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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  2. Originally posted by aldra lol, the epilogue to that was me waking up in the bed (apparently got out of the bathtub in the middle of the night) and not remembering a thing, and getting a really bizarre phone call from my mother the next morning asking if I was 'alright'.

    Ambien made me molest my father's car by rubbing up against it until I ejaculated

    gross? yeah

    but never before in my life has a car been THAT fucking sexy

    2017 Toyota Subaru

  3. not u mommy
  4. yah im drunk fuck you
  5. didn't read
  6. read
  7. not
  8. did
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL And the coffin must be buried at 60 degrees.

  10. didn't read


    make an alt you fag
  11. i don't read your posts anymore

    make an alt

    M A G A


  13. Originally posted by CASPER nvm i made it up he totally wasnt posting on the 25th hes defiantately dead rest in parallelograms

    Casper can i trust you
  14. skip
  15. Originally posted by Technologist She’s 14 1/2. Got her when I bought my home. I couldn’t wait to get her after I had a place for a dog.

    She gets a boiled chicken breast every night. She started losing massive weight over a year ago. So she gets the chicken.

    I made a thread about it, I thought she was gonna die then, but she’s made it all this time. She’s pretty much blind and nearly deaf. He hind legs have lost so much muscle mass that she keeps falling down. Her back end sways back and forth when she walks. But now her dementia is getting bad. She walks around aimlessly all day. She has started doing it at night and she’s not sleeping now. The other night she walked up to a corner in the wall, put her head down and just pushed her head into it and stood there. It’s sad now. Everybody is telling me it’s time, I can’t be selfish.

    Damn. My dog thankfully still eats like a ravenous pig. IDK if you saw the thread but this morning my family fed him twice. We've transitioned his food to a fancier one but he isn't so luxurious as to get chicken. I do give him a bit of whatever I'm eating. If it isn't good for him he at least gets a taste. Makes him happy I think.

    My dog has cataracts so he can't see anything. Doesn't seem to hear well either. Sometimes I have to call him a few times but I don't mind. He does sway and lose balance but doesn't usually fall. The dementia... I can see that happening now. A few times now I am taking him inside and he just walks off away from me into the distance and looks at nothing. Like he forgets where he is? I'll call him and he comes running though. Always running. In the morning we feed him, he runs to his food. I throw his toy, he runs to it till he gets tired.

    Dogs are fucking amazing like that. I have no doubt you have given your dog a good and full life. That's really all you can do.

    The next week will not be easy I'm sure so I wish you luck. Give your dog a big fucking kiss for me. And don't hold back either. Make that shit sloppy. She deserves it. Thanks.

    luv u n ur dog mommy.
  16. Originally posted by Fuck Your World So when someone in your family becomes gay or transgender you're going to stop loving them?

    wow.. Thorazine for all

    I think a lot of that attitude comes from a 'he won't get into heaven' standpoint. Banish them so they are pressured into repenting. etc.

    But really wtf. Why would you ever banish someone so close to you. I feel bad for anyone that has had to deal with irrational fuckheads like that. They're always welcome into my family. We have tamales.
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