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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist 2nd case since 1990?

  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung But I'm more drugged up than Richard Pryor used to be during a stand-up comedy routine…im on 4 different meds! What's an acceptable frequency of crying so I don't seem like a weak Beta pussy, Mr Warlock?

    I don't know. Mothers day and maybe when a team loses that you bet on? or when she is having huggy time with you and you both feel delusional about only being able to love each other and never ever leaving each other and she has tears and you sing some spanish song of love to her and you match tears of love with her tears of love.

    though one day will come when you realized it was all horseshit.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Now this shit

    the great purge is upon us. 1/3rd of the worlds population.. it's only a matter of time
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor she has strong arms

    Get the fuck out of here you illuminati trollster

    This bikini lady came into my work, I know it's her. I made a nickname for her. "bunny bounces"


    also, 1111 Broadway. right next to Manpower

    "Blue Whine" good times.
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    Is Vogonism (Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy) related or influenced by Eric Voegelin?

    if so, I get toiletduks humor

    He also made jokes he was the grandson of a guy named Victor Anderson but someone said his surname was spelled different. I remember this long thread on another dialup site called Henry's Hallucination.

    It only stayed in my mind because they spoke of a town I lived in, in the bay area. and were my friend Marks' house was located across the street from this Lodge (Elk)

    since then, as much as I read this page over and over on wikipedia, I know it said Elks but has recently changed to Lions club.

    not sure why someone would remove this info.. there was photos of this Victor person inside the Elk Lodge.

    And Eric Vogelin relating to Eschatlon

    "The desire to implement a policy to actualize the speculation, or as Voegelin said, to Immanentize the Eschaton, to create a sort of heaven on earth within history."

    It's exactly what I believed (even if this isn't related to Hitchhikers Guide..) that Gnostics have taken over a failed church by merging PCA to PCUSA (not First Presbytarians). and to ring in the Jesus movement. To "Push the red Jesus button" (Nukes)

    One of the many things that brought me to mental attention and awareness is Jeff Hunter (enigma) policy on Transidental and full transparency along with Billionair Ray Daleo and a contravercial subject of missing reports or some shit, of another practicing member of TM FBI former director James Comey

    one of the more oft-quoted passages from Voegelin's work on Gnosticism is that "The problem of an eidos in history, hence, arises only when a Christian transcendental fulfillment becomes immanentized. Such an immanentist hypostasis of the eschaton, however, is a theoretical fallacy."

    The Christian form of adopting this (and to break apart the original reformation church of Martin Luther (who would not of been an evengelical christian) if the new Lucifer and Baptist merge. trying to practice this form of Eschatlon

    I am stuck between a rock and a hard place with this

    I favor seperation of church and state and I favor the labor party and labor unions (as long as they're not corrupt with special interest and nepotism as I have experienced)

    But I do not want to merge the politics with Gods republic law. As a Presbytarian of the First Presbyterian Congress started in the USA in the late 1700s, Gods law is a republic. It is set in stone for the ages. When the age changes then perhaps the laws will.. but Man alone can not change Gods laws. perhaps Gnostic was behind the false Joo "State of Israel"? seems like the same thing is happening.

    I am not bashing those members who are apart of the other Presbyterian, I am bashing their leaders who probably and most likely don't believe in god but adopted eastern asian's philosphy that God is both good and evil and that even go as far as believing that Lucifer is God's chosen name (bearer of light as they state) and that they also have cerimonies of glorifying the planet Saturn (6th planet) by trying to decode the scripture of Rev 21:16 of Jesus being the morning star (or like that of the Morning Star)

    Holyshit. you people are all wackos.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Through my research I have obtain new words or buzz phrazes (catchalls?) which is exactly the term I was looking for of the radical leftist evengelicals

    These people are not even evengelicals.. they're most likely gnostics posing as lambs clothings but underneath are wolves.

    "And the Wolf shall lay down with the lamb"

    Holy shit.. this happened aparently around 2012? IT IS LION! Millions remember this scripture.

    how in the hell did they change out the scriptures in peoples homes and in 100 year old or older bibles?

    there is a jedi (jedis for Jesus) Rabi who is telling people they only had false memories because Lion is followed by the second scripture in Isaiha

    But it's hillarious because his own emblem for his production is a Lion laying next to a Lamb.

    this shit is truly unfolding everyday.. maybe you're all a figment of my immationation.. though I can feel fear and phsycial pain.. it might be a delusion.

    we died in 2012. Now get the hell out of my thread if you can't be serious in it.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    The First Presbytarian Church was taken over by radical leftist "Neo Presbyterians" which is what made our rev sick and leave the church. or so his son told me once.

    At the time I just felt like "Who cares.. church is church"

    Howly shit, I was wrong.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Nassawadox VA is exactly due east of Mission District San Francisco

    I wonder if Nassawadox has a weird layline as San Francisco does.. with secret water of youth under fortress

    I know our forefathers learned this from Natives of both coasts
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Rev 1:13

    and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man


    Rev 11:3

    And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth

    (based on 113 degrees?)
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    what the heck is all of this icky talk about?
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    It's OK to cry when telling her a story of lost, around the time you first meet

    it's OK to cry when someone dies really close to you

    but if you do this shit all the time, You're very unstable and weak to her. You better stop and seek medication
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Anyways.. I don't want to turn this into a shitpost joke

    this is for real. and it's happening in places where this flower can grow.

    Oakland is very temperate climate. the fucking weather never changes.. its a bit humid in pocketed areas just right for flowers from all over the world.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    He's also in the video "God will cut you down" by the late Johnny Cash as the tribute video for Cash's death
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Now I know who he is.

    at least I was right that he was a 70s musician dur de durp on my part for not knowing more details about him

    In 1982, Coe released another independent album, Underground Album, which contained his most controversial song, "Nigger Fucker", which resulted in Coe being accused of racism.[10][11] Coe responded to the accusations by stating "Anyone that hears this album and says I'm a racist is full of shit."[6] Coe's drummer, Kerry Brown, is black and married to a white woman, as was Brown's late father, Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown.[8]
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Please show us on the doll where he touched you.

    Man Stop fucking up my serious post.

    but if you must know

  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I love basement apartments. Sooo cool in the summer. No air conditioning required.

    We don't have many A/C in San Francisco or Oakland

    they weren't put into victorian homes or 1920-30 style bungalo houses, becker homes.. etc

    never needed the fucking things until global warming poked its head into the bay some decade back.
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic yea, it's like that awkward ass passenger seat in a car thing. who the fuck established this heirarchy of car seating that says that the person most important to the driver is the one who "gets" to sit in the front? (as if it's a better seat anyways, i'd prefer the back because it has more room). people are just idiots and care about things when they shouldnt.

    You want to sit on the Hump,Bump or Lump aka "Sitting Bitch"?

    The Heiarchy was establish during the Wells Fargo days where the man on the right of the driver held a shotgun

    Hense "Sitting Shotgun"

  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Fuck on your bitch like I'm Hefner, take ten percent like I rep her.

    Whatever pudding man

  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Sorta like Lanny with olives. Yes I believe it.

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