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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Vigilante Idk, car went down a couple of days ago. Another expense I don't need right now. A former associate of mine literally stole a third of of one of my online investments profits. It wasn't a large amount, but it fucked with all my calculations. Trying to clean up an old house to sell in the short term so I can have an abundance of start up cash when I move to japan in a few months. Honestly, a lot of shit has been.. complicated recently. It seems like the closer I'm getting to take another big step, the more shit life has thrown at me to test my determination. I've been doing Keto for quite a few months now.. I fucking want a fucking doughnut sometimes, more than any addict wants any drug.. haha.. Idk, I'm good. Got some close family members with some serious health conditions.. Ya know, that's just how life is. Plenty you could feel bad about if you really wanted to, but that mentality is nothing short of a bad habit. So, at the moment.. I'm just determined to keep getting shit done, regardless of how I feel.

    tldr; Ain't nobody got time for that..

    man I'm sorry people out there are like this.

    since the Government is closing its doors to "drop ins" and don't return calls.. and the local police are corrupt with drug running and underage prostitution.. would it be alright to go street justice on someone like this?

    just asking. I dont want to be blamed for another bullshit thing. or be tempted to actually do what i may have been accused falsely of.. kind of like "making a monster" is that how that story went. blame the wrong guy so they turn around and do it.. like accusing your spouse of some shit .. she turns around and does it. it makes the fallen angels cry with laughter
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby drug someone on ambien and tell them you drugged then and then tell them you were just playing and next morning tell them you really did drug them and they were dancing around going "im a tropical banana tropical banana" and because they probably blacked out at some point they just might believe it.

    is that what you and your filthy squid friends do
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    shit in my bed will you, I will set your soulsaflame with guilt
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    fgts better be on their agamemirite
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Unless they're breaking laws of theft of bank

    and keeping me from making a living. then they would really be pieces of shit?

    I mean, gaslight me for lame shit but one of the times they tricked me into giving bank card. the guys a fucking dumb moron too. I saw him come out of the house so I know where he lives.

    payback could be a mother fucker with lawsuits for feds. they just do what the fuck they want right now.. and though I think Trump is a fake shill at this point, if he's not.. they talk about jailing him so they can go on with pretending to arrest criminals while they aide in the destruction of freedoms of this nations laws and even are involved in stealing money in credit card scams and selling secrets to Chinese and Russians

    who is the real one to be colluding.. notice they go back and forth with "Oh you're in trouble now Trump" and then it falls apart and then its "Oh you're in trouble James Comey'

    I mean it's a silly fucking circus sideshow. Agents in the FBI like Gunderson were offed by other agents.

    Not to mention Gary from the San Jose Mercury (Sorry i dont remembe rhis last name) and that Michael Ruppert cop who was found with a double tap in the head "Suicided himself" bullshit up in Calistoga.

    shit in my food and in my bed will you
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I got several riders from the same neighborhood but not the same people with the name "kike"

    it is an actual name. but is rare. each person was of a different race.

    and the "Navigation Error" happened even though I got a signal and streaming music.

    they like to play games with my arival and drop off points. yes there are glitches in the GPS but this is rigged.

    whatever.. I'll take their money if that's how they want to play with me.

    but that being said.. because it happens so much, it means they're keeping me from potential real customers who may want to travel to Santa Cruz or someplace far and I could be making far less money.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I wish I posted this so Luigi would think I care about his dreams or pay attention to his shit.

    start digging your hole, now!
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain I am telling you he is a false prophet

    And I am agreeing with that
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Multiple 1111 address and other things popping up

    I put Justice Code because of the one I came across.. there is Murder and there is Bankruptsy and there is one for Divorce which probably relates to a type of bankruptsy

    I can't tell if someone is threatening me with murder or trying to fuck with me about my divorce <-- Murder
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Vatican Knights of Malta 911 George "Hussein" Bush reptile Rumsfeld 420

    the last crusade approaches whom can truly say when the day of judgment will arise?

    No one. Rev Harold Camping tried to.. but it was a no no
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Ad campaign for Apophis 99942

    Apophis; Your shit is about to get wrecked!
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    All of the west coast.. especially LA will be destroyed almost certainly in 2036.

    this thing will punch a 3 miles wide and 3 mile depth right next to Santa Monica. it will have wave after wave sloshing the coast from Baja to Alaska.

    if you live on the coastline (mostly rich people) at less than 50 feet high (a big portion of coastal homes are) and a quarter mile inland .. you're shit's about to get wrecked.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    You'll cry when 99942 Apophis Fucks-on the world

  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    99942 Apophis 2036

    maybe this will end the illusional world since our physical world ended Oct 2011? or was it 12-21-12?
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Hey.. maybe he was right. we died and the world is some alternate place
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I want to say he was a nice guy but very Alternative and then eventually chose some weird path which may have disolved faith in many.

    "Did I say May, I uhh I meant October"

    His prediction for May 21, 2011 was widely reported, in part because of a large-scale publicity campaign by Family Radio, and it prompted ridicule from atheist organizations[12] and rebuttals from Christian organizations.[13] After May 21 passed without the predicted incidents, Camping said he believed that a "spiritual" judgment had occurred on that date, and that the physical Rapture would occur on October 21, 2011, simultaneously with the final destruction of the universe by God.[14] Except for one press appearance on May 23, 2011, Camping largely avoided press interviews after May 21, particularly after he suffered a stroke in June 2011.[15] After October 21, 2011 passed without the predicted apocalypse, the mainstream media labeled Camping a "false prophet" and commented that his ministry would collapse after the "failed 'Doomsday' prediction".[16][17]
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain You simply have to be faster than the speed of ebola

    Bad Karma points -2
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    And That means the Devil is winning.. because why go to a corrupt church that he could not control prior to the past 40 years or so.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic What the fuck is an elks lodge anyways?

    I'm not really sure. I never knew anyone close who was a member.

    Wikipedia is shit. I think it might be owned by the same people over at Archive. they change the story, but in the old days you could back page to the last creation or iteration of a wiki page.. but in this case, they removed him entirely. i actually came across his story a few years ago looking up SET and Church of Satan and Aleister Crowley

    the victor anderson (or andersen) came up and I remembered (like flashback) what this victor talked about and that I had looked up the name years before.

    now it's fucking gone. Last time I checked, it was there but said Lions club or some shit. it almost seems like some kind of damage control on he systems part.

    doesn't matter.. people want to be lead into darkness and have their children stolen and eaten in the name of the False Jesus they are starting to worship.

    there was a guy name Harold Campin who was a Minister in Oakland. he had a huge following. When i went to Bible Study, Fellowship in my youth, he was our teacher but was fired for preaching some crazy stuff (I remember some decon told us this)

    anyways, he ran a radio station but lived in my hometown outside of Oakland

    I warned people about his "Prediction the world would end in 2011" (maybe you remember this?) and the dude took peoples life savings and everything. I had this weird vision in a dream that people were commiting suicide when the day came and went. I posted all the time thta people would commit suicide if this doesn't come to past.

    No lie.. some kid from Florida, came to a lake near my house (not from my home town, but the town I lived in some 60 miles away) and drowned himself because it was a lie.

    just a mile up the road from me.

    the minister Camping had a stroke not long afterwards.. the local media kept showing up at his house.. saying "You live in this beautiful house in this expensive neighborhood and yet you spent the entire life savings on billboards for End of the world.. how do you feel".. he said he did wrong and quoted the same scripture I did about "an no man nor angel will know the hour" and then shut the door after saying how ashamed he was.. then dropped dead that week from a stroke.

    WTF man. i'll pray at home. keep what little money I have and give it to the poor when I can.
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