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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL

    was he holding a jogging knife in the 3rd pict ?
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL Well, now you liberal crazies are disarming hunters of their hunting rifles and shotguns. What do you think of that? Just bend over and grab your ankles and smile?

  3. Originally posted by aldra I feel like I'll end up on another watchlist for going through his videos, especially after I found this

    i always believe rifling can be done with etching and lots of patience.
  4. Originally posted by Octavian Don't talk to me, child molester

    say what ?
  5. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Except rape that young girl

    It is what it is

    internet rape ?
  6. Originally posted by aldra FBI can't do shit

    they're still trying to frame mike flynn.
  7. Originally posted by aldra
    2 ARRANGE/MEET W/MINOR/LEWD BEHAVIOR 288.4(b) Felony 05/27/2009
    3 ARRANGE/MEET W/MINOR/LEWD BEHAVIOR 288.4(b) Felony 05/27/2009
    4 CHILD MOLEST 647.6 Misdemeanor 05/27/2009

    "nothing wrong"

    this was only 2 counties, I didn't bother checking up on his residences to see how many others he had a record in

    i mean he never even met with the girl irl how he even mollest the girl ?

    i believe him when he said these are all trumped up charges.

    other than talking "indecently", which can be anything the parents claim it to be, he practically did nothing.

    and i also suspect all those "indecent" conversation were innitiated by the cops themselves, you know how they enjoy entraping people to make them look like high achievers.
  8. Originally posted by rabbitweed I've still seen no proof that Wariat is in fact Lata. I mean I want to believe, because he's fucking annoying.

    yea, theres no proof at all unless you get his ip from lanny and trace it back to his ipad in poland.
  9. Originally posted by Octavian Savages only know how to rape and murder. They see machetes and chicken then go nigger crazy.


    says the rapist.
  10. The girl's family filed for a restraining order against Lata on May 28 and expressed frustration about his release. In court documents, the family alleged that Lata told the girl she was "beautiful," "gorgeous," and "that he thinks about her constantly."

    how is it wrong to compliment a georgous 12 year old ?

    tell me they arent.

    what do you think star trek.
  11. The girl's family filed for a restraining order against Lata on May 28 and expressed frustration about his release. In court documents, the family alleged that Lata told the girl she was "beautiful," "gorgeous," and "that he thinks about her constantly."

    this is undue paranoid.
  12. Originally posted by gadzooks Is 12 year old pussy even that good?

    People risk jail time and a completely ruined reputation over that shit.

    That only piques my curiosity.

    its a something you just have to try it out yourself.
  13. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner 7.62x39…108gr barnes RRLP frangible…handloaded to about 2200fps at muzzle

    real men use blow pipes for small animals.

    no, real blow pipes.
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood spoiler tags, really?

    i was expecting niggers and hence the spoilers.

    just some small animals.

  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Literally nobody wants that.

    dont lie, your ilk the mexhicants want exactly this.

    when strong white men go abroad for war leavimg their old and women and children behind, dispicable spics are going to crawl uber and unter the fences into the US and rape their women and children.

    aided and abetted by resident spics such as yourself.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace They're weapons exclusively used for assault and violence. There's absolutely no need to own a rifle unless you're a hunter.

    I firmly believe we should repeal the second ammendment. The whole point was to be able to form a militia but we don't have ICBMs or tanks so it's pointless to own guns now. Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to murder each other with high powered assault weapons.


    unoriginal troll.
  17. *sips penis*
  18. Originally posted by Cathay Coof I don't want to debate Plato with a hooker.

    some do.
  19. i wish these settings are available on a phone.
  20. Originally posted by Cathay Coof What's the point though? They're just more expensive and more fussy.

    they're higher educated and more classy.
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