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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    This thread was written at the urging of a certain Donald Trump
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    hey i need your help do you have recommendations for emulator sites?

    I normally would use Vimm's Lair. My friend recommended Emuparadise, both are down.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Present: The Honorable Jacqueline Chooljian, United States Magistrate Judge
    Kerri Hays None None
    Deputy Clerk Court Reporter / Recorder Tape No.
    Attorneys Present for Plaintiff: Attorneys Present for Defendants:
    none none
    COMPEL (DOCKET NOS. 40, 42, 43)
    Pending before the Court and set for a hearing on July 30, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. are the parties’
    Motions to Compel which have been presented to the Court in the form of a single Joint Stipulation
    Regarding Dispute Over Production of Document (“Joint Stipulation” or “JS”) without a notice of
    motion. (See Local Rule L.R. 37-2 (discovery joint stipulation must be filed and served with notice of
    motion)).1 Plaintiff seeks an order compelling Defendant Koil Content Creation Pty Ltd. (“Koil” or
    “Defendant”) to produce further documents responsive to Plaintiff’s Document Request No. 16 (“RFP
    No. 16”) which calls for Defendant to produce all documents evidencing all revenues generated and
    costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of the NoPixel Server (“Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel”).
    Defendant seeks an order compelling Plaintiff to produce further documents responsive to Defendant’s
    Document Request No. 2 (“RFP No. 2”) which calls for Plaintiff to produce all communications
    between Plaintiff and Daniel Tracy that refer or reflect eleven specified subjects (“Defendant’s Motion
    to Compel”).
    Pursuant to Rule 78 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 7-15, the
    Court finds the Motions to Compel appropriate for decision without oral argument. The hearing
    calendared for July 30, 2024 is hereby vacated and the Motions to Compel are taken off calendar and are
    submitted for decision.
    1In connection with the Motions to Compel, the parties have submitted the Joint Stipulation,
    Plaintiff’s Supplemental Memorandum, Defendant’s Supplemental Memorandum, a Declaration of
    Mitchell Clout (“Clout Decl.”) with an exhibit (“Clout Ex. 1”), a Declaration of Larry Zerner (“Zerner
    Decl.”) with exhibits (“Zerner Ex.”), and a Declaration of John M. Begakis (“Begakis Decl.”) with an
    exhibit (“Begakis Ex. A”). (Docket Nos. 40, 42, 43, 47).
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    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Based on the parties’ submissions, the record and the pertinent facts and law, the Court grants in
    part and denies in part Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel and Defendant’s Motion to Compel as set forth
    below. The parties are ordered to provide the items called for by this Order within fourteen (14) days
    absent further order of the Court or written agreement of the parties.
    On July 7, 2023, Plaintiff That One Video Entertainment (“Plaintiff” or “TOVE”) filed the
    operative First Amended Complaint (alternatively, “FAC”) against Defendant Koil and its founder/
    owner Mitchell Clout (“Clout”) (collectively “Defendants”), asserting claims for declaratory relief,
    breach of contract and an accounting. (Docket No. 18; Begakis Decl. ¶ 2). The First Amended
    Complaint alleges the following:
    Plaintiff is a content creation/business management company that employs various individuals in
    the videogame industry. (FAC ¶ 9). It employed a software developer named Daniel Tracey (“Tracey”).
    (FAC ¶ 9). As part of Tracey’s employment agreement, TOVE was permitted to contract with third
    parties to sell Tracey’s services and receive all compensation paid for the same. (FAC ¶ 10).
    Defendants operate a videogame server (the “NoPixel Server”), where individuals who play the
    “open world” video game Grand Theft Auto V (the “Game”), can role-play with other individuals in a
    closed game environment on the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 11).
    Around early 2020, Defendants desired to engage Tracey in his role as a software developer to
    make significant updates to the NoPixel Server (the “Services”). (FAC ¶ 12). Defendants contracted
    with TOVE to obtain Tracey’s Services as an independent contractor in exchange for Defendants’
    agreement “to pay 50% of Game revenue to TOVE by way of [] Tracey (the ‘Agreement’).” (FAC
    ¶ 12).2
    2Defendants deny this allegation (Answer ¶ 12; see also JS at 4-5) and Defendant Clout attests:
    In May 2021, Defendant Koil entered into a contract with Tracey (not TOVE) for Tracey to work as a
