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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. they're all carrying a concealed hammer.

  2. Jogs together.
  3. that your a nigger.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    reminds me of omm nom nom.
  5. Originally posted by BummyMofo You're mexican so I will let that slide once please do not be ignorant.

    Where I'm from crackheads will accost you frequently.

    joggers of a color,

    jogs together.
  6. Originally posted by BummyMofo Nigger is the word which reflects your own ignorance. You missed that point entirely. Honestly, you do look pathetic and I've argued with crackheads with more sense than you.

    niggers and noggers of a color,

    sounds coherrent together.
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Source?

    you're mom.

  9. its a thing now.

    democrates have lots of splainin' to do now.
  10. posting in low iq nigger thread.
  11. Originally posted by Technologist Have to, I would vote for jesus barabas if it was running against jesus trump.

    i c.
  12. Originally posted by AngryIVer and minimal rent because he's part owner of the building he's in.

    why would part owner need to pay rent ?
  13. our job is not to make white men happy.
  14. Originally posted by BummyMofo But he's white. Being asian doesn't matter, if you stan the KKK nazi aryan agenda as much as this guy then you are certainly white or might as well be.

    says the nigger who practises white supremacy by cow-towing to his white master by using their white language according to their spec.
  15. Originally posted by aldra what is the small animal in that example

    warriat ?
  16. Originally posted by BummyMofo *you're
    It makes me a more educated and less ignorant motherfucker than you, son. Look at what you just said and think about it…you try to insult me based on my supposed ignorance and your perceptions on race, but then say something makes people assume you are an idiot.

    If a mulatto named Tarzan who spent his whole life in a fuckin jungle comes to our society today, learns our language, and reads what you said versus what other normal people are saying…….who is going to look like a dumbass crazy KKK cockmonger? I'd say you.

    i assure you that if a mullatto named tarzan came into our society, learn *your* white masters language, the first thing hes going to do is to call you a nigger.


    and the next word hes going to utter is white power !!!!!
  17. wet one of the fĂ­lter with ether.

  18. Originally posted by G Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, most stink.

    only faggots and pedrasts manage to find assholes that dont stink.
  19. Originally posted by BummyMofo I didn't need to be creative,

    you cant.

    doesnt have the ability to due to your smaller prefrontal cortex.
  20. Originally posted by BummyMofo Untrue, I serve no master except God. And God is gangsta, nigga. Suck on that.

    Also, irrelevant. I called you an idiot and proved it, you bring up something that makes absolutely no rebuttal.

    Dumb-dee-dumdum, that's you!

    it would if your just smarter than average negrow.

    the point being you, being a nigger, uses no other language whatsoever other than english, and at worse, a corrupted version of your white masters language.

    using proper english doesnt make you a gentleman, it just make you a good uncle tom.

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