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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. amount of lives saved ?
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein You still at the furniture store then ?

    Dancing with couches and love seats 😂

    does this makes you fell better about yourself
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Gonna lay down until it’s time to go ❤️

    how does this save livez
  4. Originally posted by CandyRein 😭

    cope ?

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Post a pic of your eyes and we'll take it from there.

    my eyes unlock lots of things.

    is this your feeble attempt at collecting PI
  5. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Is Mr. Fag a doctor?

    thats not what doctrine means
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock 180 degrees is not that hot

    I cook my silica at 250 degrees or so…cerakote at 300 degrees…and outgassing acetone at about 200

    wjat do you do with thek
  7. Originally posted by Kafka It's called being wet.

    thats how she coped.
  8. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    not only that but RAND just recently came out recomending FAGS doctrine.
  9. Originally posted by ner vegas Azerbaijan appears to be buying a significant volume of weapons from israel even though israel is actively fighting a war

    I'm guessing israel is skimming the US weapons they're being given

    not the same kind of weapon.

    azaris dont have unlimited money to fly unlimited sorties to bomb armenia. they probably buy lots of small and big guns (r.t.lerry) and some other infantry weapons which israel doesnt use because they only deal with urban assault.
  10. Originally posted by Kafka Weist! Do guys actually believe that having a lot of sex makes a vag looser or is that just a slur they came up with?

    i tried having sex with a black female before and i just sort of "fell" into her.

    yes. too much sex with animals causes vag to go loose.
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock False

    show samples
  12. delusion of grandeur of the highest order.
  13. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina shhhheeeeiiitttt
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein ah be saving libes n sheit

  15. Originally posted by CandyRein No lives were saved in the making of this Post

  16. *searches african to english dicktionary - bodega*

    not found

  18. Originally posted by CandyRein If you look up what it says they are ..they are swimming in opposite represents the duality

    its a cheap immitation of ying n' young n' sheit.
  19. Originally posted by CandyRein Self hatred of your own profile is wild 😭

    at least i dont hate my race.
  20. Originally posted by CandyRein Everyday I work I’m saving lives …the fact that , that bothers you and not make you happy is hilariously obtuse

    you post the darnest and most mundane sheit like having you're coochie eaten all the time amd if you really did saved a life you wouldnt stop poasting about it.

    across multiple threads.

    this is what happens when nursing home nurses drank covid19 "frontliners" koolaid. they think their mere existence saves lives.

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