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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    uncringable matter
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Kafka inspecting the local flock selecting the most plump bird as her lunch today

    "It was the bloody cat fuys"

    probably killed and ate the cat too
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  4. Kafka sweaty
    - I've been homeless for months.
    - I'm stressed about upcoming exams. I've been doing extra certifications on top of my normal studies.
    - I'm seeing a counsellor and have ulterior motives.
    - I've been making preparations to move to a different country and don't know if I want to do that or OD.
    - I'm still waiting on my DNA test results, my sample hasn't reached the lab yet.
    - I think I'm feeling real grief because of the pigeon.
    - There's three guys harassing me because they like me.
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  5. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo I was about the same in 2019 but now I'm at about half a mil net worth and have been looking after chillins as well. If I didn't I'd probably be worth 7 figs. Getting an income property in a couple weeks too. Fucking bills and stress tho bills and stress. I'm building all this just to die on the day my mortgage is paid off

    I'm surprised you can function, you seem excessively neurotic. My dad was a millionaire but left a lot to his first wife. She didn't want any children. He left my mum a house as well. Then he owned a company but was betrayed by a friend. What's tragic is that all his work was for me and that's a wasted effort.
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  7. Kafka sweaty
    There's this lone pigeon out there looking for it. It saw me take it into the garage. It will never find it again.

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  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny those knives and guns look nice but why would you want a grave marker that rusts ?

    Grave marker is going to be brass, just need hardened steel for tooling. Working my way up to a full melt, which has me a little sketched out. But I have all the materials to get it done as soon as I find time and a place to do it.
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  9. jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. CandyRein Black Hole

    Watching my favorite fighter..missed this match ❤️

    The last style bender Adesanya ❤️
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  11. Recently I was shocked to find out the GG is actually 41. I was sure that she was 35, due to how slavs write their 1s. The whole thing has me thinking about what it's like to turn 40. I'm 39 this year. For me turning 30 was a big deal, and caused me to have a major crisis and lose a bunch of weight and turn narcissistic, using anti aging cream and stuff. Back then I felt so much younger, and didn't want to age. Now, I kinda don't care and I kinda want to die. What is it like from here?
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  12. Originally posted by aldra LOL, can those fire actual 30mm grenades

    They fire 38mm rounds. Military uses 40mm, so it's 2mm between fun and felony. So long as I don't rifle the barrels and avoid loading anything designed to be shot at a person, we're gold.
    If I wanted to kiss the ATF's ass, I could register them as destructive devices, and mill/rifle out those extra 2mm and load some buckshot or shards of glass if I so wanted to. God knows where I'd find a 40mm grenade, but it'd be legal to shoot some out of it if I registered it with the ATF. But me and Poast are happy launching fireworks for now.
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  13. Poast Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what kind of pussy knives do you make?

    Do you make shit? Let’s see what you got bro.

    Thanks to everyone else for the kind words. Happy to see old faces although it’s hard to keep track of who’s who. Is Tinychat still a thing?
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  14. Originally posted by Meikai I could barely remember why he took them down, so I was really just filling in the blanks in my memory with how I'd act. A sensitive soul such as myself might take videos of a dearly departed friend off the internet because of this, y'know? "In Memoriam: OMGPLZDNTBAN" with a picture of him and a bottle of OE dangling from his asshole doesn't meet my Sensitive Soul™ "somber & respectful" requirements for remembering the dead. He'd probably call me a fag for saying that tho.

    Surprisingly, OMG wasn't really the type to call anyone a fag. His sense of humor was self deprecating, and he rarely said anything bad or mean about anyone else. He'd probably call you a fag in a loving way.
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  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what kind of pussy knives do you make ?

    do you forge them like real men or do you just ground them down to shape like women and trans.

    We made both types. Mostly grinding tranny knives, though. Shit's easier, but we only got into it because I was curious about heat treating steel for bigger and better projects--the fact we made some knives along the way is just a bonus. We made a few really cool knives, I'll let poast figure out uploading pics. He owes me that much, after his dad used carny tricks to walk off with the nicest knife I made.
    His dad deserves it for the hustle, but damn if I wasn't salty in how he worked the conversation and basically told me I gave it to him while thanking me.

