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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I looked again.. I really believe it's a viper. the tail tapers (though only a rattle snake has rattles) all vipers have a tail like a rattle snake except they only shake when in defense mode.. they're worse in other countries because they don't make a loud rattling noise.. but they coil up when you come up on them.. they will however not coil when they're fleeing. I can see the head has jows. full screen and look closer. It's most likely a viper from the end of it's tail

    I have had to use my backpack to allow rattle snakes bite it while hiking.. like at least once a month where I used to live. when they flee.. they don't move side to side they hall ass in a straight line and into their holes

    it also has to do with terain they move in a side to side wave pattern on sandy soil but in brush and such (or across a cloths line) it's going in a strait line.

    also, Gopher snakes look a lot like Rattlers (without the jowls) and shake their tail to scare off preditors that wouldn't mess with rattle snakes.

    and they bite.. it could of been a gofer snake which does have a tapered tail
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Dude that snake was long and rounded
    …it did not have a classic Viper body by any means. My best guess is that if it's venomous it's venom is neurotoxic not hemotoxic.

    then he's going to go into a coma and probably suffer some brain damage.

    Id rather be bitten by a rattlers than a true poisonous snake.. even though rattle snakes can still kill people
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Example of a snake in the same family (Western Diamond Back Rattler Viper snake)

  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    It's a viper snake by its movement.

    Saw scale live in india... is this India or middle east? if you look, he is struck in the face at first and then barely gets struck again (not that it matters)

    then panics and is tripping all over the place. My guess is he is screaming hysterically (understandably) for help

    Vipers are poisonous snakes.

    A Rattle Snake is a Pit Viper because it has pits to sense smells where most sense with tongue. vipers are more like a serpant than a snake. snakes are consistantly tubed shape like a worm, a viper has the head more like the liserd family that pertrudes outwards with jowls.

    basicly that dude is pretty fucked if he doesn't get help in 20 minutes or less. after that, any antidote will take longer to work, he'll probably stop breathing and have to be placed on respitory equipment to keep him breathing while the delayed antidote will cause the venom to eat away at his face.. most likely down to his skull and jaw area. it will turn colors like green and brown and orange with raw flesh exposed. takes like 3 to 4 weeks for the skin to grow back
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    North Korean Hackers aided in the devaluing of BC just as Trump is tying ends with Kim J ill

    Trump is making as much money as possible before he climbs into his ice cave in the arctic. he fucks-on the peasants of the world. he is chopping up America and selling it while he pretends to be advancing in this "Swamp Cleanse" FUCKING LIAR!

    I hate everyone.

    im sick and tired of this shit
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    The girls are just as cold in the MOON PERSON age.

    look at Japanese MOON PERSONs. tech has destroyed centuries of human behavior of norm.

    they'd rather befriend 8 bit cartoons in a small closet space room rather than talk to the opposite sex (or whatever the sexual preference is)

    smiley, perky, open a questionable conversation.. regardless if it's zero passive tied into suggestive flirtation.. cold stone.. all the way.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Zero Class will go far
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I have showered.
    I called work and they said to fill out an application online.
    I got dressed.
    I started my laundry so I dont have to wear my lucky hammer pants all day.
    Now I am ready to achieve more goals.
    I will keep you posted on my excellence

    April 19th is linked to blood sacrafices. It's the Date after my late brothers by one day.

    ". Winter Solstice - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath

    a. December 21 - Yule
    b. December 21-22 - Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
    c. February 1 and 2 - Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
    d. February 14 - Valentine's Day

    2. Spring Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath but does require human sacrifice

    a. March 21-22 - Goddess Ostara - Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
    b. April 1 - All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!
    c. April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
    d. April 30 - May 1 - Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

    3. Summer Solstice - 13 weeks - When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky

    a. June 21 - 22 - Summer Solstice
    b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
    c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
    d. July 19 - 13 days before Lughnasa
    e. July 31 - August 1 - Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August - One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

    4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice

    a. September 21 - Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
    b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox
    c. October 31 - Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice"

    Satan's favorite color is Green?? WTF
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash Why?

