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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by cigreting Op is obviously poor. Cant answer any financial questions

    A man shouldn't discuss his money. Its uncouth.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What will you be doing this weekend?

    fun fun fun fun fun fun fun
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL Do you have any idea why CNN's ratings are lower than the Food Network?

    Oh I forgot, that's the other channel I watch. Just those two. CNN and Food Network.
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not really, I built my own for an Aquarius computer…I think that ran about $38 all told for the parts and that didn't include labor. (time is money etc)…sure it used more components but $25 for a "ready to go" one is pretty damn good, a short run of circuit boards would cost you more than that….sure you could breadboard it but when you are refitting a classic computer you don't want piece of shit components in it.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not really, I built my own for an Aquarius computer…I think that ran about $38 all told for the parts and that didn't include labor. (time is money etc)…sure it used more components but $25 for a "ready to go" one is pretty damn good, a short run of circuit boards would cost you more than that….sure you could breadboard it but when you are refitting a classic computer you don't want piece of shit components in it.

    sounds dumb as fuck

    you should get a fleshlight instead
  5. Originally posted by Sudo only did 3mg of dilly-o today. Should have some boxes tomorrow which will make coming off a breeze. I went until 1pm today without taking any. I shit so much when I don't use, it would be awesome if my skin didn't feel like a monitor liserds are crawling over me

    this nigga still junking lol
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Language is dynamic…for example not so long ago Gay meant happy, now it means "Mexican who likes a penis in it's mouth or ass".

    Clearly your community college English class was many years ago.

    If it's not in the dictionary, it's not real

    Deity is in the dictionary. Mexicans are deities. You already agreed to this, you're just backpedaling because my mind tricks worked on you and you can't accept it. Ha!
  7. i hate rivers fuck this thread
  8. Originally posted by Fox Cuckolds are usually also into voyeurism

    I'm not the cuck, I'm the bull

    Literally made hydro's husband run away crying while fucking her

    none of you are half as manly as I am

    Originally posted by aldra

    would you murder or suicide first

    I'd sex
  9. Originally posted by G I asked a question fag, answer ? It's your flop of a thread after all lol.

    I said yes. I let people eat and drink behind me. Why the fuck would I not. Are you self conscious about people eating behind you? Never been to a restaurant?

    Originally posted by Fox How much money do you earn per annum and what is your total current net worth.


    Originally posted by Sophie What is your net worth?
    What is your BMI?
    What is your IQ?




    Originally posted by Fox What is your GDP?
    What is your BBQ?
    What is your ICP?
    What is your OPP (yeah, you know me)?



    absolutely not


    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Would you sleep with me if we were both single

    if you get me drunk first

    Originally posted by blaster master Why do you go in TC and just sit and watch us rather than contribute to the discussion?

    I don't go in there at all.
  10. Lol you know speedy doesnt believe in sources!
  11. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 the Denial is my favorite River, because that is what the majority of the posters here exist in!!

    How did you ever think of that one its so original
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Deity is dirty Mexican for gaiety.

    No. It's English. God don't you know your own language? Gaiety isnt even a word.

    This is my second language and I speak it better than you. But what can you expect from whitey?
  13. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal What did God say about the blacks?
    Is it okay for me to run over one or shoot it on sight?

    Cursed are ye with thine skin doth reflect that of excrement for thy hath forsaken ye creator

    Bible actually says not to take punishment into your own hands and to love everyone and respect the laws of the land
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "Except Mexicans. Who are half deity "

    yes that's what I was agreeing with.


    So say it with me

  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Some truth in that.

    Glad you accept your place as an inferior being. Say it with me now: VIVA LA RAZA
  16. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Yeshua said, SUFFER NOT the little Children for they are the Kingdom of God.
    in layman's terms:
    God will make sure your suffering in hell is more for abusing children!!

    God isn't real so...
  17. Originally posted by Sophie Yes really. Of course RT is biased just like any source, but they have a better track record than the MSM. Not only that being state media they realize everyone will look at everything they say more critically so they have an interest in reporting truthfully.

    I don't trust RT when they are talking about Russia but about middle eastern affairs they're solid, in general.

    Also, you need to follow a lot of different sources if you want to get to the actual full truth of what happened. Everyone is biased to a greater or lesser degree, show some discernment when you're getting your geo-political news.

    Says who? I dont trust Russians. I watch CNN and thats enough for me. Never turn the news off in my house
  18. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 israel believes in Yah and since 1947 has not lost a war. you should read accounts of muslims claiming to see angels fighting for israel when they had victory. and those angels took the victory away for the hebrews.

    if that is true, there were Angels fighting for Israel, you're a moron Haggy to think Israel is afraid of iran. if anything, they want iran to attack so they can sick them Angels upon them!!

    You think Israel has literal fucking angels fighting for them? Holy shit
  19. Everybody's waiting for the weekend weekend
  20. Friday friday gotta get down on friday
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