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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic does anyone think there's probably like movies and albums and art made as metaphors, like the artists true inspiration was some fucked up thing they did or thought about, like they would fantasize about raping some kid and then write music about it but just make the situations consensual and with older ages so that people will consume it, but then it gets really popular and then a ton of people are listening to music inspired by child rape without even knowing it?

  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    it's mixed with glitter and often uses pretty women to blow it onto it's victims in Nightclubs or in Hotel Rooms

    It turns people into Zombies.

    It maybe part of a secret mob who deal with sex trafficking but also used to keep people zombies to easily control.

    The Brugmansia Shrub

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic sounds pretty dank, i think i might actually prefer a basement. i don't necessarily believe in the line of thought that the height of your dwelling space is correlated to the height of your social position. i actually didn't even know that was a thing before right now.

    Interesting, I read something the other day regarding building structures and that the "Flat Iron" building in NYC was the first to have an elevator. Prior to that, In social class The poor or lower class workers, worked on the top floors while the wealthy lived or upper management had the lower floors. the wealthy didn't want to walk up 8-9 flights of stairs or more.

    Same with San Francisco. before the great fire of 1906, the Wealthy lived right were the Bay Bridge comes into the city. it was the South Beach/Mission Rock district and the wealthy built huge Victorian mansions ( that sadly were lost to the fires of 1906)

    Then when the cable cars were put in, they moved to the top of Nob Hill and poor Salvadorian, Mexican and Irish moved into their former dwellings (as apartments)

    inventions evolve social structures and queues it seems.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    lost all meaning

    lost all hope for prosperity.

    devine intervention a must but often lives by the popular rule of arive to the party late

    my OCD has creeped up. when alone, I often have impulses to drive up the side of one of those steep highway shoulders. and rocket to the moon
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt I'm not finny, I just appropriate the posting style of others because I have no personality of my own

    I drove around and didn't get any business for over an hour.. in that time, I got stirred.. and then though of your BS Rhetoric of being some Know it all. I bet if I got some of those guys and had them sit down with you, many of them would point out you're a shill or your logic is inccorrect or twist.

    You're an irritating BSer. and probably part of the turn-opinion type by making statements of you being an expert and that we're all psychotic and don't even understand basic physics of resistance hinders objects in motion.

    F**K OFF!

    sorry, but I just don't believe you
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala I listen to rap
    I post a lot
    I like to do drugs


    I live in the basement of my own house

  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt Now I understand why you want so desperately to believe the US government was behind 9/11 and not arab terrorists… you're a goddamn handsome and well tanned individual

    Oh Jesus, It's Infinityshock I see

    nice alt.

    You seem to be an expert on everything. Asswipe. I stated Arab relatives of Osama Bin Laden (The Bin Laden Family) wrote the fucking checks. I said it was part inside, part outside.

    seems people claiming 3 different religions took part.

    Christians, Muslims and some Mossad jedis (Mossad, GW Bridge in Jersy/Manhattan)
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    From the Hebrew lexicon, (And we had this conversation before I believe)

    Pashore is Pshaw or Pesha. often used in the deep south. I think Bill Krozby heard the pronunciation incorrectly or it is some kind of bastardization on the word from an inside joke?


    transgression, rebellion

    transgression (against individuals)
    transgression (nation against nation)
    transgression (against God) 1a
    in general 1a
    as recognised by sinner 1a
    as God deals with it 1a
    as God forgives
    guilt of transgression
    punishment for transgression
    offering for transgression

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    throw acid in fighters face. see how MMA tuff he is afterwards
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    desktop capture or it's he said she said
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Tony Hawk Watch this dude burn his entire apartment building down on livestream

    (starts at 4:30)

    Why didn't he just jump his whole body over it when it first lit after he moved it. And roll around to put it out.

    why didn't he just grab a large garbage can and fill it in the shower and then have about 8 gallons of water to throw onto it.

    why does it matter. might as well lay down and fall asleep in there.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson [video]h

    I read their population is half of what it was 1960s? or half the growth it should be. one of those two.

    I'm curious if the culture is some kind of Black-Op USA experiment and or punishment on them for attacking us in Pearl Harbor.

    To test out on a nation without creating something like an HIV (like in Africa, which would be a different form of experiment if true about HIV being a man made crossover from SIV)

    Their culture is trippy. not bad to watch. I think they found some melancholy people for their news hour to fill some time but as a 50 plus person now who's kids are grown and wife threw out of the house, I have freedoms I havn't had in decades and because I'm older and bordering senior citizenship, that this would suit me just fine. Better than living in the back of a pickup truck. I spend most time now at my girlfriends and help pay for stuff here but once in a while I could see myself spending much of a day in a booth like this and crashing on the floor, being able to go out and eat some vending machine ramine and trying to chat with the disonance society that Japan has become. The bigger the city, the more the people, the less people communicate with each other. they're all pushed up onto each other and yet they want to be alone rather than talk to strangers.

    their violent crime rate is probably low compared to say the USA or even Brazil? I'v never been there. i'm sure they have plenty of gang violence but for the most part people just seem to walk around like ants.

    But I kind of hate my life right now.
    where is this going
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung For banning InfinityShock.

    Stop this abuse.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    lol and "Joey Devilla"

  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † §m£ÂgØL will have some words with you, rolling up on his clique and shit.

    I was a bit nervous, for sure..but I was strapped with a fully auto crossbow gat

    This dude is awesome hacker
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    unrelated (prolly)

    My hometown I shot with a 60fps slow B&W

  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    If you're confused or don't understand his language, this will translate it for you

    don't forget to click on CC

  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Dude's pent up as shit.

    lose your baggage and stop flexing up on me.

  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand they're both pretty pathetic…..


    If it's fake.. it's funny

    if it's real.. it's LMFAO
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