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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This thread probably won't apply to most T&T regulars but if you're just a normal guy/gal who doesn't do anything particularly illegal or dangerous on the internet and would just like a little more privacy in general this thread is for you. No programming knowledge is required, but i encourage you to look into getting python 2.7, it's easy to work with from the commandline on Windows or the terminal on Linux, in fact if you're on linux there's a good chance you already have the python interpreter.

    Since the aim of this thread is to provide privacy to your regular not too tech savvy internet denizen i'll keep it reasonably simple. I'm going to assume you're on Windows, but i'd suggest looking into Linux as an OS, Mint is pretty good for your average Linux noob.

    Anyway, if you're not switching OS, i suggest you get this tool:

    Just download and unzip into a directory of your choice and run BlockWindows.bat as administrator. This will take care of all microsoft sanctioned privacy compromising updates and such. For a more detailed overview of what the batch file does read the on github.

    Secondly, you probably want to get a VPN, if you don't feel like paying for a VPN there are multiple options for you however the one i've found easiest to use is CyberGhost

    I started off with the free version way back when but have since signed up for a subscription it's cheap, the service is good and by signing up you get better speeds. Also the company that runs this VPN service is based in germany which has good data protection laws. However if you do get the free version it will connect you for three hours after which it will disconnect you and you have to manually reconnect again. Sounds rather inconvenient doesn't it? Don't worry though, i've made a solution for you.

    Here's where the python interpreter comes in but i've also compiled the script below to exe if you don't feel like going through all that trouble. Before you start the script though make sure you go into the settings of CyberGhost and set it connect at program start up.

    import sys
    import psutil
    import time
    import pywinauto
    from win32com.client import GetObject

    def timer():
    while True:
    print "[+]Three hours remaining"
    print "[+]Two hours remaining"
    print "[+]One hour remaining"
    print "[+]Restarting process"

    wmi = GetObject('winmgmts:')
    processes = wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Process')
    vpn = wmi.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_Process where Name="CyberGhost.exe"')
    PID = vpn[0].Properties_('ProcessId').Value

    p = psutil.Process(PID)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "[!]Critical, user aborted script. Exiting."

    def main():
    # Instantiate app
    app = pywinauto.application.Application()
    app.Start("C:\\Program Files\\CyberGhost 5\\CyberGhost.exe")
    # Wait to load
    print "[+]CyberGhost started."
    print "[+]Starting timer. "
    # Start timer

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    If you choose to run the script from the commandline you will need the pywinauto and psutil modules for this to work. Altenatively you can download the standalone binary from here:

    What this will do is just start cyberghost, then cyberghost will connect and before three hours are up it will kill the process and restart it upon which cyberghost will automatically connect again. Pretty simple, but effective. I'm actually thinking of making a VPN monitor for the paid version as well to monitor for disconnects and automatically reconnect but i'll get back to you on that.

    Anyway, there's also a few browser extensions i suggest you get: Advanced Add Blocker, NoScript, HTTPS Everywhere, and NoWebRTC.

    This last one is optional and requires you to get the python interpreter for sure.

    When this script is run it looks for a bunch of HTTP/S proxies you can use in your browser as an added layer of security or just in general if you'd like. It's very easy to use, if you have the dependencies and the interpreter installed you just "cd" to the proper directory type the scripts name into the commandline and it will spit proxies out for you to use.

    Anyway, that's about it, if anyone has anything to add feel free.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I actually really appreciate what Lanny's got going on here. Sure, I wish I could leave the site and have all traces of everything I've ever written disappear, but it's cool to be in touch with you guys. I also like the fact that the forum is basically free for us to do and say what we want. To be honest, the dude typically gives really great insight when he comments on stuff, but you can tell he's busy.

    Long story short, even though he's busy making a ton of money and cross-dressing, it is appreciated that he tends to our playground.

    Here, here.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    roll roll roll
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ha! I didn't get this thread because I thought it was about training quads and triceps. Hahaha… I'm sure none of you weaklings have ever even heard of Paul Dillet. Do you even lift? No, no you don't. PWND.

    All you're showing with this post is your lack of understanding of internet culture. Newfag.

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    By the way, I can't make new threads.

    This study is objectively false and biased becasue patriarchy.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Years ago, I used to use an ultra high speed port scanner (which could scan an entire IP range subset in seconds) and locate machines which had port 27374 open for the SubSeven server. Then I'd use the author master password on the backdoors to get in for root access, check the machines to see which ones were high speed cable boxes with infrequent usage, and make a list of the ones which were. Then I'd self-destruct SubSeven on each machine and install a low level rootkit and an IP-pager on them, which guaranteed dedicated access on each machine, and finally, installed an invisible server using a modified version of Serv-U on each one. Then I uploaded my server files to the first one, and used FlashFXP to "side transfer" and propagate all the files from the first one to all of them, upwards of 100 machines at one point, all serving identical files. Then I used DynDns to convert all the IPs into a single domain name, so that if the first one went down somehow, it would automatically switch to the next machine. Worked great, until one day I was on a machine and did a local check to see if anyone else was on the machine, and there was a indeed a fed on it. It ended up, the fed had somehow hacked the rootkit and was resident, I could see his IP. There was no doubt. So I uninstalled everything on that machine, then I uninstalled everything on all the other machines, and I put everything back just as it was before I took them over. Then I waited, but the feds never came.

