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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'm not a criminal but I would imagine stealing stuff that's small but expensive would be better, if you're not looking to use weapons or be noticed. Guns comes to mind. Pistols. Some of these cash america places have an awful lot of money in jediels and guns.

    Then there's drug dealing. I wouldn't really accept anything less than a couple thousand per hour if I was trying to make money from crime. I know way too many good ways to make money illegally to accept less.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I wouldn't know where to find the links. Too lazy also
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.
    Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
    Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
    Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican

    Poorer blacks and Asians are more likely to be gay than wealthier whites, a controversial study claimed yesterday.

    A Gallup survey – said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken in America – estimated that 3.4 per cent of US adults saw themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

    That figure consisted of 4.6 per cent of African-Americans, 4.3 per cent of Asians, 4 per cent of Hispanics – but only 3.2 per cent of whites.

    In contrast to earlier, smaller studies, researchers also found that Americans with the lowest levels of education were most likely to say they were gay.

    A similar pattern was found in wealth, with more than 5 per cent of those with annual incomes of under £15,000 identified as gay compared with 2.8 per cent earning more than £37,000 a year.

    And while 21 per cent of American adults earn more than £56,000 a year, only 16 per cent of gay people claimed to earn that much.

    The survey – based on interviews with more than 121,000 people – contradicts the perception that lesbians and gays are mostly white, urban and affluent, said lead author Gary Gates.

    ‘Contemporary media often think of LGBT people as disproportionately white, male, urban and pretty wealthy,’ said Mr Gates of the University of California, Los Angeles. ‘But this data reveals that relative to the general population, the LGBT population has a larger proportion of non-white people and clearly is not overly wealthy.’

    The survey revealed a slight gender difference – 3.6 per cent of women identified themselves as lesbian or gay, compared with 3.3 per cent of men.This discrepancy was particularly marked among younger adults, aged 18 to 29, where 8.3 per cent of women said they were LGBT compared with only 4.6 per cent of men.

    Common sense will tell you that whites are less likely to be gay. Still it's an interesting article.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Noted in case I need to use faggotry as a way of bothering you in the future at some point.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    These idiots never give up. Now they're claiming I snitched on some neo nazi faggot. Nevermind the fact that this guy goes around snitching on people constantly, attacked people in their sleep, bullied senior citizens, stole from everybody, poisoned people on purpose with shitty drugs, and has just been an all around piece of shit his entire life.

    Hilarious, but because this guy isn't with the government, they can use him to attack or stalk people that piss government connected special snowflakes off. I'll just shoot him and any other scumbag goon they send to intimidate me. Nearly got arrested several times cause of this asshole too. Thankfully, some little mexican dude knocked him out and stole all his shit. The guy never retaliated against that dude, but they're gonna drive past me while I'm trying to sleep and fire shots into the sky. Punk ass motherfuckers.

    Almost every single person the government sends after gang stalking targets are scumbags. Truly low life characters. The "dregs of society" as Dr Horton put it. This is why the government works with organized crime and various gangs, loosely organized or well organized. They suck each others dicks, give each other favors. The black gangs seem to get less favors. It's mostly the hispanic and white gangs that get intel from the government if they need it. Other than that, nothing too strange happening. Just pieces of shit trying to distract me any way they can.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I learned this recently.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut

    95 eh
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I got the "white glove" treatment as a result.
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS If you look into it I think you'll find that by the time white people started inventing shit, most shit had already been invented by semitic and arabic cultures. Also: meds are not white, so you don't get Rome either. UwU

    Another hilarious fantasy, this time from a cucked out new age type neo nazi. Meds aren't white? LOL okay you lil jedislim.

    "Most shit had already been invented" LMAO

    There was definitely some very advanced technology in ancient times, but that didn't have a lot to do with humans.
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Easing racial tensions would be bad for national security. Same thing with decreasing poverty or the dependence of lower class citizens on the government. It's not just something you could do in a couple decades. The US is a warlord. War is never fair. Most people are bred literally to be like dogs, obedient, but not overly intelligent and not free to choose their own fate. No real free will at all. The derision is necessary to program and control the masses. The US is highly mongrelized, each race group that wants their sovereignty or culture preserved is actually an amalgamation of different races, purposely mongrelized and confused to maintain control of them, and pit one against the other when necessary. Order through chaos. Divide and conquer. It is by design. Everyone's entire day can and is planned ahead of time, in some cases years ahead of time, by super computers sitting in the background that calculate their every move beforehand. People that wake up to this fact are usually targeted for self destruction in some way, because they can't assimilate with the hivemind or identify correctly with one of these self entitled groups. So ordinary people must be kept distracted, the exceptional people are recruited or processed for extermination. The US government and the elite, illuminati, freemason, satanist and globalist banking cartels, do not want anyone to be any safer, healthier or better off or more independent of the government. They cannot allow any racial group to have independence from the government, because separatism would allow different groups to more easily identify illusions that are programmed into their artificial environment, and they'd be less distracted. So mongrelize everyone, get them fighting each other, distracting each other, and they'll never be able to successfully subvert the government's control of their free will.