    developer. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6). Koil paid Tracey a base salary of $10,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6).
    In March 2022, Tracey proposed during extra services in exchange for addiitonal money from Koil.
    (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). One of the things that Koil asked Tracey to do was to set up additional international
    servers because at the time, the only international server was in India. (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). On March 22,
    2022, Tracey sent the terms of this employment proposal to Koil via the Discord messaging app. (Clout
    Decl. ¶ 7). Such message essentially reflects that Tracey would accept $10,000 per month as his base
    pay, plus 50% of the revenue from the existing India server, 50% from the Koil Whitelist Priority server,
    and 50% from the international servers he would help get online, and that the contract would be
    renegotiated every six months. (Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9; Clout Ex. 1). Tracey eventually helped get two
    additional international servers online (besides India), running Koil’s code – one for Spain and one that
    covered South America. (Clout Decl. ¶ 11). Until Tracey was terminated in December 2022, Koil paid
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    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 2 of 9 Page ID #:268
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    During the aforementioned arrangement, TOVE did not execute an agreement stating that
    Tracey’s contributions were “works-made-for-hire” or were otherwise owned by Defendants. (FAC
    ¶ 12).
    From in or about early 2020 to in our about December 2022, Tracey rendered Services to
    Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13). In the process of rendering such Services, Tracey contributed significant
    creative contributions to both the “front end” visual aesthetics of the Game and the “back end”
    information management systems that allow the NoPixel Server to function. (FAC ¶ 13). Specifically,
    Tracey designed and created the entire payment processing system utilized by the NoPixel Server which
    has facilitated the processing of millions of dollars in payments to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13).
    In late 2022, a personal dispute arose between Tracey and Defendant Clout, resulting in Clout
    terminating Tracey’s role with Defendant Koil and removing Tracey’s authority to access the Server.
    (FAC ¶ 15).
    On January 9, 2023, Plaintiff, through counsel, thereafter advised Defendants that all of Tracey’s
    contributions to the development of the NoPixel Server were exclusively owned by TOVE. (FAC ¶ 20).3
    On or about January 23, 2023, Defendants, through counsel, responded, claiming that Tracey had
    contributed nothing copyrightable to the NoPixel Server and that anything Tracey had contributed was
    permanently and irrevocably licensed to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 21). On or about February 6, 2024,
    Plaintiff, through counsel, disputed Defendants’ claims of lack of ownership and the existence of a
    license. (FAC ¶ 21).4 On February 10, 2024, Defendants, through counsel, again claimed that they had a
    perpetual, irrevocable license in and to Tracey’s contributions to the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 23).
    As noted above, Plaintiff asserts claims for declaratory relief, breach of contract and an
    accounting. (Docket No. 18). As subsequently construed by the District Judge, Plaintiff’s first claim for
    declaratory relief essentially seeks a declaration that Plaintiff is a joint owner of the NoPixel Server and
    Tracey 50% of the revenue from the aforementioned four servers (Whitelist Priority, India, Spain and
    South America), which typically averaged between $40,000 to $50,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 12).
    At no point did Tracey ever ask for or receive any money from any server, other than the aforementioned
    four servers. (Clout Decl. ¶ 13). At no point did Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay
    TOVE or Tracey money from any other server. (Clout Decl. ¶ 14).
    3It is not clear if this letter is the same or distinct from the January 9, 2024 letter sent to
    Defendant Clout on behalf of Tracey (not TOVE) by Attorney John M. Begakis, who now also
    represents Plaintiff in this action. (See Zerner Decl. ¶ 2; Zerner Ex. 2).
    4A copy of this letter, in which Attorney Begakis advises Defendants’ counsel that he now
    represented both Tracy and TOVE appears to be attached to the Zerner Declaration as Exhibit 3. (See
    Zerner Decl. ¶ 3; Zerner Ex. 3).
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    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 3 of 9 Page ID #:269
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    that Defendants did not have a “license” to operate the NoPixel Server without accounting for profits to