    Brool story co.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We're such chanfags. Chans have literally infiltrated every aspect of the internet, it's ok though, it's bretty funny.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also bye §m£ÂgØL, what a long strange journey it's been eh?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Its my fault. Sorry. Ive decided after thinking for a while (I still intend to leave this world) but Ive heard enough about what Ive done to my 'flesh and blood', youre just going to have to deal with the concequenses of that night because I wont be here to deal with them anymore and Id rather not a pedophile have Ex. He wont let me put him up for adoption so we are going through 'Petition to Examine Paternity' and yes, you will be brought up to do a paternity test for the courts. Ive said before I dont want child support, this isnt what its about. Youve threatened me so much over childsupport and thats not ever what I wanted from you. If you take custody of him when Im gone, you can place him for adoption if you wish. I wish I could go live the life youve left me for. We couldhave lived that aweaome life together, but you destroyed me and you know what you did when I attempted to contact your parents. Sorry about that but he deserves better, YOUR RIGHT ABOUT THAT. Im trying to give him better but I cant do it myself alone anymore. I told you it would come to this if I was alone. You destroyed my life, you destroyed any hopes of happiness Id had. Good luck, I have no malice toward you, but be expecting those court orders in the mail, along with a money order I am sending to repay you. Once hes yours, you can do withbhim as you like, I was just trying to make this easier on everyone because Im dead for all intents and purposes. Im going on just trying to secure his safety away from that evil pedophile. Dont worry, I dont want child support. you can either raise him yourself or put him for adoption I dont care nor will I be around to care.

    Your ex into shota? What he do? If you're going to kill yourself anyway might as well spill the beans.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That means we need 1111 posts ITT, good luck, we're screwed. Also we'll have 10 sets of trips before we get quads nigga.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you still shit in a bag?

    I never did. Get your facts straight, still doesn't change the fact you're part gypsy, hue hue hue.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah, especially if it needs just one stupid packet, one stupid "weather notification service" or whatever the fuck and boom, it's recorded somewhere so someone can tied it back to you like 12 months later. I think it's still fairly costly to do this, but moore's law etc.

    I was messing around with nmap recently I found out that my ISP-provided modem-router has open ports 80 and 21 on the outside interface, and only port 80 on the inside one. What the flying fuck? I remember scanning the inside interface and found it satisfactory, then by chance I scanned the other one and fuck, great, how do I change this - oh, I can't, cause proprietary router software, what the fuck? Gonna figure this one out this weekend. Oh, the cherry on top is that I have ipv6 on my local network, but my ISP doesn't do ipv6. I mean, what the shit?

    Lol when i switched ISP's recently i got the same shit. Scanned the outer part poof port 21 open what the actual fuck.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    With a hint of Gypsy.


    You're not part of the glorious Germanic Herrenvolk you're just a pleb.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sorry but this isn't a debate. Sploo has demonstrated consistently that he's part of the club of self-proclaimed geniuses running around this site who talk incessantly about their leviathan intellect but have nothing to show for it at all.

    I know he just posts stuff to try and get a reaction of out me because he has no real life, but honestly I knew an old guy who reminds me of him. This guy took an IQ test in like the 5th grade and it told him he was a "genius." He proceeded to fuck around all through middle school, do drugs, barely pass high school, became the town drunk, got a girl pregnant, beat the shit out of her, he went to jail, was like a two time felon, and was constantly fucked up on drugs and alcohol until his late twenties / early thirties I guess. He eventually joined alcoholics anonymous and his new identity is that of an addict, but the reality is just that he's a shitty person. Nobody likes him. His wife hates him. His kids can't stand him. But it didn't matter to him, because he took an outdated test once that told him he was a genius.

    And to this day, in his mid-fifties, he goes around asking "What's your IQ?" It's pathetic, really.

    In both cases, whatever intellect you guys had in the first place has to of been severely compromised by the amount of drugs you do.

    The thing is that the world is full of "would be rock stars" and "almost Einsteins" who waste their whole lives and all of their potential because they're more in love with the image of being a polymath or prodigy as opposed to actually putting in the work and mastering something. Think about it, how many self-proclaimed "polymaths" do you know who spend hours producing "music" that's literally just a bunch of noises? I know like thirteen people like that. Most of them are complete losers who can't even read sheet music, don't really play any instruments because they lack the discipline to master them, and can't write anything that would even be remotely successful (that's why they're not successful).

    I just feel bad for him.

    Ex nihilo nihil fit. To stay with the latin theme we got going here.

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And you were modding Zoklet while this happened??

    This only happened in The Hague, Schilderswijk, to be exact and i'm nowhere near The Hague why should i care. As long as my government is letting all these muslim refugee faggots in there's nothing i can do.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But once I know, I will relaese loads of CP and GP on this site, and then things will get MUCH MORE INTERESTING….

    Do you even google?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The Dutch didn't start shit the muslims just figured screw the law of the land we got a better law and it's the law of Allah and his prophet Mohammed(Pbuh).
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    GJ dude. The dns stuff doesn't look interesting, it's just using some default TWC dns servers I think. It does offer some chance of a mitm if you set up your own dns server and changed those settings to point to your dns server.

    I'm trying to forward some ports, "set VIP multi-port" is the first command in a series you need to perform, but it told me the router had to be reset in order for the changes to take effect i thought about it but if there are people actively using the network and i reset the router remotely they might start to ask questions lel. Also, sadly, i don't have my own DNS server. Nexpose only got as far as the router it did find some vulnerabilities related to the web interface of the thing but nothing too interesting. Mostly certificate stuff.

    Now i usually do web app so i have no idea how to get past the router into the network itself without forwarding ports or if that's even the best way for that matter. Here's the documentation i could find on port forwarding,
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I the kiddy porn story in GS

    It's objectively more interesting than your thread.
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