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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. I don't want anyone to die I try to encourage people stay alive and not suicide. Most people here for by accidental drug o erdose from loneliness depression so I try to talk to people even if they are bitter and full of hate, I mean who isn't these days.

    It's sad that all the cool people seem to die before the shitty ones so the world just get diluted with faggotry

    Originally posted by WellHung . We treat each other's lives as though we live as an insect for 3 weeks. We are meaningless…a mere spec in the microcosm.

    Yeah πŸ‘ 100 years is nothing in the grand scheme of the universe and you get 1 chance to not be an upset faggot and learn,/,teach as much as possible


    that's a evil mentality . I teach because knowledge should be free
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. WellHung Black Hole
    PoleCat always knows which ice can handle his sled, and which ice will give way to his certain death.
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  3. WellHung Black Hole
    And eating top-quality beef. Scron take your ground chuck and shove it, Son. Ribeyes and filets, hip hip hooray.
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  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I only get the girls in my dreams, but thats ok with me cuz I spent decades trying to find THE ONE, she don't exist.
    but I have a wondeful life makin me happy every day
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  5. Originally posted by WellHung *Suitebabe Alert* πŸ’–

    Hot like cayenne

    Originally posted by WellHung Frala post a picture of you and Lanny together.

    We just got engagement pictures done 😭 and Bailey was in them too but no
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  6. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    guess what, its almost mushroom season
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  7. Kafka sweaty
    $ad boi clique
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  8. Even the worst poster can change the course of history.
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  9. Originally posted by Bradley Kafka

    Neither of you even deserve to be honorable mentioned for such high prestige as garbage water of the week.

    Time and time again I have seen the both of you post thought out actual substantive responses that while may not have always been on topic did serve to contribute to the discussion even if from a very outside perspective that wasn't well received

    You better "eat your oats" if you want to compete with the BIG BOYS of garbage posting like vindicktive vinny who was this weeks runner-up
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Kafka sweaty
    OP if you can't imagine why so many ugly people have children that suggests you're missing some kind of awareness. Why do you think you're the only person who has a problem with it?
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  11. Sweet African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Are we gonna do a dam podcast or what? All we gotta do is have some people download clubhouse it's fuckin simple. I'll host it if everyone else is a FUCKING FRAIDY CAT although I have a horrible memory so I wouldn't rely on me at all. Who tf is actually down? The first one can just be me and mmq describing shadow puppets that we make in our respective bedrooms but after that I know it'll grow. It just takes 2 people to not be faggots to kick it off

    No one wants to talk to you, loser.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, like many a fellow Canuck, with the natural world, Scron feels a strong alliance.
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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I love regulation. Tell me what to do daddy

    That’s p beta my dude
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  14. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I think a big reason why fentanyl is so popular to manufacture versus other more potent opiates is because the precursors are very easily made from common industrial chemicals

    The precursor used is N-Phenethyl-Piperidone (NPP) which can be easily synthesized from Piperidone and Phenethyl-tosylate or Phenethyl-bromide through a simple SN2 mechanism.The NPP is reacting with Aniline giving the Imine derivative which is reduced to the 4-Anilino-N-Phenethyl-Piperidine (4-ANPP). The 4-ANPP is then reacted with Propionyl Chloride giving Fentanyl which is then purified.

    I don't know if the "4-Piperidinone " route is still the most widely used but I suspect whatever the popular production methods are probably line up a lot with chemical diversion ease. I have never seen a UN study tracking this or anything, maybe nobody has considered chem tracing fentanyl labs

    That's one way they keep up with the underground is by scanning samples for impurities so if someone has traces of a broth 0.01% reduced peptones in there THEY PROBABLY BREWING SOMETHING
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Do you think the "free market" would "fix" fentanyl or should that be legalized and controlled to only be used in a medical setting or "thug lyfe yolo 1234 everybody hit the floor?" I know which one sounds more fun

    if all opes were legal nobody would use fent, the only reason it's so popular is because the much lower mass:dose makes ILLEGAL LOGISTICS way more profitable and forgiving
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  16. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by β €β €β €β €β €β € Adults found in personal possession of any combination of these illegal drugs that adds up to a combined total of 2.5 grams or less are not subject to criminal charges and the drugs are not seized. Instead, they are offered information about health and social supports. This includes support with making a referral to local treatment and recovery services, if requested.

    That's not legal that's just less regulation.

    I believe any regulation is wrong
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  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker The Jews use Hollywood to harvest adrenochrome.

    Ya they draw it out with their noses like mosquitoes
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I told my dealer I want to be 2007 wallstreet trader high. He slinked into a back room, I heard a tortured scream, and he emerged with a vial of adrenochrome
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  19. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    my greatest post

    Originally posted by Galaxy Kitten There should be a gif of sploo smashing the blongus cup on roshambos head and the caption:

    "Mug Life"

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  20. Here's why the arrow in the eye has become controversial in recent years...

    We were taught in School King Harold died after being shot in the eye by an arrow, primarily because of the depiction on the bayeux tapestry which chronicles the battle of Hastings.

    ...however as you can see below it's not actually clear which one is supposed to be King Harold, the guy with the arrow in his eye or the one being chopped down by the guy on the horse...I GUESS WE'LL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH!

    The text says "Harold the King is killed"

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