    TOVE and could not operate the NoPixel Server under the guise of a license that allows it to keep all
    profits. (See Docket No. 26). Plaintiff’s second claim for breach of contract alleges that Defendants
    have breached the Agreement in that they have failed and refused, and continue to fail and refuse, “to
    pay TOVE 50% of the revenue generated from the NoPixel Server.” (FAC ¶ 32).5 Plaintiff’s third claim
    for an accounting alleges that Defendants have received money from the exploitation of Tracey’s
    creative contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license, a portion of which is therefore due to
    TOVE, and the amount of which cannot be ascertained without an order requiring Defendants to account
    to TOVE with respect to all transactions relating to Defendants’ exploitation of Tracey’s creative
    contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license. (FAC ¶¶ 35-37).
    On February 14, 2024, the District Judge denied Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss the declaratory
    relief claim. (Docket No. 26).
    On or about April 8, 2024, Plaintiff served on Defendant Koil, Plaintiff’s First Set of Requests
    for the Production of Documents (“Plaintiff’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 16, which is in
    issue. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 3). Defendant served its initial responses to the Document Requests on May 8,
    2024. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 4). On May 9, 2024, Plaintiff’s counsel emailed Defendant’s counsel regarding
    asserted deficiencies in Defendant’s responses to the Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 5; Begakis
    Ex. A). On May 22, 2024, counsel met and conferred regarding Defendant’s responses to Plaintiff’s
    Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 6). On June 5, 2024, Defendant served supplemental responses
    to Plaintiff’s Document Requests but continued to refuse to provide any financial documents responsive
    to RFP No. 16, asserting that such documents were “unrelated to this litigation.” (Begakis Decl. ¶ 7).
    On June 12, 2024, the parties exchanged further communications but were unable to resolve their
    differences regarding RFP No. 16. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 8).
    On an unspecified date, Defendant Koil served Plaintiff with Defendant Koil’s First Set of
    Requests for the Production of Documents (“Defendant’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 2,
    which is in issue. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). On an unspecified date, Plaintiff responded to Defendant’s
    Document Requests. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). The parties apparently thereafter conferred regarding Plaintiff’s
    assertedly deficient production relative to RFP No. 2 – i.e., its asserted failure to produce documents
    post-dating 2022 – but were unable to resolve their differences. (JS at 1, 8-11).
    5In its recitation of “Facts Common to All Causes of Action,” Plaintiff alleges that Defendants
    agreed to pay Plaintiff “fifty percent (50%) of Game revenue,” but in the breach of contract claim,
    Plaintiff instead alleges that Defendants agreed to pay Plaintiff “50% of revenue generated from the
    NoPixel Server.” (Compare FAC 12 with FAC 31). It thus appears that Plaintiff equates revenue from
    the NoPixel Server with revenue from the Game.
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    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 4 of 9 Page ID #:270
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    A. Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel – RFP No. 16
    Plaintiff’s RFP No. 16 calls for Defendant to produce: “All DOCUMENTS evidencing all
    revenues generated, and costs incurred, from YOUR operation of the NOPIXEL SERVER.” (JS at 6).6
    Defendant initially interposed multiple objections to RFP No. 16 – asserting that it is
    burdensome, oppressive, overbroad, compound, vague, ambiguous and unintelligible – but, without
    waiving such objections, and after assertedly conducting a diligent search and making reasonable
    inquiry, responded: “Based on the ambiguous and unclear definition provided for the NOPIXEL
    SERVER, Responding Party is unable to provide a response.” (JS at 6).7
    Defendant thereafter provided a supplemental response which reasserted the same objections, but
    notwithstanding and without waiving such objections, responded: “The subject documents are already
    in the possession, custody, and control of the Propounding Party insofar as the requested documents
    were produced to the Propounding Party on or about May 8, 2024. The responsive documents are
    contained within Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 produced [t]herewith, which reflect the 50% net
    participation agreement between TRACEY and NoPixel via Discord on March 14, 2022. Propounding
