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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner thats what happens when you dont know how to use credit.

    i havent paid a penny in interest payments on a credit card for as long as i can remember.

    youre part of the population that is victimized by the kike usury industry because youre financially inept.

    sucks to be you and your double-digit credit score.

    in any society free from juden influence over their banking facility theres only one score.

    the debit score.

    credit is a judenish invention.
  2. pssst .... tara,

    come here.

  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL I would love to get an hour alone with that terrorist piece of sub-human shit and a sharp knife and a pair of pliers. His screams would be so shrill it would break glass.

    o, so your a real man only when that officer been overpowered and restrained, eh.

    thats not real manly.

    a real man would say he wish he was daniel shaver at that moment in time and at that point in space and how he would confront the officers on his feets.

    do you have anything to add.
  4. if the US justice system were fully capable of jailing innocent negros in the past theres no reason for it to not fully be capable of jailing innocent blancos in the present.
  5. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner try clearing your cache

    thats what happens when you search for so much fag porn. any google search is going to reference your browser history and base future results off past preferences.

    if i clear my cache will the homo move back into my closet ?
  6. what the fuck are you doing.

    fucking my spirit animal ?
  7. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner Vasily Blokhin

    i googled who that was and this came out.

  8. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner most irrelevant saying. ever.

    it doesnt delineate which is the father, which is the son, or which is the grandchild. each one is all of them.

    it definitely doesnt apply to my family…especially amongst siblings.

    something that doesnt apply to those sayings is the modern credit rating and availability system. for example, every time the available credit on my credit cards gets to what my parents cards were the last time i saw them…the next time i see their cards their available credit has increased. never ending.

    the ability to get fucked in the ass (credit) isnt the same as wealth.

    debt and your ability to get it isnt wealth.
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Juan is a great name.

    for real spanishes,

    not cheap south american immitations.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Pronounced "X Ash A-twelve" according to Elon Musk himself. The A-12 is the precursor to a plane he thought was cool.

    I thought hydro picked a bad name but luckily for this kid it probably won't matter one iota because he is Elon Musk's son. He could be named Penisbrainnigger and he would probably still be successful.

    did you just discovered the word iota recently ?

    i notice you use it a lot.
  11. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    keyword : suggests.
  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo Weird post, anyway, that man will be your cellmate and will pulverize your ass with a pineapple 10 times a day.

    thanks to good samaritans that nigger has became good.
  13. Originally posted by Sophie Yeah. A particular flavor of JS.

    dont know much about codes.
  14. Originally posted by Octavian Yes it's actually true lol, I was so fucked up.

    Don't care. I should be feeling like misogynist Bundy but I feel pretty good.

    rape is wrong.
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL Another dumb question not worth answering.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i like it when you start tucking your head under the pillows.

  16. Originally posted by Sophie They're not written in Python.

    js ?
  17. Originally posted by gadzooks Writing code once to solve a problem == Noble.

    Maintaining a repo for the rest of your life for such a problem == Retarded.

    I'll continuously contribute to a project that cures cancer out of altruism, but not a fucking video downloader.

    irregardless none of your codes are going to cure cancer. of anykind.


    and the only way you can be an altruist, ever, is to maintain mundane, a dime a dozen, free video downloaders or ad blockers.
  18. Originally posted by stl1 A rational, thinking, caring, loving, giving, supportive, faithful and beautiful human being?

    no, being a contrarian.
  19. Originally posted by gadzooks Ex fucking actly.

    You go volunteer your time to write a bunch of video downloader code.

    Nobody wants to devote their entire life to such a shitty cause.

    o, sorry.

    i didnt your such a selfish person.

    i thought your the github bunch or cc crowd.

    my mistake.
  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL How do you know it freezes?

    when it stops exhibiting the properties of being a liquid and start displaying the natures of being a solid.
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