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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I'm attracted to young boys

    I can recognize if a man is handsome. There is sexual attraction.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Eh?

    Blacks can't swim are prone to heart disease and say "dayum babygurl" all the time.

    Nope, you are all humans

    Except Mexicans. Who are half deity
  3. That's what literally everyone who watches state media says, lulz.
  4. Originally posted by aldra it's also more reliable than most corporate media

    Not really no
  5. Originally posted by G Do you let your nephews & nieces or other small children drink &/or eat behind you ?

    Uh, sure?

    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Which did you enjoy more, fucking Hydro, or her husband fucking you?

    Obviously the first one I'm not that gay.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sounds weak, most adults regardless of their desires can control them.

    Not a question

    Originally posted by cigreting steals my thread title. what a fag

  6. Originally posted by G Hide away gnome, the light still finds mushrooms.

    Itt whiteys
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'll defer to your expertise, clearly you've seen plenty of them what with all the beheadings you've beheld.

    Brains don't come out in British beheadings

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He's also seen a lot of tiny dicks,

    I got a joke, whats the difference between a mexican and a gay mexican?

    About three beers! jajajajaja

    That was not a funny joke.
  8. Originally posted by Technologist Still haven’t answered the question. Is self hate stopping you?

    The answer is yes
  9. Itt white people
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Hiki,
    You’ve said that you’re a little hikkimoro girl, and you want a boyfriend.

    So what’s the difference?

    I read this. Good post
  11. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Okay you mutts I am breaking this down for you one last time.

    Negroid = Human v0.9b
    Oriental = Human v1.0
    Mongoloid = Human v2.0
    Caucasian = Human v3.0

    Not real distinctions
  12. Waiting for literally any evidence on anything you say, Speedy.
  13. Mexican brains are not that color. They are shiny and gold
  14. Originally posted by G How often are you tested for the diseases that run rampant w/ your lifestyle ?

    My lifestyle? I don't sleep around with guys OR girls until I know them well, so I only get tested with each new partner really. That varies but usually once or twice a year.
  15. Originally posted by G Why are you a filthy bisexual ?

    I was born that way. I can't really help it. I'm not even that gay. Like on a scale of 1-10 gay I'm probably a 1 or a 2 wheras you are a 0, sure. It takes a very special kind of guy to get my bi radar going. I hope you understand. thanks
  16. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Why are you talking to one of your many various alts, Ouiji

  17. Originally posted by aldra RT's one of the sites I read for general news, it offers a different perspective to the mainstream western ones and they have some rather good opinion/analysis writers

    lol seriously nigga

    its russian state media
  19. yeayeyeayeyeyy
  20. didnt read any of this shit still hahahaha
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