    But the knives were a stepping stone towards building 38mm flare launchers, and those are a stepping stone in metalworking that's all going towards making my wife's grave marker. If I was smart, I'd have just sent the 3d designs to a machinist shop, but I'm dumb and after a half assed Google search, realized conventional grave marker suppliers don't offer much creativity and I'm like $10k in the hole learning skills some people spend their entire life honing just to leave a sign that my wife existed and was great. And odds are some tweaker's gonna steal it and melt it down for scrap. Such is life, amirite?

    Originally posted by Meikai I'm HTS

    LMAO, can't believe you never switched names and built a new reputation. It's been over a decade, and you're still the guy that got a hilighter stuck in his ass. You're the living embodiment of OMG telling me "can't live it down gotta live it up."
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  16. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    just got home froma a 130 mile sled ride today,, we went to the Mass border and back, spring conditions,, soft and bumpy all day, had a BLT fur lunch, top speed today was 94 mph,, going back tomorrow for the last ride down south for this season
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  17. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead There is no bad light you could possibly put OMG under. One time, he got white girl wasted and buttchugged a 40, which some of you may remember him bragging about–what I don't think anyone knows, is the very next day at work, OMG walked up to our manager and told him all about it.
    I watched it happen, and was like "why the fuck would you tell our boss you buttchugged a 40???"

    I could barely remember why he took them down, so I was really just filling in the blanks in my memory with how I'd act. A sensitive soul such as myself might take videos of a dearly departed friend off the internet because of this, y'know? "In Memoriam: OMGPLZDNTBAN" with a picture of him and a bottle of OE dangling from his asshole doesn't meet my Sensitive Soul™ "somber & respectful" requirements for remembering the dead. He'd probably call me a fag for saying that tho.
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  18. Originally posted by Meikai Or wait I think his friend passed and they didn't show his friend in the best light? That might have played a part in it.
    There is no bad light you could possibly put OMG under. One time, he got white girl wasted and buttchugged a 40, which some of you may remember him bragging about--what I don't think anyone knows, is the very next day at work, OMG walked up to our manager and told him all about it.
    I watched it happen, and was like "why the fuck would you tell our boss you buttchugged a 40???"

    OMG just says something like "you're not gonna be able to live everything down. Some shit you're just gonna have to live up. People are going to hear about it, and I'm just cutting them off and making it sound cool."
    The guy was an absolute monster.

    He drunkenly told me a few times about how he wildly looked up to me and Poast being lawless little shits back in high-school, how he never understood how people can exist giving no shits and sowing chaos. I don't think he ever realized how hard he surpassed the edgy little teens me and Poast were back in the day. I had my gripes with the guy, but he really was too chaotic to hold a grudge against. Guy would just think "what's the funniest outcome of this bad situation" then turn off his brain and make shit happen.
    Hate that he was an asshole to my wife, but otherwise he was a very endearing kid that deserved a lot better than what he got. OMG wouldn't give a solitary fuck about what people show or say about him, he'd be happy just knowing people are having a laugh even if it's at his expense.

    I'm sure Poast already explained why he removed the videos, doubt it was over OMG being in them.
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  19. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Poast Every few weeks I’ll pop in and browse a couple different users post history, or search my name to see if anyone is looking for me. Seeing this thread today was a coincidence based on routine. I keep up with a couple different pockets of people around the web. This pocket mostly out of morbid curiosity regarding how it even continues to this day. The history and origins of this community are fascinating when taken in full scope. Changed a lot of lives, killed people, likely made some rich. I don’t think the user base of &T gets enough credit for really starting and cementing troll culture and the underground of the internet in general. for that reason I’ll likely never leave for good.

    Glad you're still alive man (I'm HTS in case HECK THIS SCHLONG wasn't enough to clue you in). Sounds like you're leading a pretty productive life! Glad you're off the sauce. I've only blacked out completely and done fucky shit once, but waking up to a bedroom that looked like a tornado passed through it was enough of a wakeup call for me (alcohol + bundy, many years ago - I still drink occasionally but yeah, no more o' that).

    Stay clean, dooder.
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  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    finally admitted the war exists in ukraine and talks about rimming here:
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