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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Poast Houston
    Every few weeks I’ll pop in and browse a couple different users post history, or search my name to see if anyone is looking for me. Seeing this thread today was a coincidence based on routine. I keep up with a couple different pockets of people around the web. This pocket mostly out of morbid curiosity regarding how it even continues to this day. The history and origins of this community are fascinating when taken in full scope. Changed a lot of lives, killed people, likely made some rich. I don’t think the user base of &T gets enough credit for really starting and cementing troll culture and the underground of the internet in general. for that reason I’ll likely never leave for good.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Dude that game was actually amazing. It was so ahead of its time, I think animal crossing and Pokémon ripped it off a bit. Shit was out in like 1994

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal i have no idea wtf this is. How do you make them learn words and turn on all the machines?

    LOL I remember that game, I also remember rage uninstalling it because I absolutely couldn't work out what Iwas supposed to be doing
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  4. Just got back from the comedy show. At the end at the meet n greet, i was like "great set dude. Im using your show as a litmus test for my relationship. That part about hilarious miscarriage really had her shook but if we make it back to the car without her bursting into tears i think we could have a future together."

    N he was like "oh fuck im sorry". N i said "yeah me too. I had to listen to her squeeze that thing out in the bathroom for like 3 hours". N he j7st chuckled nervously i was like gay n i got a terrible picture and left.
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  5. Poast Houston
    I deleted all my socials and pulled my content years ago. Went on a pretty good run making compilations afterward, of all my old party footage and online content smashed together in music video format. Shit is really dumb and out of context but hilarious to me. Only shared those with my close friends. My Mom Is Dead and I spent a summer making knives and cooler stuff together and I made some vids of that which came out funny/informative.

    As for how I’ve been, last July I fucked up my back after I spit in my hand and bitch slapped a guy way more card than me. My drinking had been getting particularly out of hand, was blacking out way easier and faster, doing more and more dangerous illegal shit spontaneously. Shocked I’ve never been arrested for public intoxication or worse after all the shady shit I’ve done at night black out drunk.

    So I decided to give up partying, 255 days no booze, no cigs. Got a new girl and moved away from the Eureka party scene. Got a new job closer to home. Built a garden. Learning leather craft. Trying to get fit and put away some cash. Trying to minimize my suffering during the hard times ahead. All in all I’d say that I made a pretty good escape given all the terrible stuff I did. Living with chronic pain as a result but it can be managed with diet and exercise.

    Glad you guys still think about our videos. We had a ton of fun making them and they were like a time capsule of OMGPLZDNTBAN and I’s friendship near the end of his time in Eureka. If it wasn’t for you guys, I seriously doubt we would have made so much content, and I’m happy to keep it all to remember him by. OMG just kind of shit the bed by dying. Took the wind out of my sails. Sorry about the old footage, but the world is to sensitive these days for how retarded we were back then. And the prospect of explaining to a boss or judge why we did the things we did is just too surreal and nightmarish. Maybe someday I’ll reupload the stash if I’m extremely comfortable but it’s under lock and key for now.
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  6. Originally posted by aldra what the fuck lance reddick died?

    yeah 1 day from retirement too
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  7. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm trying, I'm basically going as long as I can without eating during the day and not taking painkillers. It's difficult but Inshallah it will make me a better and stronger person. You only fail if you don't try again the next day. I have alot of work to do to become the person I want to be but this is a great opportunity to do so

    If you have to take medicine for whatever reason, you're not required to partake. Remember, the more difficult something gets, the more you will be rewarded for it, God-willing. You got this! And you're right, I cleansed myself but unfortunately I "relapsed" again so I slept the entire day and night, only to wake up for dinner and then after I woke up early in the morning around 4 a.m., I cleansed myself again and I'm starting again. It's kind of realistic of me to expect I would be able to make it 30 days without my habits when I was doing it multiple times everyday for the last year. At least I did well the first three days! So that's something, it's been ages since I did that. So there's that. Hopefully the next 27 days are achievable. I'll send you a PM tomorrow, just to catch up. For now, I'm going to watch anime (Jujutsu Kaisen) and then I'll be going to sleep later today (it's 6:45 a.m. right now). Have a good night brother.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Sudo Dude that game was actually amazing. It was so ahead of its time, I think animal crossing and Pokémon ripped it off a bit. Shit was out in like 1994

    Hello brother, are you participating this Ramadan? I made it my mission to not fap/watch porn for 30 days but I failed. ):
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  9. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. OmgPlzDntBan died and i think he took them down because it made him sad. He might reupload at some point who knows. Im fairly certain he still lurks, but its prolly the same way i stayed away for a long time after Fubi n Malice died. Theres just less and less reason to be here.
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  11. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Pretty sure he pulled them all down at some point during/after the 2016 election because they were all degenerate or something. I wonder what he's up to these days. I've got equal odds on "sewercided himself" and "happily married with a wife and 3 kids, with a moderately successful RW twitter account that everyone accuses of being a fed".
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. take yer fish oil daily!!!! fucjk socity!!! practice harm reduction and remember drugs are probably not good for you but macro micro nutrients and fish oil is !!

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    fucking bots bumping haunted threads
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    long video, feel free to skip through it or watch one of the cut down commentary ones

    paedobaiter agrees to meet a nonce to smoke meth and bang, turns up at the supermarket and Vinny insists he's only there to buy pooping pills, then spazzes out, crashes his car multiple times and gets crash tackled

    "I don't know you or any 13 year olds"

    "then why do I have this picture of your asshole"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. White people should be allowed to shoplift and not get in trouble for it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. WellHung Black Hole
    Too often guys just want to swim in her ocean, and too often she simply demands from them too much class.
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  18. Originally posted by WellHung What about your travails with The Fun Bunch, Speckles?

    They're no match for the likes of me. They're feeble, at best.
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  19. 1. Hacked admin's spare administrator Enigma account.

    2. Hard deleted three corrupt mod accounts and one kidiot forum.

    3. Made myself a mod.

    4. Hacked four lazy mod accounts.

    5. Killed the Reputation System.

    6. Got all unjustly permabanned members unbanned.

    7. Got Lanny permanbanned.

    8. Forced Zok to shut down his cesspool of corruption.

    9. Killed all imitators except this one.

    10. (To Be Announced)
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  20. Was one of the first 3 trianglists 3 POINTS OF A TRIANGLE

    Made a popular thread with lots of views (resulting in a total of 0 long term posters)

    Got banned for 1+ years for a years long spam campaign and shitfucked the site so hard it had to have a 10 post limit on new accounts and captcha AND YouTube tags were added because before when it auto embedded I learned you can just post 200 videos and crash any browser / nuke threads by doing so

    Good times
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