You are all so monochrome and robotic I might as well be talking to bots
He is a tiny little boy who allegedly carried out a murderous operation only navy seals are known for
we're on to you motherfuckers and soon you will all be dead and gone and humanity will be free
His story is more mysterious and intriguing than any mass shooter operation.
I relate to him on so many levels.
I see myself in him, in the personal sense.
What I do not see or grasp is how such an innocent and carefree child got hold of several military grade firearms and committed one of the biggest massacres in US history.
There is so much more to this story than will ever be made public.
I do know that I could have made a good friend friend to him and talked him out of the hypnosis the CIA or whomever was manipulating him.
They're all mushy and patty like or diarrhea (without the ass pain)
Could this be the alcohol or all the hot sauce?
Merry Christmas Fona
Good to see at least one person here enjoying the holiday spirit.
For All the shit these people throw at you I want you to know you're the coolest and most legit nigger on this site.
It's beautiful seeing people enjoying the holiday season So much, and you decided to share that moment with the dregs on this shit heap of a site.
You need a better community my friend.
Anyways Merry christmas and have a happy new year.
Tell your gf that I said hello.
Now go make love to her while blasting bing crosby.
Praise Jesus and Merry Christmas
God Bless and have a happy new year
With an animal
It is like a woman nurturing her newborn child
I wish people could be this affectionate towards everyone in their life
I just made a prototype video for this thread
Will work on a serious effort and post it here before new years eve.
Why aren't there Christmas lights on the trees in Skyrim coupled with Christmas jingles?
Who the fuck drinks,wine if they want to get drunk.
Are you asking for a headache.
He gets triggered whenever I call out people for being normals and when I post any music beyond the MTV 2 spectrum.
He is some washed out plebe who thinks he's hot shit for tripping out to mdma at an LFO concert and feels threatened whenever his banal gen x sense of alternativeness is put to question.
He's going to die without ever having experienced what consciousness has to offer because he's so intellectually bankrupt he can't step outside the perceived norm and societal definition of things.
She's in her late 30s and her son is under 12
Yes I am extremely observative and intelligent, donate to my patreon.
Somebody put an AA pamphlet in Andrew's stocking stuffer
Fona, Christmas is about celebrating Christ, not consumerism.
Also you're white, stop wearing nike sandals with socks on in the fucking winter.
Wish I could be there with you fona.
We could get drunk and jame out to christmas jingles while playing Mario Kart.