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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You would need a good ladder unless you plan to throw the cum at her, you cum thrower.
  2. Nitrous thats the other one im thinking about.
  3. sorry bling I passed out its 3am now.
  4. Originally posted by plumpkatt1 I knew that I had eaten too much. It was all I could do to get out of the tub and dried off. I made my way to the couch and burried my face in a pillow for a couple hours. Never b4 did I pray to God asking to take the trip away. I havent eaten shrooms since then. I continued to grow em but was afraid to eat em after that.

    I think your bad effect came from actually consuming the mushrooms themselves. They are not pleasant or fun to chew, swallow or digest. Thats why I always make a tea so I get all the alkaloids without having to swallow any of that crap. I think its worth it for what little loss you get from an extraction, I just use very hot water and it seems to be stronger the hotter the water gets.

    The shroom tea is pretty nasty by itself if you aren't much into mushroom teas lol. I add lots of organic honey, flavorings and chug it in one go, You want to keep the total volume of liquid to ONE cup, no more, per person. I brew each cup (lets say 3 people) separately. So I boil all the water first, pour it in three cups and split the shrooms 3 ways, stick the shrooms in an emptied out teabag (I used COCA LEAF TEA and mixed it with powdered shrooms) and seal it back up and put that in a metal tea ball and let it sit for 15 minutes, maybe a bit longer and drink it HOT.

    Works every time with any amount and I go on a great trip with no bad effects, no physical bad side effects just a nice clean high.

    I`ve never heard of someone taking an ounce but I`m pretty young and I think I could handle it, i have made a half ounce into tea and it was a good experience, the volume of liquid was a bit too much, I would try to keep it to 500ml around that somewhere. More than a cup but not that much more.

    I think if you start small like 3-7 grams and a do a tea (probably do the 3 grams lol, maybe less) of some good indoor shrooms have some good music, cannabis and a friend and it should be a good experience. I haven`t eaten mushrooms since I was 16 and I probably will never eat them again in my life. Tea is the way.
  5. Originally posted by mmQ I don't feel guilty about eating the meats and chikins but I should after seeing the slaughter houses and way so many animals are treated. I fucking hate that. I hate that people can essentially torture harmless animals and not care. I don't ever want to be that cold of a person.

    If you do not eat them then you will be next on the slaughterhouse menu, meatbag.
  6. Originally posted by mmQ Time to go pound on this motherfucker's door at 3 am. I've been goddamn patient enough every fucking day he "changes" his smoke alarm battery and EVERY FUCKING NIGHT it starts beeping like goddamn clockwork at 2 am while I AM TRYING TO CONCENTRATE. HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO BE UNABLE TO CORRECTLY CHANGE A FUCKING BATTERY?>?!? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THIS GUY, Malice, THIS GUY is someone who literal provides NOTHING to the world and we'd be genuinely better off without him. He has zero value. Hacking up shit, coughing, dry heaving, puking, jacking off, moaning, all day long. Nothing else. I can't imagine a girl would ever be interested in something so fucking gross and undesirable. BEEP…….BEEP……..BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

    turn speakers on max

  7. Originally posted by mmQ Now THIS GUY, Malice, THIS GUY is someone who literal provides NOTHING to the world and we'd be genuinely better off without him. He has zero value. Hacking up shit, coughing, dry heaving, puking, jacking off, moaning, all day long. Nothing else. I can't imagine a girl would ever be interested in something so fucking gross and undesirable.

    You don't understand, his life is perfectly optimized.
  8. alcohol is pleb drug
  9. I hate liberals.
  10. give it the boot
  11. I'll mail you one along with a microSD card filled with encrypted CP
  12. How much shit could I get in for this? If it's a month or less of jail time I'm probably going to do it.
  13. I was going to meet up with warweed and rat_bastard several years ago but then my mom got scared and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-air
  14. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Why don't you RAM some more dick in your mouth you fucking faggot.

    Come to my house in Banff, Alberta, Canada and fight me
  15. That's why ur dreams are infected
  16. I summoned you
  17. Originally posted by HampTheToker Now, show me yours.

  18. Originally posted by the holy ghost does anyone else type with 2 fingers i got lower than any1 else here =[

    i type with my tongue
  19. i hope he still alive :(
  20. get a cane and lift up girls skirt with it as they walk buy.
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