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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL All them were. Not one real Canadian in the bunch. All foreigners.

    What's a Canadian if not someone with Canadian citizenship? You mean only WHITE Canadians you racist fuck?
  2. I know I'm gay but I'd go back into the closet to fuck Advil Lasagna
  3. Originally posted by Sophie Avril Lavigne was a qt3.14 when she made it big. Being suburban white kids who used to hang out at the skate park it was inevitable i'd hear her music. I'll even admit it's pretty catchy. But recently i listened to a couple of her old songs again.

    It struck me how mean spirited some of her songs are. I suppose, it's the type of thing 'alternative' teenage girls can relate to. Don't believe me? Listen to Skater Boy and Girlfriend, lol.

    How is sk8r boy mean spirited?
  4. When you are as talented as I am, singing songs is as easy as shitposting.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No need, I have an illegal immigrant Mexican maid come in twice a week to "polish my silver"

    People who actually have maids don't talk about them half as much as you do
  6. You need to fuck him and get it over with
  7. Originally posted by cigreting could not follow sequence of events

    Thats his white half talking.
  8. I took these a little while ago.

  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Was off last night and slept like a babby…woke up ..It’s storming and I’m going back to sleep

    Did you get the crazy ass fog over there?
  10. Originally posted by Splam Actually all those Canadians were dual citizens with Iran. Most of the Iranians were going to Canada likely to visit family or emigrate.

    Makes sense. Who else goes to Iran?
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I see you are still having trouble with comprehension…read it again and pay close attention to the word "if"

    That he even thinks its a possibility speaks for itself. Normal people dont think about shit like that.
  12. I identify as an attack doom penguin.
  13. Originally posted by WellHung Fuck a nigger from Ghana.

    Hey Ghana is amazing.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Unlike the chicken and egg…the word has to exist before the dictionary definition…or there is nothing to define.

    Jesus Maria and Jose…

    Nope. Wrong again boomer. I'll give you another try tho
  15. When he introduces the misisle system i half expected him to go out and fire one for the camera
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby right..

    viva la raza
  17. Originally posted by Technologist Those certainly sound like his words.🤷‍♀️

    It's also in a thread about how he's dead

    Which is how I know its just a big troll
  18. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country §m£ÂgØL, Sploo is dead. No one is trolling you. No one cares enough to.

    He's just got everyone in on it because of his stalker.
  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yeah I am. I'm part jedi also. But I don't feel the need to throw it into every conversation like §m£ÂgØL does. What if I started flinging feces at ppl and talking about my astrological sign constantly?

    Oooh it's just my ape upbringing.. and plus I'm a capicorn!

    I don't bring it up constantly. In fact I hardly ever mention it.
  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL So you have touched another man's penis.

    Yes. Want me to touch yours?

    Originally posted by stl1 Why do boys have a penis and girls have a vagina?

    They look better with them
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