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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by BummyMofo Big surprise, you love a communist authoritarian weed-hating pro-censorship pandemic-spreading winnie the pooh ass motherfucker. Move to China then faggot

    im in china.

  2. Originally posted by BummyMofo Don't make me post that gay selfie of yours, with a face lookin like a butt

    Originally posted by Octavian Nigger
  3. Originally posted by CASPER most intermediate ball ammo will blow a hole clean through a man

    no, thats just because they cum together,
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No such thing as a "murder hornet". You can't be killed by something that doesn't exist.

    but calling it asian hornets wpuld be vilifyimg asians.
  5. Originally posted by Technologist No, not at all.

    Why would you think that?

    because negromenchen have average iq of 70 and below.
  6. Originally posted by Technologist Yup I’m you’re sure right, it doesn’t really freak me out, it was just weird getting that ID and in bold letters at the top it said, “This implant has a tracking devise.”

    I’m not one of those people that thinks people are spying on me like so many I’ve read on here. It was just different🤷‍♀️

    de•vise dĭ-vīz′►

    transitive verb
    To form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive.
    transitive verb
    To transmit or give (real property) by will.
    transitive verb
    To suppose; imagine.
  7. Originally posted by BummyMofo That Xi Jinping is bad news. We all know it. China is posing a true threat to the entire world's environment, economy, and health.

    What can be done?

    lol at nigger attempting to talk about geopolitics.

    how is xi bad news. elaborate.
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny your still a nigger irregardless.
  9. niggrt
  10. and by he i mean tyler durden.
  11. Originally posted by Sudo Its an opinion piece by a RIDICULOUSLY stupid and bias long discredited joke of a pundit who literally made up words and dialogue he infers the oboogie man and Jim Comey said the day he stopped being president.

    I know you are not american but you are displaying the unique ability to be as stupid as a west virginian cousinfucker and fall for patheticly transparant punditry. Keep it up and you'll be retaining information at a third grade level soon

    look at the reports he cited, not just his opinions.

  12. Originally posted by aldra yeah I was curious and looked it up.

    it's good idea from a version control standpoint, but anything that indiscriminately gives out a unique ID opens you up to being personally tracked through any number of RFID readers you pass by in the course of the day.

    THat said why bother using unique tittycodes when you can just track someone using their phone or any other networked electronic device so eh, I guess what I'm saying is Uncle Ted was right all along.

    i've always wanted a hand grenade pin for keychain.
  13. Originally posted by Technologist Yeah it gives all the ID info, then says “This implant is a tracked devise”.

    Weird huh?

    was it made in china ?

    why wpuld they intentionally misspell device.
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood A d you're a nigger

    sauce ?
  15. Originally posted by Sudo source: bowtie

    fuckijg kill yourself. No source is better than fucking tucker Carlson what the actual fuck you are retarded vinny. I try to like you but the pedophilia and unbelievable stupidity makes it very difficult

    this is just as retarded as attacking people who link from wikipedia for linking from wikipedia without looking at the sources cited.

    it makes you look weak and shallow.
  16. Originally posted by ORACLE Legitimate powers of office even if he did.

    And Trump pulled off the birther shit with 100% misinformation, including fabricated evidence and illegitimate investigation into Obama, including with bribery.

    trump wasnt a public official then. grobama was. cops dont get to play by the rules of criminals.

    Obama calling Trump his "chief political rival" alone discounts this charade.

    what difference does this makes.
  17. Originally posted by Fonaplats No but i put it on afterwards.

    He started coughing and took his mask off mid coughing to cough on me.
    Someone got upset and my boss called his boss to tell him to suck a cock.

    so did he suck a cock in the end ?

    repent, infidels.
  19. lol, still no masks.
  20. Originally posted by BummyMofo Ask around. Rapist.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny sauce ?

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