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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Stopffs Why are people in other countries so fucking interested in the US presidential elections, yet Americans are not so versed or give too much opinion here on other countries 🤷🏻‍♀️

    because its the most televized job on the planet.
  2. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Some senile people are very violent, alzheimer's patients especially.

    alzheimers' arent a part of senility.
  3. tearing hymens.

    at what age was your hymen torn.
  4. Originally posted by aldra I would not let you anywhere near my pets

    anecdotal evidences suggest consumption of cats and dogs meat provide immunity to corona viruses.

    look at swissland and vietnam.

    no corona viruses deaths.
  5. Originally posted by Wariat start my own dog walking under the twble business on the side next to my journalism career and grafiik design. what do you guys think? then I can make a whole website dedicated to the fine art of dog walking with gay porn.

    what happens if the dogs want to walk in front of you or around the tables ?

    what then.
  6. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Biden is such a senile and unlikable old fuck he almost makes Hilly look good.

    senile people dont hurt or bother other people.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nonce

  8. Originally posted by Octavian Shut up, nonce

    dr, dc.
  9. Originally posted by Technologist Noooo, you just don’t see how childlike your art is.

    Wake the fuck up Wariat, you suck at any kind of art. Better get walking those doggies🐕🐩🦮🐕‍🦺

    leave the child alone will you.

    berrating intellectually challenged child makes you feel smart yes.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Since Trump was elected in 2016, there have been 2,243 drone strikes.

    yes, at best, negrows are only 72% as productive as whites.
  11. Originally posted by Octavian

    Typical Humanzee behaviour.


  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I got progressively drunker as I wrote that and decided not to finish it

    r, dc.
  13. Originally posted by Octavian Shut up Nonce, no one cares if you die.

    you would.
  14. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Hirito Takahashi was late. The meeting had started exactly six minutes ago, and Hirito wasn't there for his presentation. Had he not been up late at night working on it, he might've made it on time.

    The receptionist smiled as Hirito shot through the door. It was a bright and toothy smile, which matched the bright and toothy yellow of her suit.

    "Good morning Mr. Takahashi! They just started a little bit ago, there's donuts and tea in the hall if you're-"

    "I know, I know!" Hirito spat as he walked past the desk. "I know I'm late. Just buzz me in!"


    Hirito flinched at the sound of the buzzer, tightening his grasp over his sweaty briefcase handle. For a moment, it felt as if it might drop it into a void.

    "Mr. Takahashi?" The receptionist called. "Are you okay? You're shaking."

    "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just buzz me in, the door locked again."


    "Thanks," Hirito said, stepping through office door.

    "Good luck," The receptionist said.






    "Takahashi! You're late," the Boss Man said.

    "I know, sorry. The train ran late."

    Boss Man laughed, and the rest of the room followed suit. "Late? The last time the train was late there was an earthquake. You're going to have to buy us another round for this one."

    Hirito clenched his jaw. He was always buying drinks. He didn't even drink. "Yes sir," Hirito said. "We can get that sake with the snake on it again."

    The Boss Man smiled, and Hirito knew he had said the right things. "Now," Boss Man said. "What have you got to present for us today Hirito? It can't possibly be as bad as last month."

    "Actually sir it's-"

    "I mean, water skis, Hirito? You're an accountant. You know how much it would cost."

    "Right sir," Hirito said. "But /I don't think it's-"

    "It's ridiculous," The Boss Man exclaimed. "We don't need water skis, Hirito."

    "Sir, if I may. I think I've found a way around the water ski idea.

    Boss Man Laughed. "Oh yeah? Let's hear it."

    "Sir," Hirito said. "I think I have overcome the water ski problem. I've been working for the last month to develop this software that should allow the trains to run off the friction of the water. It's still in beta testing but with more funding we can-"

    "Hirito, Hirito, Hirito," the Boss Man said. "Enough with the inventions. This isn't your department.

    Everything began to turn red and foggy. This is not how Hirito had expected it to go down. His idea was solid. Fullproof. "Sir," he said. "If I could only-"

    "Hirito!" Boss Man said. "One more time and I'll have you-"

    "NO!" Hirito shouted. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

    In a single motion, Hirito Takahashi bolted out the door and through past the parking lot. The entire room, including Boss Man, stood at the window to watch as Hirito ran further and further into the distance.

    "What the fuck," Boss Man said.






    Marunouch Central Station at lunch time is a chaotic place to be. The crowd tends to be a mix of students and businessmen, each on their very own journey to find the perfect stomach filling. To the occasional observer, they all look the same. The same hair, the same clothes, the same face; a crowd is nothing if not the blended pulp of civilization. But a trained eye can also see the soul of a crowd. The mixed emotion and feeling more like a salad than a wash to gaze over.

    Unfortunately for train 34A, the conductor did not have a trained eye.

    "Keep going," the man said. "And don't stop."

    The conductor squirmed. Everything about this situation was unpleasant, but the knife in his back had to be the worst part.

    "We're coming up on a dead track," the conductor said. "I'm going to need to turn here."

    "No, don't turn."

    "I need to turn."

    "Don't fucking turn."

    "Fine," the conductor said.

    "And don't fucking talk either," he spat. "Just keep going like we're going, and everything is going to be okay. Watch and see. It's going to work just like its supposed to."

    "You're crazy man. This isn't going to work."

    "Shut up! Just shut up! It's going to work, and I'm going to be rich."

    The train shuffled as it passed over the turn.

    "I'm going to be rich, you'll see. When this works, the whole world will be begging for the chance to suck at the teat of this invention. Imagine, a train from China to Japan!. From London to Paris! From Florida to Cuba! This will change the world! I'll be the next Ford! The next Elon Musk! Think of the possibility!"

    Lights flickered across cabin of the train as it stumbled further into the abyss.

    "Eventually we'll get from Brazil to Botswana! From Australia to Argentina! There's no limit to the power of the Hydro Train!"

    A door opened from the back of the cabin.

    "Boss Man," Hirito said. "I knew I'd find you here."

    "No!" Boss Man said. "How can this be!!!!"

    "You think you can steal my plans, huh? Take my software, and take all the credit too? Well that's not going to happen, boss. Not today, not tomorrow, and not yesterday. You're fucked, bucko."

    "Bucko?" Boss Man asked.

    "YEAH!" Hirito said. "Bucko! Problem, officer?"

    "Nah no problem," Boss Man said.

    And then they lived happily after after as they both drifted over the ocean and into the sun.

    The End.

    tl, dr.
  15. Originally posted by Octavian No one cares Nonce

    good boy.
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL According to any law.

    wheres any country ?
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL They're clearly guilty of murder and they are both going to be prosecuted and jailed.

    according to canadian law ?
  18. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner empty vaseline jars

    vaseline jars are unhygeinic.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace NONCE

    human survival instinct.
  20. Originally posted by Octavian I don't care, if that was based in the UK it would be legal and I'd cream pie that fucking highschool slut all over that couch.

    you wouldnt have waited till shes in high school.

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