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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. i want meth for christmas CMON SANTA


    This is what I watch when I wake up

  3. i like supertramp.
  4. Originally posted by littleasianlady Meth puts holes in your brain.

    So does my penis.
  5. I thought green burrito had vegetarian options

  6. Start the day off by not being you.

    Read scrawny posts, live life like scrawny and all will be revealed

  7. Its got pill binders and everything! This man is a miracle of science!.
  8. "Mommy where do syncans come from??"

  9. Do both.
  10. Make it like those hippie cults where they don't really believe in a higher power but their leader is basically human form of God and also take away all their money and only use bitcoin in your cult. It would allow everyone to live outside the system while being totally reliant upon you for basic needs.
  11. I would start with some youtube videos. Make long youtube videos with lots of mystical imagery and total bullshit about aliens and shit. Eventually you'll get some followers and people who will message you and want to talk about things and you can form relationships with a bunch of them and then start holding meetups where you dose them with a combination of LSD and really high quality meth in some sort of religious communion ritual (but you don't tell them it's meth and acid, you just tell them it's alien jesus communion or whatever.) Then set up a house where they all live and listen to you for their crystal meth communion shots.
  12. Me too, but winter break kinda sucks
  13. Fuckthe typos, I'm zonked.
  14. Originally posted by Malice I called it. I've told you multiple times who you truly are beneath your facade, at your core. Don't you remember Nietzche's views on depression being a weakness of the spirit? I overcame the severest of my depression through will power and daring experimentation with biological modulation to augment and repair my physical vessel, making use of the knowledge I had gained through thousands of cumulative hours of reading and processing information.

    Oh Malice! Your morning dew droplet is so small it couldn't even bend the weakest blade of grass. Why don't you try to be the rain for once? Is it to high for you? Are you afraid of the gravity that comes with being rain?

    Nietzsche would have laughed at you. You did nothing. You haven't achieved anything and you never will. My hope in you is dead. What did you do? Swallow some powders so you aren't sad anymore? Laughable.

    Remember when I said that intimacy is your biggest fear and you said you fear it more than death? Remember how you said you overcame your hermit lifestyle to get some drugs? Nothing have you achieved. It is just your malfunctioning brain fiending for another distraction.

    What will you be when I take your powders and potions all away. What will you be when the delusion fades? I can tell you. Easily. The same insignificant coward you were when you ran away from your family 10 years ago.

    Your perception of me is just ridiculous. We can talk about it if you want to.

    Write down the difference between the "real" me behind screen and RisiR, the fictional character. I'd love to read that.

    Post last edited by RisiR at 2016-12-16T09:55:33.329246+00:00
  15. Originally posted by Lanny I don't think this does what you think it does:

     if not input:

    `input` is a builtin function so "not input" will never evaluate true. You might want `if not times:` instead.

    except KeyError: 'text'

    It's generally considered a bad practice to catch an exception and do nothing with it, but if you do have some code branch where you just need a statement to satisfy the parser python has the `pass` statement which is a noop.

    Yeah, when I wasn't catching it broke my code, so has to catch it, and I didn't wanna stop the loop on an exception so just left it empty :/
  16. Originally posted by HampTheToker And, far better than any feeling you've ever had.

    They'll kill you for sure, but you'll be addicted as fuck because something that makes you feel that good you can just never let go.

    You could say the same about heroin but heroin is much cheaper
  17. when she's 13 you'll do anything
  18. I think it's just that sinbad always dressed like a genie. The shaq movie was obviously Shazam.

    What retarded amerifat thinks Nelson Mandela died in the 80s? Like why would he be a household name for dying in prison? Do you know how many civil rights activists have died in prison (Nawt enough amirite?)? No? Because no one gives a shit about the ones who died in prison. The black panthers who died in prison were all the most forgettable ones. Nobody remembers tookie and mumia anymore because they lost, the government won and they died. Fuck maybe mumia didn't die yet and everyone just thinks he did because he's so irrelevant. I wish that making a murderer weirdo died in prison so I wouldn't have to see his rapey hillbilly face all the time while hipsters feign moral outrage and pretend to know anything about the legal system.
  19. So just pick out some random bullshit
  20. ^ *like

    Its crazy man...
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