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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by CASPER Neither of those things have ever preceded me cumming

    bodily fluids are bodily fluids.

    and solids.
  2. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi I would

    i would like to be the sperm donor.
  3. Originally posted by blaster master Yeah, I probably wouldnt go to Thailand, and if I did I probably wouldn't tell people I had gone there as it makes you sound like a sex tourist at best and a deviant at worst.

    a nonce first and foremost.
  4. Originally posted by mmQ Jury's seem like such a medieval concept. Its quaint. I mean they used to have jury's that literally discussed, earnestly, whether they thought the person on trial was a genuine WITCH or not.

    Grown adults deciding that a lady was a witch. Lol. Burn her! Imagine if you were alive then and your mom got accused of being a witch because she had an affair or whatever the fucking criteria was. And then a group of randoms confers with one another and agrees she is indeed a witch and you just have to sit there like wtf my mom isnt a WITCH what are you guys fucking talking about? But it doesn't matter what you think.

    And then you have to go watch your mom get burned alive in a big public crowd of people that are all there because they want to see it and they're happy there is one less witch on the streets.

    didnt the same thing happened in the US during the communist inquisition ?
  5. Originally posted by aldra it already was

    i kno.

    made a thread about it when hypersonic missiles came out.
  6. Originally posted by Grylls She’s a chink that lives there

    and this disproves what i said

  7. Originally posted by CASPER If you have to clean another mans jizz out of your slampig, it simply means you have no c9nfidence in the strength of ur seed to beat up inferior sperms

    do you also enjoy using public toilet seats and used asswipes ?
  8. Originally posted by Sudo thats literally Quentin Tarentino you dumbfuck and the nurses name was Bonnie. Is western culture baffling to you?

    hes not famous as an actor so its only natural i have trouble recognizing or remembering his face.

    and yes indeed. western culture baffles me.

    like a lot.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Non sequitur…

    Why Hitler then? and not one of the millions of others?

    none others had their graphhic design rejected by judens.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I bet you can.

    without crisco oil ?
  11. Originally posted by mmQ Ita not a picture though. Would be off topic.

    its movimg picture. same thing.
  12. Originally posted by Grylls Mostly that we can make each other laugh, that’s a must for me

    We can talk on the phone for hours about anything and I teach her English, she teaches me Chinese

    I’ve been in a lot of relationships and never found someone so interesting to talk to

    I do feel bad though because I’m still in another relationship

    they dont speak chinese in thailand.
  13. Originally posted by mmQ It got reuploaded.

    post it in the cat pict thread.
  14. this means that USS rosevelt will now be reclassified as USS sitting duck.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Doesn't matter what I think. It only matters what he thought at the time…if he felt his life was in danger then under the law he had the right to protect himself "reasonable cause" etc.

    The Jury agreed with him.

    Again, hindsight is all very well after the fact…but in the moment it's not available.

    what kind of people "jogs" miles from where they live ?

    is this normal american thing that you people do ?
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson In the case of Hilter "top" would be singular world leader who rose from homelessness to pretty much being a legitimate threat to world domination.

    Not really any other single individual/leader has ever come close to that, before or since.

    ETA: any.

    hitler rose to the top because germany was hungry.
  17. Originally posted by mmQ Yeah that's him. His fetish is being strung upside down by the tip of his cock.

    inversed lynching.
  18. Originally posted by Netflxchillr ^ Is that you, Vinny? cuz that "tip" looks oddly familiar. j/s

    all tips look alike.
  19. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    where does musk fit in ?
  20. no.

    this comes to minds first.

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