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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Octavian Bill Krozby did your friend Squeal like a pig?

    no, he was much stronger than you.
  2. Originally posted by mmQ Yeah my friend Derek did the same when I showed him it. I dont know what's wrong with my brain to want to watch that . Panny and I have watched the ice pick killer video where he slowly vacuum seals the kitties to death so many times on tinychat and I just don't get it.

    i remember panny did have kitty in a bag video on his youtube but it got removed.
  3. Originally posted by aldra I was thinking Stand By Me, except the retarded kid gets cornered in the junkyard

    will give it a watch.
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I vaguely remember that movie. Just the part where sean Penn is screaming.

    not the part where his friemd were taken away ?
  5. sounds like mystic river.
  6. Originally posted by Incognito2u

    tree reminds me of this.

  7. Originally posted by aldra I know that the big names like Blackwater (Academi, or whatever they've changed their name to now) work hand-in-hand with the US government so they likely wouldn't take a job like this without the tacit, explicit approval of the state department. You're right though, there are far better options

    and firms like blackwater would know someone who could get things done without implicating them i suppose.

    nobody's contested it as far as I know, it was leaked by one of Guaido's advisors.

    yes. its logical to assume people who could leak could also leak fakes.

    who knows.
  8. Originally posted by aldra We can see by the terms of the contract, ie. that the payment for the job was to be secured with the equivalent value in Venezuelan oil, that they expected the job to be successful and for Guaido (South American Obama) to immediately take control of state apparatus.

    are those genuine ?
  9. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner thats not what i meant.

    apparently its going to remain an inside joke.

    then what ?
  10. Originally posted by aldra Trump might not have actually known about it.

    Some very rich backers may have conceived it as a way to kick off a proper war with Venezuela because Silvercorp overstated their abilities and they knew the US political establishment wouldn't hold them accountable in any way

    if you have money to throw away for this kind of shenanigans wont you have the money to hire people who actually know which top tier private security contractors that are capable of getting it done instead of an outfit like silvercorp ?

    from brief reading it seems like silvercorp is more like budget security guard tier company.
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared.

    are you tryimg to advocate white supremacy ?
  12. Originally posted by Cly I take value in the fact knowing you'll probably never be able to obtain one, where I took it off the lot for literally zero dollars down and quite an agreeable monthly payment.


    so its special because its rare.
  13. ladybird - a lady with a bird.

    which cocks are a part of.
  14. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner what really happened, as plainly visible in the heavily edited video, is a nigger ran around the passenger side of a vehicle, then crossed in front of it and attacked and attempted to steal the firearm of a law abiding white man who was standing in front of the driver-side headlight.

    stupid niggers and nigger lovers distort reality into their fantasy.

    now post the video of the nigger inside the house committing burglary. go find it yourself. i couldnt be arsed to DL it.

    good kill. they should be able to claim that carcass and have a taxidermist pretty it up to make a good wall trophy.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner irrelevant. during any interview the majority of datapoints are considered inaccurate due to assorted sensory distortions from the stressors present. them reporting two shots…three shots…ten shots are irrelevant except to provide you and your fellow nigger lovers a pointless argument.

    the video shows clearly the nigger changed direction and attacked the fine, upstanding white man, whereupon the white man did his duty and put down the feral beast.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner there is nothing to debate.

    all there is for you is a suitable and generous helping of crow.

    something you should be used to by now.

    *puts in prickle jar for preservation*
  15. Originally posted by aldra I think they're just that incompetent. Most modern militaries rely way too heavily on air/standoff superiority, this is what happens when they confuse fire superiority with general competence.

    Apparently the goal was to kidnap Maduro and bring him to the US, like a dog bringing Trump his slippers

    whats the purpose tho ? put him in court for drug charges ? if he was taken to the US and detained there wouldnt that make US look as if it had kidnapped him regardless of mercernaries being used ?
  16. Originally posted by Octavian Simon Whistler: Biographics.

  17. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty would you…………………like a balloon?

    you need a balloon.

    I'm off the grid, and it works just fine. It even runs the well pump. Sometimes a simple idiot like me can outsmart a genius like you.

    so, is your world still flat?

    nothing one whorespower can overcome something 60 whorespower thats just not how whorespower work.
  18. ive just decided to do a little night drink to get a little light headed but i poured too much too much and now im pretty drunk.
  19. Originally posted by Octavian So I would like everyone to check his historic posts and tell me what are your thoughts. I am utterly intrigued by this specimen. I have even more time given the fact, I AM IN FUCKING LOCK DOWN.

    Anyways, I would like everyone to pyscho-anal-ize and tell me what they think of this…"concept"/ imagination/ Autist.

    Without a doubt The ape woman is going to respond:

    "OMG like…what is your problem, stop stalking m-..I mean him".

    I seriously don't fucking care, I am just DYING to know who this retard is or, what he is for that matter.

    I've noticed every sentence is almost inquisitive, e.g. "How's your day/evening?". "What you up to?".

    Then we have, "txt me".

    OK this I find interesting. The fact an almost military timed response is always replied when Candy is online only prompts me to believe he is a figure of her schizoid persona, or it is sheer fucking coincidence?

    Why message reaffirming you are going to speak to them anyway online?


    Now, not naming names, 2 Admins have confirmed they DO NOT KNOW WHO THIS FUCKING PERSON IS.

    So, 2 people who run/ ran sites don't even have a clue? One active, the other not.

    Close person(s) to Candy, DO NOT KNOW, who this guy is.

    No one else either on DH, or NIS, has interactions, with this "person".

    Close friends of Candy, DO NOT KNOW, who this person is.

    Therefore. Future can only be a made up person. Seriously for somebody who doesn't have a social life and smokes weed almost every fucking waking minute of the day, this "person" has to be a figure of her imagination.

    Like…that is the creepiest, most weird fucking thing I have ever found out.

    Can we all just take a minute to think about this?

    ^ what someone with the psychological profile of a 12 year old little girl would post.

    i'd love to touch op in every inapppropiate ways possible.

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