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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Why not just wait.
  2. Who has it? I want to get to know this person because they are probably very smart.
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby tons of times dude. I was even there when she was born, her mother was pushing and screaming, you did this to me you bastard sperm donor!
    and then she came out and I held her.

    I even told her act nice in public, her mother posted on facebook that she didn't feel like she could discipline mary beth because of "too many white people in khols"

    even though she is white.. what an idiot.

    oh god, that's disgusting...
  4. Originally posted by Sophie You sure you're not.

    1. Weeaboo
    2. Lolicon
    3. Actually Japanese.
    4. All of the above.

    Yea. I just like asian girls and drugs. I actually don't watch anime at all. But I mean you gotta admit the surreal environments, excess sugary happiness and cute girls makes for really good drug music
  5. once i got this asian chick to shave my chest while i listened to the number 12 looks like you
  6. Originally posted by RisiR Cuck'ed. CUCK'ED!

    Unless you plan on whoring her out. Than that's good motivation
  7. I've heard of that fetish. Saw some Japanese porn with it.

    What's the deal, ya?
  8. Snitch ass nigga. You don't even deserve a glass of Zok's AIDS piss.
  9. Originally posted by HampTheToker Teach her the most important lesson of all:

    "Never let them boys in for free. You're literally sitting on a gold mine."

    Cuck'ed. CUCK'ED!
  10. Fun fact: European Cocaine has often been in a nigger's asshole and rich idiots still pay 100 bucks per G while Meth is readily available and clean and more or less for free.
  11. Bodypacking is for niggers.
  12. How many times did you read to her?
  13. It's a good incense blend, though. Nice body high and tquila sunrise, bloodshot eyes.

  14. Not a single cut or anything.

    That's when you know you're kinda fucked up.
  15. With cocaine in their stomachs?
  16. I'm a firm believer that all words exist.
  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby About how chuckee cheese is now voiced by the lead singer from bowling for soup. And I talked to her about jesus.

    Yea, that's an important life lesson..... What was her opinion on Jesus?
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby what was what?

    The last thing you taught your daughter.
  19. You can just put it in the trashcan next to your seat so there's nothing on your body. You'll lose your stuff but they can't do shit to you.

    That's coming from Eastern Europe only, though. They got cameras in all angles in the good countries.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby blah bla bla blah blah

    No seriously. What was it?
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