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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. cause:
    Brain damage or neurological changes
    Epigenetic changes
    Mutations in sperm quality for reproduction

    Since there's a porn rabbit hole of depravity which I've gone very, very far down. I wonder if the weird things I've fapped to are without consequence to my brain and body.
  2. Originally posted by Sophie Wish i could buy otc codeenz.

    Get bling to mail them.
  3. Originally posted by bling bling dogs dnt do shit


    Dogs are the best mules man.
  4. Custom thank buttons when
  5. I actually had fun last night when I went to my mates, got the giggles for the first time in ages and it felt good to properly laugh and know I do at least have a couple of good friends IRL.
  6. Did you cwe it again?
  7. Originally posted by bling bling noob dont drinke the sludge on bottom u can use it to farm pure dhc crystalsx

    Lol I'm not grim enough to drink the sludge, I got given a box of 30/500s and cba CWEing tonight
  8. I don't have omeprazole, or anything to protect my stomach. I'm not drinking tonight tho
  9. 10g apap isn't going to kill me?
  10. I like pythons. It's logic really tickles my autism.
  11. Originally posted by RisiR As if the ghetto chinks/pakis/niggers who pack RCs give a shit about your 3-meo-PCE. LOL.

    My middle name is Sherman.

    I know they don't but at least I know its relatively pure due to supposed effects and reviews of it, and that it's not cut with nail polish or lawn fertilizer or some shit like that.
  12. They should make unbreakable CDs
  13. Originally posted by Sophie Also there is no need to build a python program, it's an interpreted language after all. You can just run your script from the command line as long as you have the interpreter.

    I mean it just builds it to run in the console of sublime. Instead of opening cmd all the time.
  14. u cant say cuz thanks was only implemented a few weeks ago but all the posts staed
  15. Originally posted by Sophie Not bad, not bad at all. This hurts my eyeballs so please don't do it though.

    multiple = str(raw_input("Perform multiple actions, or just like tweet.. I.e: favourite, retweet. [y/n]"))

    Refractor to:

    multiple = raw_input("Question: Y/n: ")

    For option parsing you don't have to do all this string comparing magic, that's over thinking it. Instead do this:

    import sys

    choice = raw_input("Retry? Y/n: ")

    if "y" in choice:
    print "\nRetrying"
    elif "n" in choice:
    print "\nQuitting"
    sys.exit(0) # This can be whatever.
    print "\nUnhandled option, quitting"
    sys.exit(0) # Again just adding to fill space

    Reason my print statement is different than your is because i write Python 2.7 but the principles carry over. 3.x is cancer IMO but whatever.

    Also what does `try/except KeyError: 'text'` do?

    Oh wut.

    You ahve a print statements like: print("Cannot be empty") and later on one in your exception handling like: print 'liked '.

    Can't have it both ways nigga'.

    I would also advise you to always print strings with double quotes.

    Is your program cross compatible over 2.7 and 3.x? If not please use a shebang line for us Linux users.

    #!/usr/bin/env python2.7

    Or your version.

    But i am one to talk for i sin against the Gods of Linux on a regular basis, it's just best practice, same as with asterisk imports. I know you don't have them so good on you for that.

    All in all for your first python program pretty decent.

    multiple = str(raw_input("Perform multiple actions, or just like tweet.. I.e: favourite, retweet. [y/n]"))

    I was trying to stop them putting in an integer, but I already had a if multiple in... so I agree, that wasn't needed.

    Also what does `try/except KeyError: 'text'` do?

    Handles the tweepy/twitter error.

    You ahve a print statements like: print("Cannot be empty") and later on one in your exception handling like: print 'liked '.

    Can't have it both ways nigga'.

    lol. First one is to say their input cannot be empty when selecting if they want to favorite and retweet [y], and the print later on is to print out what status they have liked on twitter

    I would also advise you to always print strings with double quotes.

    Don't tell me what to do nigger lol

    Is your program cross compatible over 2.7 and 3.x? If not please use a shebang line for us Linux users.

    I dunno lol I use sublime and run ctrl+b to build, dunno how to test it in 3x

    Thanks for the tips.
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL PI-rats don't get the protection provided under the Totse PI policy; they are fair game, any which way to Sunday. If they can dish it out so easily, then they can take it just as easily. All is fair in love and war.

    There is no TOTSE PI policy Will Tagert because there is no TOTSE?

  17. First time using python, so the structure of my code may see weird, anyway. It's not fully finishing, I've not added the loop, and some error management, but anyway:
  18. Probably some fag
  19. Dogs man, dogs.
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