    As long as the US government exists the way it does and has for the past couple hundred years, there will always be racial "tensions" and a lot worse going on every single day. Machiavelli and Milgram were right. And it's possible most people don't even deserve to live in a world free of mind control and racial tensions at this point. They have gotten what they've paid for, what they subconsciously wanted, they're free from the burden of being anything more than mindless automations and puppets whose entire lives are planned out for them in advance.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    A man wearing a MAGA cap attacked another man with a sword outside a San Francisco roller-skating rink Friday night, police say.

    The victim is said to have grabbed the assailant's red 'Make America Great Again' hat during the bloody confrontation before being stabbed in his hand.

    He is said to have been approached by the suspect in the MAGA hat and a row broke out.

    In shocking images posted online the red hat - a symbol of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign - can be seen laying on the sidewalk surrounded by blood.

    Terrible. Humans are retarded.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its a bad thing that im not an adim otherwise id ban you for being a faggot

    Then I'd be forced to ban you from the internet entirely.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Disgusting thought. I have eaten bullfrog though. It tastes like extra chewy chicken.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Dip your bottom in the finest of creams and oils over and over. It is delectable, according to Zok.
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    It's a good thing I'm not an admin here. I would ban everyone that makes this kind of thread for 3 months.
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls racist faggot

    I'd rather fuck a guy than a mud shark. Although mud sharks aren't a race. My hatred of mud sharks has nothing to do with thinking other races are inherently inferior. So by definition, it isn't racism to hate mud sharks for the reasons I do. It's my way of stickin it to the man, because the globalist reptilian overlords are my sworn enemy, they see white beta males as the only threat to their power structure, and therefore I must resist the cucking out of my race.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'm terribly stable. But I have this ability to take on the personality traits of anyone. So if I choose, I can be a saint one minute, and a serial killer the next.
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny europeans only dominated because they lacked the moral compass that prevented them from taking other peoples stuffs, inventions included, by brute force.

    all their so-called 'innovations' are either taken from other people, or were invented by jedis. and yes, innovation and IQ is correlated.

    asians has innovated more things than the west but because we arent assholes and so did not had them pattented. IPs stifle innovation.
    That's a hilarious fantasy you have there. Kind of like the afro-centrists that believe everything was secretly invented by africans and then stolen by the white devils. If you look into it, most of the important inventions were invented by whites.

    Feel free to attempt to prove me wrong though, you can't. Nor can the afro centrists.
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    This is a job for Batman! Or, maybe not?

    He may be the caped crusader but even Batman is not allowed to cross a police line no matter how honorable his intentions.

    The realistic-looking comic book superhero appeared to have traded in his usual Batmobile for a pickup truck, but there was no mistaking who he had come to help - the local police force in Kelowna, British Columbia.

    Batman was seen walking back across the street to his car looking rather sullen and rejected - his cape not flowing quite as majestically as usual.

    If he'd have listened to his police scanner, he would have realized that the police were responding to a domestic incident and likely didn't need his help.

    Upon approaching the armed Kelowna officers during the incident to offer them assistance, cops assured him that they 'had it under control'.

    'We were driving home from a friend's house Saturday evening when a police car pulled out in front of us and blocked the intersection,' said Melissa Parent who shot the video an uploaded it to Facebook.

    'He was followed by five more police cars, so we pulled over at a safe distance to see what was going on. Before we knew it, the cops had their guns drawn and Batman came out of nowhere, parked in front of us in his black Dodge truck covered in the Batman logo and sprung into action.'

    A police spokesman told local media, 'Situations like this are dynamic and subject to change very quickly: the presence of 'Batman' or anyone else is an unwanted distraction and foolish as they are placing themselves at risk.'

  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i see that your not among them.

    I probably wouldn't be so pissed off if I was. All of my siblings have IQs between 130 and 160. Mine could very well be 100 and I'd be fine with that. Creativity matters more than having a higher IQ. What good are smart people that aren't creative? That's why Europeans dominate when it comes to inventions, we're way more creative than any other race. Most great inventors actually have an IQ somewhat below the genius level, but higher than average.
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