    Party’s definition of “NOPIXEL SERVER” is otherwise overbroad as it: (a) encompasses over 172
    servers, (b) would require production of financial documents unrelated to this litigation, © [is] wholly
    unrelated to any work performed by TRACEY, and (d) is therefore, not calculated to lead to the
    discovery of admissible evidence.” (JS at 6-7).8
    6Plaintiff has not supplied the Court with the actual Document Requests which presumably
    define the capitalized terms. As to the term “NOPIXEL SERVER,” the Court proceeds on the
    assumption that it has been defined in a manner consistent with the definition thereof in the First
    Amended Complaint, i.e., that it refers to “a videogame server, wherein individuals who play the ‘open
    world’ videogame entitled ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ . . . can ‘role-play’ with other individuals in a closed
    Game environment on such server” (FAC ¶ 11),” but, given the information supplied by Defendants
    regarding multiple servers, further presumes that even though the term is singular, the “NOPIXEL
    SERVER” is actually comprised of 172 servers, including the four specific servers identified by
    Defendants. (See supra note 2; JS at 6-7).
    7Defendant also incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    response but Defendant has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
    8Defendant again incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    supplemental response but has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
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    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 5 of 9 Page ID #:271
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    As noted above (see supra note 2), Defendant takes the position that its only agreement was with
    Tracey (not TOVE), that such agreement only required Defendant to pay and Defendant did pay Tracey –
    until Tracey’s termination in December 2022 – $10,000 per month base pay and 50% of the revenue
    from Defendant’s India, Koil Whitelist Priority, Spain and South America servers, and that at no point
    did Defendant’s owner/founder Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay TOVE or Tracey
    money from any other server. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9, 11-14; Clout Ex. 1). Defendant Clout
    represents that he has agreed to give Plaintiff revenue statements from the four aforementioned servers
    (presumably Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 referenced in Defendant Koil’s supplemental response
    to RFP No. 16), but Defendant declines to agree to produce revenue from any other servers as they are
    assertedly completely outside the scope of the agreement in issue. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶ 15).
    Plaintiff essentially argues that Defendant’s response is insufficient because Defendant’s
    production does not include documents evidencing all revenues generated, and costs incurred, from
    Defendant’s operation of all servers that assertedly constitute “the NOPIXEL SERVER” and instead is
    limited to documents evidencing revenues generated/costs incurred from only those servers that
    Defendant contends are relevant to the action under Defendant’s theory of the case. (JS at 7). Plaintiff
    contends that the requested discovery is relevant and proportional to the needs of the case because the
    First Amended Complaint alleges that Plaintiff “is a co-owner in the copyright of the code comprising
    the NoPixel Server and is entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the revenues generated therefrom pursuant to
    the parties’ agreement . . . and because the scope of Plaintiff’s potential ownership and right to profits is
    broad enough to entitle Plaintiff to half of all monies reflected in such requested documents.” (JS at 7-
    The Court is not unsympathetic to Defendant’s position – particularly given the evidence it has
    submitted regarding a relatively narrow agreement with Tracey versus the absence of any evidence
    submitted by Plaintiff to support its different/broader allegations regarding the parties to and terms of the
    agreement in issue. However, as relevance is determined by reference to the pleadings9 – here, the
    operative First Amended Complaint – the Court is compelled to conclude that documents evidencing
    revenues generated and costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of all of the servers that comprise the
    “NOPIXEL SERVER” is relevant to at least the damages assessment for the breach of contract claim
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    They just find young teens who are eager to please older men. These are very common in countries liek Czech Republic, Hungary, Columbia, even the USA, most of Africa, Russia, Latvia, many western nations and all middle eastern/muslim countries.

