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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by mmQ You do it then.

    im lazy.
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL The fun ended one day, when the gentleman was startled by a deer and inadvertently ripped his entire dick off by the root.

    its rated for 3 tons.
  3. who cares ?
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Put a PP in You

    no, thats private place.
  5. damm im out of pickle jars.
  6. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner you are a nigger loving slag with zero value as a human being. your claims of ignoring someone is the equivalent of a single celled paramecium flailing around and telling a nuclear physicist that it is going to shrivel up and desiccate.

    you are a waste of resources and should murder-suicide. at least then your family will have some redemption.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner it was a nigger with multiple (documented) mental disorders.

    notice the media doesnt mention that part.

    niggers arent human…dont try to analyze their behavior. their behavioral analysis is that of wild animals. that is to know the nigger

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner yes…they have him on video breaking into a home. the fuck wont the media publish that.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner its past your bedtime, you geriatric slag.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner assuming facts not in evidence you nigger cum addled retard. you dont have a high enough IQ or an adequate mental capacity to think about why a lower life form tried to do anything. there is zero evidence you can cite that gives any indication what would have happened if the nigger kept running.

    except for when the truck stopped the first time and did the exact same thing at a previous intersection the nigger kept running…and the white gentlemen continued to follow…legally. it was the nigger that was the first one to break the law.

    you dumb nigger loving krusty krotch kook
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL The full video, before the Gestapo edited it..

    she wont show me her continue button.
  8. Originally posted by Kev It's installed, now what? It doesn't grab any video from the link I give it and its list of video formats do not include MP4 or WEBM so this is giving me the impression that this program is way outdated. I remember using it when I was a small kid.

    its the latest technology in the land of paki.
  9. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi My German name would be Heinrich

    mein'd be Peinhold Nieguhr.
  10. Originally posted by aldra what do you even know about AI

    AI means love.

    in chinese, japanese, korean and vietnamese.
  11. gay.
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL They use black Judas goats, too.

    they're gang members.
  13. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi

    My German friend mailed her to me in 2010

    is she anatomically accurate ?
  14. Originally posted by street_carp It's like poetry.

    What do you pricks do for fun nowadays?

    we talk about deeply phillosphical, things.
  15. Originally posted by Technologist It’s cute how you think I give two shits about what you have to say.

    You are a social outcast, and have joined the ranks of my do not read posters.

    Welcome aboard😁

    ill save it for when you change your mind.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner look at the nigger loving slag getting all excited over white gentlemen being arrested for no other reason than putting down a vermin. another example of the stupidity that is so prevalent in the nigger species. the nigger lover thinks its beliefs are being validated when what is actually happening is the white gentlemen are now becoming living martyrs and defacto heroes.

    if the nigger hadnt been captured on video not only committing the literal act of burglary…but also attacking a fine upstanding white member of the community…maybe the narrative would go in a different direction. the only thing happening is the sane people see how a wild animal behaves with yet another in the long list of reasons why niggers are incompatible with civilization and should be behind bars…either in a zoo or prison.

    extend my condolences to your family for having a member who is a nigger loving retard.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner false.

    you will cease and desist your gibbering and instead put your orifices to better use by accommodating my appendages.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner plainly showing the nigger attacked the white man and attempted to steal his firearm

    more proof how stupid niggers are

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner learn how to internetz you dumb nigger

    youre the only one having those problems
  16. masterpiece ?
  17. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner you should stop posting because you have no idea what youre talking about.

    unless you were alive 'back then' you have no clue. the fact is, people now are significantly stupider than they were back then. the skill sets and knowledge, relatively speaking, of people in the early 1900s surpass any of these modern retards. jesus fuck…half the drivers on the road cant even perform basic maintenance on their vehicles.

    read some books from that time frame. the syntax and sentence structure is exponentially more intelligent than the retard-tier garbage being published nowadays. modern garbage is more entertainment. back then it was knowledge.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner no one wants to see your wrinkly, deflated, and scared tits. pull your socks back up.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner its the base instinct for justice. the whiteys caught a vermin nigger committing criminal acts in their 'territory' and acted.

    more niggers need to be cleansed this way. the planet will be a better place

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner try getting jury duty some time. i get that shit every year…so i can tell you first hand it is the biggest travesty of justice ever invented.

    people are fucking stupid. and the lawyers/judges are even stupider.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner good call on shutting that insatiable cock hoover between your lips.

    the only points you have to go on are emotional outbursts based on your defective thought processes influenced by your inferiority and poor genetics.

    i have facts and evidence proving my point. you didnt even mention the niggers prior criminal record, including video of burglary committed literally just before it was put down, or other interactions with the law. you dont even look for evidence…then when you have it right in front of you the mental defects between your ears twist it into a form of fantasy so far beyond the reality of everyone else the only explanation is some sort of terminal neurodegenerative disorder. you should have had those doctors give you a brain transplant instead of a tit puffing.

    youre no better than the kikes and niggers that use emotion to manipulate the weak minded. you are the weak minded.

    enjoy the status quo. the paradigm shift is coming soon and the ungrateful handsome and well tanned individuals as well as the vermin kikes are going to get a pogrom the likes of which will make ghengis khan shit his britches in horror. you fall into the category of nigger. a special place in hell is reserved for the likes of your kind.

    Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner didnt read…yet read enough to know i posted in your general direction.

    makes sense.

    stupid kavernous kobwebbed kooter nigger

    typical s­hitskin that lacks the mental prowess to provide evidentiary based debate and has no recourse but to ookook-eeek-eeek with name calling. this is why youre with a nigger. its the only way youd be anything other than a krazy kat kook.

    now stfu and put your socks back on before you drag your tits all over the floor and they get covered in the dustbunnies that fell out of your diseased kavernous krotch krevice.

    *makes more prickles*
  18. Originally posted by CASPER if im mot doing anything wrong im going to take out my phone

    and thats when you get shot because they think your whipping out your gun.
  19. thays a catamaran, b.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson btw..anyone wearing flipflops needs a fucking beatdown.

    The flip flop noise they make just screams "I'm a lazy fucking waste of space and deserve to die, please kill me"

    flip flops are useful to tell old people their walkimg too slow.

    i'd slap the heels of my flip flops against the floor whenever i walk behind slow walking poeple, they'd look back amd id look at them with contemp on my face.

    and some jeers.
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