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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Back in the middle ages a 12yr old would already have 5 kids and the plague.

    humams were more progressive then than they're now.
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What about twelve year olds

    in due time.
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Why don't you tell us OP

  4. Originally posted by BummyMofo The only whipping done is when your tranny granny pimpmother whips your ass into shape after you get home at 4 am from raping all night.

  5. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You are considered a child until you turn 18

    id like to see you try getting an appointment with pediatricians @ 17.
  6. Originally posted by BummyMofo
    You are the posterboy of inbred.

    you wish you have my color.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Fine thanks..I just had some days of vacation I had to burn and I tend to avoid the internet when I'm on my own time.

    forced vacation is not vacatiom.
  8. Originally posted by BummyMofo Fuck that, he cited Oxford dictionary which I disagree with. It is only one of several authorities on the language, and not all of them acknowledge irregardless. The good ones don't.

    Stop trying to justify your stupid behavior.

    stop beimg uppity amd listen to your master or else whips are goimg to get involved.

    *cracks whip*
  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Attraction to young features is pedophilia. That's why feminists hate modern men because they are all secret pedophiles.

    One of the most popular search terms on pornhub is for teen porn.

    you got your chicken and eggs wrong.

    feminists hate young girls because they render them old and unwanted.

    men has always beem attracted to young girls since prehistoric times. it was the pursuit of young girls that led the first man into a cave and became the cavemen we're familiar with today.
  10. Originally posted by Octavian Same animal, confirmed.

    That is all.
  11. Originally posted by CASPER Ill give u a taste of my magnum soft point, ladyboi

    ill shoot my .22 into it and turn it hollow point.
  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo How am I supposed to believe China would allow you on a site called NiggasInSpace? They don't even allow google or twitter lol ya lying faggot

    because unlike you, a negromench, chinks are smart and have high iq and know how to circumvent walls, fired or unfired.

    and no, your nigger brain have been brainwashed by msm. most people in china have access to facebook and twitters and googles.
  13. Originally posted by BummyMofo It's one of those "words" that was misused commonly enough to be added to the dictionary, but it is informal. Like using "literally" when you mean figuratively.

    look nigger.

    that man is an englishman, and your using *HIS* language.

    when an englishman tells you what is and is not english, you better listen because its his mative language. hes the authority on the subject.

    quit beimg upity.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It is a word, it's in the Oxford English dictionary.

    Learn to pronounce
    adjective · adverb non-standard
    adjective: irregardless; adverb: irregardless


    i kno.
  15. Originally posted by Technologist He was around before memes were a thing, and I know that’s not your point. But words carry weight. You start calling someone uncle you’re endeared to that person. You wouldn’t catch me calling any killer uncle anything.

    actuallly no.

    you can bestow the title uncle to anyone who are in uncles age.
  16. Originally posted by Technologist My point is admiring a killer is kinda fucked up. A cowardly killer at that.

    Wahhhh the world is changing
    Wahhhhh I don’t fit anywhere

    You deal with life, make the best of it, try to change what you can “for the better”; but you don’t go killing people because of it.

    My gawd this world is not fair and it never will be, people need to quit whining about it, or do something productive to make a change.

    somebody ask her whos her idol and i gurantee theres lots of bloods on that persons hands.
  17. Originally posted by Octavian Lol at a dumb, homeless nigger thinking I'm an uneducated Nonce.

  18. Originally posted by BummyMofo You could have posted this under your Octavian account, it's the same shit. You can't even tell the difference between your and you're, and use the word "irregardless" so you have no credibility talking about IQ…

    1 - no point wasting an apostrophe and an e when people still get what is being conveyed.

    2 - show me where it says irregardless isnt a word.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace My wishes

    i c.
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