    Most of these countries are just filled with young people who like a guy who is older, mature, not trashy and young and they want to be with him especially if he's an artist and still likes to play video games and watch TV and go out.

    It is only in Poland, I feel like, where young women aren't interested in older guys even if they have their own place

    I also heard in Columbia many women find it attractive if a guy is into dog porn,
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by WellHung Please set me up with an account. I'm in. 👍

    u gotta use ur telephone number, i've tried making multiple accounts. it doesn't work
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    OP Have you tried jacking off on cam?
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    In a world full of hatred and scorn
    There lies a man named Wariat, forlorn
    He cannot fathom why he is despised
    Unloved, unwanted, always criticized

    Wariat wanders through life all alone
    No friends to call his very own
    Young women shudder at his approach
    For they know he is nothing but a roach

    BradleyB, a shining beacon of light
    Always right, never in a fight
    The best friend that Wariat ever had
    Yet he pushes him away, it's just so sad

    No one likes Wariat, online or in person
    His mere presence is deemed a curse on
    He longs for love, for someone to care
    But he's met with cold, indifferent stares

    Pedophiles, a topic of disgust
    Yet Wariat wonders why they must
    Receive such hate, such disdain
    He longs for acceptance, but in vain

    Young women will never sleep with him
    His heart aches, his chances slim
    He dreams of love, of a tender touch
    But it seems his fate is sealed as such

    BradleyB, always right, always true
    Yet Wariat pushes him away, what can he do?
    He wants nothing to do with his friend
    Leaving Wariat alone, his heart to mend

    In his darkest hours, Wariat thinks
    Perhaps it's time for him to sink
    Into the depths of despair and sorrow
    To end it all, no more tomorrow

    But deep down, a flicker of hope
    A tiny voice telling him to cope
    To reach out, to try again
    To mend the bonds, to break the chain

    For love is not always easy to find
    But it's worth the struggle, worth the grind
    Wariat, don't give up just yet
    There's still a chance, don't you forget

    BradleyB, the friend you push away
    He's there for you, come what may
    Reach out to him, mend the rift
    For true friendship is a precious gift

    And as for love, it will come in time
    Don't worry much you'll be just fine.
    Ass eating, dog fucking it's on your mind
    Porno Dan you're true love, you find.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Yes. It's just sparsely populated and minds its own business.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm not petty and neither are my coats.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I like sex
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    great thread, I whole heartedly agree with the destruction of children's faces to be awful and an evil action.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry Why wont you just play Diablo 1 in your browser its like one of the ebst games you can play to experience true pc gaming:

    I played dialbo 3 extensively on my ps4 for awhile
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry I believe bradley is in the same boat hence why he went all gay all of a sudden and not bo he knows his life situation doesn’t let him or really isn’t easy for him to have room in his life for a true life partner.

  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry I believe guys that me and Kafka are the only posters on here who are afraid of commitment or of someone of the opposite gender getting close and making us feel vulnerable. The redhead was the closest anyone got to me as of the last few years and look how she hurt me guys. I mean that’s why I think besides being into the taboo and porn factor of age play I get turned on by way older women who still look good and the youngins I just don’t want a serious traditional relationship.

    good news bro, no ones gonna want you to commit to them lol
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Have fun nigga, I got an extremely high pain tolerance that comes with a chronic ailment and when I had my shit infected due to my tooth i forgot what they call it

    The bottom of the tooth that touched the root was hollow and it was causing infections so they were gonna doa root canal but my alcoholic ass waited too long to get it treated so they ended up popping that bitch out with this dental crowbar thing.

    Fucking worse pain ever when I had that shit. I started with anti biotics, oral gel numbing liquid, ibuprophen, and a swishing mouth wash for pain.

    Bor I would use the mouthwash, and just let hte mouthwash sit in my mouth for ten minutes, then I would put the oragel on and it would feel 2-3/10 on the bad scale and withina half hour it was 7/8 throbbing with breakthrough pain of 10-11 that left me biting a rag and rocking back and forth wishing I could just move past the feeling in my body and exist somewhere without the pain

    Then they crowbared that shit out and I couldn't be happier.

  16. Bradley Florida Man
    If this thread was my dick's twin it couldn't be any longer.

    Also RIP PlzDontBan

    Forever in ur boyfriend Poast's heart and butt.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Do you think that's what gave you such strong brain damage?
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    U kiss buffalo? I didn't even know Poland had buffalo
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    I like the happy stories they end with
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    I had tooth marks on my penis before, not from a shark though
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