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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. "You know what..."

    "What?" Xu'arti asked.

    "Hold on," Geemo said, grabbing the pipe in his paws and tapping it against the table to empty it. "I think I'm going to try plugging this shit."

    "What? Why in the fuck for?"

    "It gets you higher."

    "No it doesn't," Xu'arti stated. "Namba has the same bioavailability whether you smoke or plug it. It really doesn't-"

    "Yeah well I'm going to plug it. You got a syringe?" Geemo asked.

    Xu'arti turned a light shade of purple. "Alright, whatever floats your ganoodle man. I don't give a fuck. There's some in the wetroom."

    There was something about a Falofian wetrooms that made Geemo kind of queasy. For one, there was almost always mucus stuck in the drains- which wouldn't be so bad were it not for the smell. Geemo placed it somewhere in between a rotting fetal sac and fresh rain. But it didn't really matter. He had namba, and salvation was just moments away.

    Geemo grabbed a mortar and pestle from the drawer and crushed his namba into a fine powder. This was essential to absorption. He'd done it once without any grinding and remembered finding blood in his fur the morning after. But that was a rookie move.

    The syringe went in easily and without struggle. Geemo laid down on his side as he waited for the drug to kick in. Much of his life was spent dreaming of moments like this. There's really nothing like the feeling of a drug kicking in. Life, most of the time, is shit. Things happen and you never really know whether they'll be good things or not. Geemo felt that most of his life was full of bad things.

    Geemo felt his rat boner get hard.


    Does Geemo...


    >Ignore the boner

  2. Originally posted by Technologist Oh I have a good consistent guy I’ve known for about 7 years. Has everything thc.

    Yeah I've known my guy since I was 13 lol. He's been selling for like 8 years but I only ever used him sporadically. Weed, wax, carts, this fucker even has his own 'branded' topical cream that he makes and designed the labels for. He wants to sell it in stores but with this state's corporate centric MJ laws it'll never fucking happen.

    I just hate having to play the whole game of going over there for an hour or two when all I wanna do is buy my weed and gtfo. We get along but he's real high energy and also pretty flaky at times. There have been instances where I'm waiting for him to text me that he's home and he just never does. Always 'forgets' and has some bullshit excuse. Usually doesn't do that but you only gotta do that once or twice for me to realize what kinda person you are. My old dealer was timely as hell.

    Hoping they start doing delivery here.
  3. Originally posted by Cheyes he was taking grams of tylenol and ibuprofen for unconvincing reasons. Nobody does that unless they legit want to die. Especially someone who quite obviously knows better.

    He was killing himself slowly for months and he knew it. It doesn't really matter if he overtly tried to do it by a guaranteed death dose, he was probably too scared to actually do that, it was more edgy and splooish for him to toe the line by taking several grams of tylenol. boxes of coricidin, and bottles of loperamide regularly for months until his body gave out. If you build up that much lope in your body yoy WILL die, it's not a question. I think he did it this way to ease the anxiety by knowing it would eventually happen but not exactly when.

    you just reminded me of all my pms I sent last night

    damn you vodka
  4. I'm probably gonna use my first paycheck from this new job to buy something at the nearest shop. I'm pretty excited tbh. I don't even mind that it's like 30% more expensive than my dealer because I hate dealing with that fuck.
  5. Originally posted by Technologist Ick.

    None for me. Just my herbus amungus.

    I need to switch back.

    But alcohol is cheaper
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If that's what passes for singing in your house I'll skip the happy birthday scene there.

    we dont sing happy birthday we sing las mananitas
  7. Originally posted by Sophie Well, baby rape is a little too far. But i'll let it slide in the context of a fictional story.

    unfortunately its not fictional. You can google it if you want.
  8. "This is the good stuff," Xu'arti said. "See how it crumbles into little flakes? This shit is straight from Andora. No cuts."

    "Yeah, alright. How much is it?" Geemo asked.

    Xu'arti wiggled his eyelobe, a sure sign that he was trying to figure out how much he could charge without Geemo getting offended. "Tell you what, I'll do fifteen for you and seventy if you buy the bundle."

    Geemo squeaked incredulously. "Fifteen? It can't be that good."

    "Fine, fine. Sixty for a bundle. But I can't go any lower."



    "Fifty five."


    "Okay," Geemo said. "Sixty. But it better be good."

    Xu'arti spread his tentacles wide. "Like I said, straight from Andora. You can try it first if you want."

    Geemo loaded the pipe and reached for the thermablaster, taking a moment to roll the cold steel of the pipe against his fingers. It had been a while since he'd smoked namba root. And it DID look good. He thought it best to just take one hit.


    Does Geemo...

    >Take one hit

    >Take two hits

    >Take three hits

  9. Originally posted by Sophie Gay. Write it again, and don't lie to me, i can tell when you do.

    It was about that dude who raped an 8 month old baby girl to death. His girlfriend found him on the floor with the baby all bloodied and crying and it ended up dying.

    I wrote a whole thing about how small his dick is, and how I've seen baby dick while changing diapers but I haven't seen baby vagina but I bet it's too small for most people to stick their dick in and what kind of a monster fucks an infant anyway and.. yeah

    I'm not rewriting it because that shit is disgusting
  10. Originally posted by aldra ate a bunch of retard drugs as best anyone can tell at the moment

    not sure whether it was suicide or accidental overdose

    *diarrhea pills
  11. and he likes casey anthony a lot
  12. Originally posted by Technologist Newest lie. Now Soleimani was targeting 4 of our embassies. That’s from trump’s mouth. Hell Pompeo talked today too, but would not give specifics.


    He also said that it was because of impeachment and that he did it to appease some senators lol.
  13. what is hinduism
  14. Originally posted by Sophie I'm willing to apologize for this but this alone.

    LOL you think I'm just going to let you apologize?

    There is no walking away from this

    You can either delete your account and leave this site forever, or I will call your baker and let him know what you've been doing.

    You have until morning to decide.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Men have balls and don't have supple breasts

    Men have a Y chromosome and a penis
  16. Originally posted by Splam Being Canadian means you come from a line of people that helped build Canada, and have done so yourself. This definition excludes most natives as being Canadian as they did little or nothing to help build the nation we know and love today. If you're Chinese and come from a family of railroad workers from the 1800s, you're ok. If not, GTFO.

  17. Originally posted by Sophie I got doughnuts in the fridge, come piggy.

    what kind of demented fuck keeps donuts in the fridge?

    I was willing to overlook the pedo shit but this is too far

    you are scum
  18. I just wrote and deleted some real nasty shit
  19. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    >says guy in relationship with a man
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