories are seriously hilarious but you and all of your friends were/are terrible fucking people lol
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