I remember when my Dad first stop dropping me off at school every morning and showed me how to take the bus...
For some reason I was super excited to be traveling on my own .. I was always known as the girl who had the “ over protective father” so I felt a sense of independence..but I also remember being kinda scared on there...lol
But I had 2 buses to take and he showed me exactly where to get on and get off and all that ...
I have a vivid memory of getting off the bus for the first time and there was my dad ..
He had been following the buses the whole time and watching to make sure I got on & off on the right stops etc...
That also reminds me of the time I got on the wrong bus and ended up at the lake front and was terrified because I was nowhere near my home 😭
Idk why those memory just popped in my head
Man I used to look fly af in my school uniform.. because I used to coordinate pink in it and still be on dress code 🤗 :)
I remember when my big sister and I had bunk beds..and she would tell me we’re gonna stay up all night eating junk food ...but she used to fall asleep real fast ...
I’d be at the top bunk like oh man this is gonna be a great all nighter right Brandi?! Right b ?!
B? *looks down from top bunk*
She’s asleep.....
*looks at honey buns and now & later candies and salt & sour chips*