    Because this flower that once only grew in Colombia is now being seeded all over Oakland and Berkeley were the Tempre Climate exists. it's growing in traffic circles. i watched a "hippy" guy smelling them one late night and the next morning I went by the circle and it was all gone.

    another traffic circle, only the peddles were missing but the blueish colored stems inside the bells taken off are sitting there.. they look kind of like baby's breath flowers without the bell that grows over the seeds. these seeds are dried in the sun and then mashed up and though it doesn't have an affect on its own, when mixed with certain chemical/drugs those chemicals will act like a catylist for the flowers seeds and a small amount of this mashed up seed powder will shut your brain down just enough where someone can tell you to go to your atm machine and pull out money. or give your BC wallet code over to them.

    it's not a Joke. Its been known for decades. there is corruption in the police and coast guards who tell the media about the cocaine coming in but not the once bags of The Brugmansia Shrub powder is also brought in

    I'm not accusing all cops of Oakland.. it's only a percentage. A large amount of cops (could be as high as 1 percent) and some coast guard guys clearly involved.

    also it's used on women to force them into prostitution. to perhaps blank out ther mind, take them out of a club then take them to some den or basement and chain them up with other women forced into prostitutions .. some who are paying off their fee for getting smuggling into the USA from Asia or elsewhere.

    The Oakland PD who have 2 seperate cases (both since dropped or payed out of court settlements) had friends in the Coast Guard who the cops took a then 16 year old Prostitute (who told a reporter she was forced into prostitution at 13) and was the daughter of an Oakland 9-1-1 dispatch. an actual officer herself.

    Whener I am in Oakland now, there is always a cop coming around the bend.. at first I thought.. oh they're beefing up patrol in the new Telegraph area to protect the new business making Oakland more desirable to live in.. but then I think about me posting this and the corruption that violated my civil rights when they took my cast boot costing me 1200 bucks extra doctor visits when they falsely arrested me on a BART train. then used their quick wit to say the arrest and yanking me off the train was justified because they smelled alcohol on my breath. their IA did nothing.

    And the officer whow as only to take me to City Jail, unbuckled my seatbealt, took my boot and bounced me around the back of the car (He said, You won't be needing this seat belt)

    then when I went to pick up my boot from him the following day, they said he was forced to take a driving safety test" Gee I fucking wonder why. he drove in excess of 120MPH with a "drunk person who was only to go to city dry out tank" but placed me in general population in a county lockup.

    I had to fight some mother fucker with a broken foot and hand.

    He also had "no idea where my boot was"

    this isn't the first time I was arrested. I know this shit has to do with other experiences of corruption. So I'm going to make it my life goal now to be a Watchdog. Let them harrass me when I'm in Oakland. I'm gonna record every fucking move. And fuck you Obama for probably aiding in this civil right issue making sure A white guy couldn't use a sympathy or race card to prosicute this illegal act against me

    I also got arrested falsely in my Hometown in 2009 but a cop my older siblings went to highschool.. they didn't tell me this but one of their friend told me what a big druggy he and his brother was.

    this fucking guy I caught some months later grabbing money from a bouncer while that bouncer was selling little baggies to people not entering the club. that same bouncer threaten my life in Walnut Creek. That was documented by a BART cop.. but here is the thing, that BART cop intimidated me not to prosecute him.

    I was living in the station in the back of my Truck and didn't want to get harrassed and maybe lose my truck being towed with no money and also possibly going to jail or ticketed for vagrancy. the cop knew I was living in the truck.. and said, this could really complicate things. clearly a friend or Blue Code once he tracked down the guy.. who said I was looking in his car or some crazy shit.

    Now I don't fucking care. now I want justice. so much leftist corruption shit. I personally think that Jeff Hunter might be old school WUO member.. since his website was angled in that direction with backyard ballistics. Funny how the leftist want to take away Guns but how Obama had pardon Bill Clintons friend Bill Ayer (Who lives here in the bay area and is an professer at Cal Berkeley?) who set off a car bomb intended to kill people (by mistake.. while he was in the car?)

    He's out of Jail now. Weather Underground Organization took part in the Chicago protest in the 1970s to aid in the Washington Post on Military activities in vietnam (illegal) and the FBI corruption. they were the first "Wikileaks" of sort. 30 plus years earler.

    I know Jeff is from San Jose but I recall him living in Ohio which is near Ill and Obama, Bill ayers and many others are linked to the leftist ACCORN project and so on. along with Weather Underground Organization

    I might have to break up with my girlfriend.. I might move to Texas. maybe Houston over Austin since I can drive rideshare and make money there. I really have a love and hate for Oakland. I was born here. All my youthful memories was from the east bay and fun times before computers and mobile devices existed in 90 percent of homes. the analog days gave you much more freedom. now any group can network and use nano-gps devices to monitor you. there was a stalking law in which some Husband went to Jail for placing a GPS under her car and she found it.. Right here in the bay area. that was like early 2000 or late 1990s.

    people do this shit all of the time now. We have become our own Big Brother. this can lead to defense of illegal police monitoring without a court consent by corrupted officers.

