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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I got half a rotisserie chicken.. mash it up with coleslaw and make a chicken salad sanmich out of that
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † The cancer is probably not his fault. I hope everything goes well for him. Sounds like a good dude.

    Cancer really isn't ever your fault unless it's lung cancer and you smoked like a chiminy. or not.. they say it's genetics and will happen regardless of what you do.. you don't cause it, but you can speed up the process of it with substance abuse?

    thanks. I hope so too. I'd rather him be alive and talk shit about him (mostly playfully or half hearted anger) than have him pass away. he's too premature to die in his 50s.

    and a Father should never have to bury a son. his Dad is still alive in his 80s. I feel bad for him as well. regardless of the history of disfunctional behavior .. humorous times over power those other shitty days. for most families anyways.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS I see a wealth of features that, while marred somewhat by obesity, are quite beautiful. Her face is cute and her frame is relatively small and feminine (just overburdened with some fat). She's got all the right body parts in all the right places, it's just all covered in fat like some kind of biological burka.

    tldr she's more feminine looking than me, femininity = beauty, therefore she's gorgeous. Relatively speaking.

    I like the way you think, Kid! even though you're a dirty canadian socialist pig.

    How is your Boyfriend.. the one that looks a little bit like Iggy Pop?
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † Uhmm, sounds like your brother did the right thing and you got cucked.

    What is he doing now? Is he living in his car?

    No, he might be dying of cancer. it's pretty sad. Yeah I thought he was a douche but I mean.. breaking bread for years and Christmas and an occasional kegger party and stuff. Lots of bike ride (like touring for miles-10 speeds) around a lake and umm I didn't smoke pot much but I got drunk on beer and contact high in the car with all the windows rolled up.. occasionally i would take a hit or do a bong-rip. though we said Bong-Grip ... "hold on tight mother fucka!"
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao@ Tug-a-war
    Glad it's getting better 😋❤️

    I actually don't have to work tonight and tomorrow night ..
    No fun plans as of yet :/


    I actually decided to try and find a backroad to roll into the parade today coming back from the other side of the bay. got stuck in traffic. I'm gonna make a small video of my Journey into Oakland lake Merrit and what little of the parade I could see.

    need to dump it off my phone first and edit it.

  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    BTW I respect the stepbrother after 30.. just not before. He also talked a lot of shit to my mom and would mock her voice all of the time.

    and up until 30, I always thought he was a bit of a fairy
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic and your moms like "lets talk about addiction"

    and ur like "nah i just want to sit here and listen to brand new mom fuck off"

    I'm poor and living partly out of my car and seperated. I have a Job. I still owe (homeless) about 1700 a month between 580 for car, 400 for monthly gas (if not more) 100 or more for snacks (sometimes a week for redbull and monsters and high calerie shit to keep me awake), 160 for insurance for rideshare/livery, food, occasional clothing expenses and mother fucking car washes. (plus I pay for internet to stay at my girlfriends more days of the week than before and cellphone for girlfriend and myself unlimited with 10gigs of Mifi is 150 a month)

    but at 29 I was employed and married with 1 kid and 1 on the way at 29. OMG cut the got damn tether already. Dude, you're going to end up like CNN Mellenial Douche! This coming from me. You're joking or mocking another person, right? you're really living at home at 29? My "Step Brother" was 29 and living off of his dad.. but finally he got a kick ass Job working on Semi Trucks as a mechanic but up intil 30 that fucking lazy cunt worked on his own car and smoked pot all day long with his friends that used to be mine (like 6 years younger than him)
    weird but he got his shit together at 30.

  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    THis is like the third collapse (thanks to some hackers) of the value of BC right now

    should one seriously consider jumping in or was Bitcoin trading placed on pause for the moment until they can find a way to inflate back to its original value.

    I have no money to invest but I'm interested if this is a ploy to sort of double dib into an inflated market value somehow.


    Edited: 1 of several sources circulating
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    I fell off of a highway bridge and back into a turnip truck years ago
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Lowering a basement to create more headroom is called underpinning. We'd like to show you exactly what to expect during this type of renovation:

    waterproofing Micro-minimalist homes is a good idea or even a garage.
    cheaper to build garages too. 3 walls, one gate.

  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Mikes mini Machinese

    fona.. you know what to do

    get er done

  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    JEZUS It sounds like a fucking old 9600bps modem

  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Cellar Dweller and a Pool to boot.

    last night was too funny on tc

    get to digging, fona

  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    use this as your avatar

  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt You are mentally ill

    That's a really strong and unethical comeback from someone claiming so much fucking knowledge.

    I believe in your own way that you too suffer from some kind of delussional mental disorder to believe in the "Official story" so readily. just accept what is thrown at you.

    that is a form of cognitive dissonance that you suffer from. or are you just playing the "one man out" troll game?
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mikeyagain Is that faggot slang??

    Shit dawg.. you look like me when i was younger.

  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist


    Wait.. so these guys are performers but "normies" in real world?

    LOL figures. I thought these 2 were serious freaks but they sound very level headed people.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Feels good to know I can sleep tonight cause I'm off, and I slept hella long when I got home this morning
    I feel rejuvenated I needed that sleep smh

    I took half the day off because my innards were playing tug-a-war with my kidney and stomach.

    I feel a little bit better now. kind of looking forward to work tomorrow but I know I'll get dragged into the Warriors victory parade. Starts at 11am
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity STOP posting thqt thing in my thread.

    I use to think that obese people were really just wearing costumes until I realized they are really like that.

    Gross. Eww. Yuck. Kill it.

    Afraid of some motion in her oversize ocean of love!!!

    get with the times, daddy-o
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Interesting story on Led Zepplins lawsuit over stairway to heaven by Spirit.. but this is a Classic Celtic Riff that is rooted in all forms of music that sounds like the opening of Stairway to Heaven

    including bands like the beatles to that of Bach from the classical days of music.

    so Spirit-Taurus is just one of many. they all sound much alike.

    you can hear them here.

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