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Thanked Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    yeah man he's pretty unstable i'd stay far away
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    fucking Americans YOU are the reason big pharma exists. Hurrrr I need this medication to stay alive but it's too expensive!

    Yeah no shit, you are being hosed for being too lazy to make it yourselves. You think this shit is hard to make? The only hard part is distributing it to so many people.

    Consumer culture has led to Americans not wanting to fix their own car, build their own computer or make their own medicine. You want everything done for you, so why should healthcare be any different?

    If i needed a medicine to stay alive I would think it would be wise to figure out the best way to get it, for the cheapest price, for the rest of my life instead of just expecting someone else to do it all for you.

    The way DRUG STORES used to work in America was the manufacturing was done by chemists in pharmacies for their patients on orders from doctors. If the doctor wrote you a prescription he would also telephone the pharmacy to cook up a batch for you. The vast majority of drugs can be produced without industrial equipment but Americans don't want that. They want big box stores and brand pharmacies like CVS and walgreens that also sell D X M because it's just easier to give lil timmy a bottle of packaged drugs than to wait for the pharmacist to fill a bottle for you or whatever.

    It's because of consumer culture, pill culture. Just take this pill it's a quick fix! because that's how they get the most money. Suddenly this is a problem and everyone bitches even though it's hundreds of years in the making with no action from anyone trying to stop it. You let it happen

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    pour one out for him
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Last seen

    oh here let me fix that for you

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    i got a weed called tundra

    and i'm watching amelia watson

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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I think it would be great if you got out of the house and met some people IRL. Keep reaching for the stars hikki!

    the only people he wants to meet are grade school little boys and girls

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I doubt that's a very viable business.
    15+ is really old and there are thousands of sites available today where they can pimp themselves out.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Pretty sure it's not illegal to have an attraction for young children.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal 12 years old isn't even that young.
    They're plenty ready for sex.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Something I want to do but won't because I am extremely hygienic is shit and piss myself at the same time.
    I want to stand there and let it all go, not worry about anything just free my bowels and soil myself.
    Of course I would do this in some pants and underwear I plan on throwing away.

    Anybody here into shitting themselves?

    Maybe I should try diapers but I think it wouldn't feel the same as shitting in normal clothing.

    Another thing.
    I want to shit and urinate on someone.
    BUT the feeling is not mutual, I don't want to be shat and pissed on.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi >tfw no 7yo shota boy toy to fondle while playing ps2
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  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    Take the salt .. and walk away ….

    Hey don't bring HOT arms to the class if you aren't gonna share
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  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You only like fona because you're both dumb white trash

    woh says i like him. I said we CARE about him and respect him
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    you go up nigga

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jesus is king No one cares

    Kill yourself

    Nobody cares what you have to say. The NIS discord we all care.anout fonaplats he is very respected.

    Take a seat kid yid you don't belong here
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jesus is king OP is a hooked nose homosexual with a grotesquely chubby boyfriend

    i could beat you in netherite armor with just my fists bitch
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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung slid downhill. after we hooked up, it got sketchy. I dont kiss & tell, so that is all i will say.

    okay fatt chew nobody believes you, even if it was true nobody would believe you because you're a fat retard
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    grills is a world renowned expert on not talking to females
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    me too. My parents are trying to buy my love making up for all those years of selling christmas presents I got from other family members for crack.

    Except I already love them and idk what to do with the money besides save, invest or slowly blow it all on drugs.
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  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You're a lamer but I have to agree with this post

    Vaginas are disgusting.

    I wish women had penises.

    baited lul
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    our church is a self help group
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    i'd be down to smoke some heroin on foil. If we hang out it's non optional. I will even hold it and light it for you all you gotta do is inhale the fumes esse
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra maybe the tooth fairy was sending a message

    she molested me, now I have a biting fetish
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  20. Ghost Black Hole
    if he sold his fat to a rendering plant he would have more wealth than jeff benzos
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