    Thanks to 9/11 and that piece of shit George Bush and Cheney lying about WMD

    they got the people to monitor themselfs. courts taking FB pages as evidence

    people fucked themselves and are total lemmings. the human race deserves what it gets.

    I have to go to work now.. more gaslighting from someone. who knows when I might flip out!
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Tony Hawk IN THE NORTHEAST SIDE YE


    Dude.. it sounds like teens want to be apart of the Thug Life in the once low crime rate regions. why do you want this lifestyle. wouldn't you rather be representing Math, Science and a startup going in the millions. it's a lot easier and less hassle with laws than selling drugs.

    I mean many of these startup gurus (and yes, many of them were really apart of the totse experience which information on hacking and programming for free on totse.. helped them learn to keep from being hacked)

    Why glorify this lame shitty ghetto lifestyle. Rap music makes me laugh. I like Too Short and Easy E and NWA and even Some of snoops shit or most recently The Coup (which I always tough from NYC until one of the songs I heard reference to Oakland and looked them up.. they're the band that had the WTC blowing up o the cover?)

    anyways.. shed this Representing of gang life and get with a better life. become a documentary maker or a silicon valley guru.. but then again you're quoting shit from decades past? you a cop now in Alberta? why would you expose your past with names of gangs like this. pretty sure someone googling shit might come across this.

    there is no glory in drug dealings and gang lifestyle. I've lost a few Highschool friends from gang issues in the Oakland area. I kept my distance and in one case, one of these friends would tell me to leave the room when certain people would come up to talk to him. protecting me from his lifestyle. it's a shitshow and not glorious and only street meat get excited over it.

    But I admit I would probably enjoy a "sideshow" of street performance and cars.
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Sorry My Population Statistics were wrong.. it's still an alarmin growth for a non coastal city.

    Year Population Growth Rate (%) Growth
    2030 1,630,000 0.96% 76,000
    2025 1,554,000 1.20% 90,000
    2020 1,464,000 1.64% 47,000
    2018 1,417,000 1.96% 80,000
    2015 1,337,000 2.36% 147,000
    2010 1,190,000 2.42% 134,000
    2005 1,056,000 2.64% 129,000
    2000 927,000 2.76% 118,000
    1995 809,000 1.85% 71,000
    1990 738,000 2.38% 82,000
    1985 656,000 2.92% 88,000
    1980 568,000 4.44% 111,000
    1975 457,000 3.27% 68,000
    1970 389,000 3.98% 69,000
    1965 320,000 4.08% 58,000
    1960 262,000 7.09% 76,000
    1955 186,000 7.10% 54,000
    1950 132,000 0.00% 0
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    LOL at Calgary.. wow, it's really diverse.. not a lot of blacks it seems or hispanics but it's like less than 2 whites for every asian.

    How did so many Asians move to the middle of Nowhere Canada to build this large city? they tend to hang out in large Coastal cities like NYC and San Francisco, Seattle, LA. I mean even in Boston there are lots of asians but not that high percentage and it's one of the Oldest coastal American cities. British Columbia makes sense.. it's very similar they say to San Francisco and Chinatown and even film movies of San Francisco there because it's a sister city (and San Francisco Filming permits cost way to much)

    probably 99.x percent of Asians are just good hard working people while the gang problem is less tha 1 percent of the Asian population. so it seems worse than it could be or is.

    but for me, it's just odd this exists. who are the main users of the Asian drug supply.. My guess is White People?
    This also interest me in the fact that my moms side of the family were originally settlers of Canada.. but Canada and the USA fought over where the border line should go. The Louisina territory was bought by the french from the US but there was questions of how high that border went up and I know Alberta had some border fights (literally small battles with guns and deaths by Europeans over the border between North Dakota, Montana and Alberta) Lots of jedis settled there for a while before moving into big cities like Toronto or Chicago (also territorial battles over the border during the early-mid 1800s?)

