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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah I don't smoke anymore. its bad for you.

    Children are far worse for you than cigarettes
  2. To differentiate a fetish between OCD:

    Sophie, in general pedophiles:
    Even if they're ashamed of their habit (I'm guessing some are), they tend to accept it's part of them
    They enjoy thinking about these thoughts
    The thoughts don't come to them intrusively
    They don't try to avoid masturbating to the thoughts
    They don't constantly ruminate on the thoughts
    They don't find the thoughts repulsive
    If they masturbate to the thoughts, they don't feel like their life is over
    They don't doubt the fact they're a pedophile and compare their pedophilic thoughts to other thoughts

    Is this true? And then pedophile OCD (I don't have that but it exists) is pretty much pedophilic thoughts with all of these things in the inverse.
  3. fap to shapes
  4. thats neato/
  5. Originally posted by Malice I have transcended such lowly desires.

    In a basic communication model, the sender formulates the message, and transmits it to the receiver, who interprets it. The receiver also provides some feedback.

    An oral discussion involves a lot more signals from nonverbal communication, like tone of voice, facial expressions and body language.
  6. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Porn induced brain damage is literally 60% of the reason I constantly want to fucking kill myself.

    well in your case I say you should definately go through with it, you are beyond saving unlike sploo.
  7. Originally posted by RisiR I'm a firm believer that all words exist.

  8. Originally posted by bling bling is uk join brics yet plz thx

    DID YOU VOTE YES OR NO??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i meant the execution.
  10. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Porn induced brain damage is literally 60% of the reason I constantly want to fucking kill myself.


    Do you get ruminations and intrusive images or groinal responses, that you feel that you need to masturbate to, even though you hate the thoughts and try to resist? That's sexual OCD, but I'm sure there's a strong correlation between porn induced brain damage and sexual OCD.
  11. PCC is the contaminant I'm thinking of.. very nasty stuff. This paper in the erowid link is written by the legendary ALEXANDER T. SHULGIN.. take it with a grain of iridium.

    Pyrolytic fate of piperidinocyclohexanecarbonitrile, a contaminant of phencyclidine, during smoking.

    conclusion of the paper... DO NOT SMOKE PCC, YOU WILL FUCKING DIE HORRIBLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally posted by the holy ghost psych ward survival guide for people who give no fucks:

    1).try to get prescribed 5+ different medications over your stay to numb you out. they won't get you high but you'll be in an altered state of consciousness where you can't feel pain and with some you'll get mildy euphoric.

    2).get someone to bring you games like a rubix, zobrist cube, books of crosswords and other puzzles, and some printouts of shit you wanna learn

    3).fuck with the weak people

    4).always get seconds of food and take advantage of the varied meals

    5).always oversleep and buy as many snacks as possible

    so basically get high on meds, play games the whole time, assert your dominance and enjoy the food + housing

    edit bot for niggga reasons

    1. yes. Ambien got me very high at the dose I got. Mirtazapine was meh.

    2. yes, this can be bastardzied many ways (smuggle drugs)

    3. yes.

    4. yes.

    5.yes. I would wake up early and eat the breakfast of people that overslept.
  12. Porn induced brain damage is literally 60% of the reason I constantly want to fucking kill myself.
  13. pics bae
  14. Good idea. The more I ruminate on it, the worse it gets. I know this as a fact, but my mind has been fucking with me badly lately.
  15. Originally posted by Sophie Sounds like you're ready to graduate to the deep web necro hurtcore style.

    I probably could easily but I don't want to be controlled by my maniacal penis. I can't imagine continuing doing stuff like this and being happy in life or successful. I want to be able to get off to real girls, and not be experiencing literal mental torture from some of the weirdshit I've seen that offended my entire neurology and OCD'd me for months into fapping to it i.e. becoming suicidal. Wtf can I do? Should I nofap for 3 months or am I fucked?
  16. Looks like we got a wild lil derpadew chicken over here
  17. I don't think I would date a girl who watches fetish porn lol.

    But to some degree I'm ashamed of myself. Tbh sexual sadism doesn't mean anything to me it's ego-syntonic but now that I'm experimenting with porn and masturbation relating to topics of disgust I feel less than human and that's fueling my OCD of other disgusting thoughts that I find 100 times worse. Those thoughts are ego-dystonic. I don't like disgust and I don't want to be disgusting. An asshole or an evil prick fine but not a gross sick fuck. I've experimented with scat while manic on benzedrex and I felt like I gave myself brain damage because I had a headache for 4 hours. I guess humans can actually fap to anything even if they aren't attracted to it, but I don't feel like being an absolute bottom feeder of the human condition due to mental illness and drugs fueling my sexuality and deceiving me.

    Post last edited by the holy ghost at 2016-12-16T00:51:09.927428+00:00
  18. I used to be that weed man man.
  19. Malice got SHUT DOWN!!
  20. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Whats an officer down kit?. My existence in the universe is not marked long enough for me to punch this into google.

    Basically what hamp said. Probably has that stuff your pour in a GSW, various medical instruments to deal with sucking wounds and bleeding. Its pretty sensible to think that an Officer Down Kit would basically be a medkit.

    Based off the story I imagine it wasnt a set up. A set up would be a well insured gun store being cleaned out because someone "forgot" to set the alarm when they left. I would imagine this is just some idiot that left his guns in his car and got fucked.

    The "black rifle" could be a lot of things. I would imagine it is a rifle that was restocked. Easily could have been a Mossin restocked but very well could have been many other models. With the restocking it almost makes more sense to just say a "black rifle" than to write out the exact model of the action and all and just say its been restocked.

    Whatever the case is, this guy made a big mistake with keeping all his shit in his car. ATF investigations are rarely fun for anyone involved.
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