    White: 67.3%
    Visible minority group: 30.1%
    Aboriginal population: 2.7%

    Visible minority groups include:

    South Asian: 7.5%
    Chinese: 6.8%
    Filipino: 4.4%
    Black: 2.9%
    Southeast Asian: 1.9%
    Latin American: 1.8%
    Arab: 1.5%
    West Asian: 0.8%
    Korean: 0.8%
    Japanese: 0.5%
    Multiple visible minorities: 0.8%

    There are over 200 ethnic origins in Calgary, with common ancestry groups including English, Scottish, Canadian, German and Irish. About 55% of the population is Christian, followed by 32% with no religion, Islam (5.2%), Sikh (2.6%), Buddhist (2.1%), Hindu (1.6%), and jedi (0.6%).
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    1,240,000 plus people.

    That's the population of San Jose (The largest populated city in the San Francisco Bay) and about 400,000 more than San Francisco and twice the Population of Oakland

    in 20 years, your population went from 450 thousand people (less than Oakland) to a souring 1.25 million people jammed in an isolated forrest

    I would hate to see that city slide off the grid.

    Source of Alarming city growth since 1996. that's why you have such high gang problems.. you just keep building. that place is going to become a disaster soon. what is your major outsource product? moose meat :]
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Tony Hawk When I was 13 years old my dad started working for a gang in my city called the "FRESH OFF THE BOAT KILLERS" or "FRESH OUTTA BULLETS" and this gang basically just robbed other gangs and sold all their shit. My next door neighbor ran it and he liked my dad and I and because we lived in town houses it all became very close knit and the police monitored my house/neighborhood.

    The land lord was in on it too and we were gonna connect all the town houses through secret tunnels like the cartel. We mostly used the roofs because you could get into any unit from the roof bedroom window. I had the bedroom under the top floor and I set up a webcam in the window, closed the blinds and recorded everything on my street.

    All in all it wasn't that exciting looking back, it was fun when I was younger but now they just all seem like psychopathic drug addicts to me. Most everyone is dead or in jail, or homeless.

    I didn't want to be a homeless meth addict that robs drug dealers so I quit for good last year.


    the gang

    This all took place in NE/SE Calgary which is where I spent my childhood and teen years, and adulthood. It's a notorious drug/gang area with lots of brown people and shootings. It's all fentanyl and meth these days, it was crack and heroin back then.

    gang art


    took this pic last year

    Proof of my gang activity, this is taken from 17th ave SE in the alley behind the Border Crossing bar in a trap spot where I stashed my drugs when I sold on the street. Tagged it with the gang sign so nobody would fuck with me.

    I had 3 rival gangs in my area and fought them all alone, good times.


    The name of your gangs have Filipino links as well. But out of Hong Kong? I've heard of one of them. Possibly a Triad Gang affiliate. It is so fucking weird that in Calgary Alberta that you have this problem. It's an amazing Picture Postcard city. It's strange to me that such a large city exist in the so called "New West"

    You have a huge Asian population in British columbia but they don't have the high crime as I read about Calgary. how did this city get like this? is it the same now as it was in the 80s and 90?

    I find it odd that a large metropolitan city like that exist in the middle of nowhere North America because face it.. there are nothing but small cities around it. My Mother grew up in North Dakota near Montana outside of About 80 miles outside of Dickenson western North Dakota (where Custards last stand was)

    The towns like Killdeer are starting to grow, being it's a college town, but it's tiny compared to California towns. Calgary would probably be the 7th largest city if in California. it's just huge from what the photos show. It looks like the New Oakland if Oakland was in New Hamphire with all of the pretty trees changing color and if Oakland had Mountains. the cityline looks kind of the same, but bigger.

    How is it that you have Yukons above you and Prarie country below you were Billings Montana (Which is only like 200k.. 1/3rd of Oakland California) is the largest city in that part of the Northwest (Outside Chicago 1000 miles east) that someone decided to build a fucking large city like that. It would make more sense in say Killdeer because of the Missouri River goes through and has a massive lake to generate hydro power. What in the hell brought millions of people into Calgary? it's almost comical it exists. but it's also pretty. Get rid of your gang problems. Canada was known for low crime and being the cleanest nation in the western hemisphere. how did you fuck that up. It's worst than Toronto from what I hear. but you're so isolated up there. hire more cops.. that's all I can say.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Im dyslexic

    I read "I'm in love with AIDS"
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    He's looking at his bike looking at him looking at his bike

    it's like Art

  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt Too many low IQ shitposters destroying this forum right now. Changing my password to a random string, might come back in a few months if registration is reopened and userbase quality has improved. Thanks for the memories.

  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    (sniggles) sounds like.. sounds like a drink served up in a bar for cats.. plop

    "Pablo needs attention"

    Yeah weill fuck yous
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    you should duct tape them to a garage door and then click the "lift" button. right under the doorjam
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