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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by CandyRein Yess!!! I knew you’d like it ..I’m so glad you watched it ..❤️

    why, why are you glad he watched it.
  2. Originally posted by A College Professor how is taking a bath gay, when literally its sitting in hot water, and gets you clean plus its relaxing at the same time startreck

    it melts the hard crusted shit around your asshole and some inside it and then you wallow in your own warm shit water.

    its not just gay but disgusting.
  3. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's called a "knappy".

    more like a knegroe.
  4. Originally posted by Solstice Bin Laden was never dumped at sea or even captured or killed by the U.S., he died of health problems months prior to that bullshit in some shithole cave in the Mideast

    i heard he was stabbed to death by one of his bacha bazis who cant take it anymore.
  5. Originally posted by ner vegas US invaded Afghanistan and couldn't win in 20 years

    and retreated worse than the AFU retreated from adivka.
  6. Originally posted by Bradley could you imagine iuf the USA invaded canada or Mexico and didn't win in two years lol

    ukraine is the size of texas.
  7. Originally posted by ner vegas yeah, supposedly 31 were sent late last year but they've only been seen since Avdeeeyiiiyiiyivka fell. that one was first spotted two days ago

    one down. 30 to go.

    i cant wait till russians capture a working ome in pristine condition and send it back as exhibit at arms shows.
  8. Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE When you think about it, there are really only 2 possibilities. Either we are all descended from black people and therefore we are all black at heart but white people just got lighter over time, OR there are 3 major space alien groups that colonized earth a long time ago and created modern race

    its worse for them africans if all we really came out of africa.

    if we do in fact originated from africa, the fact that we have evolved by leaps and bounds, evolved so, so much in appearance and mental capacity while our negroid ancesstors evolved not a single bit since the day we left africa is self evidence of their genetic inferiority.

    no matter how you want to cut it you cant cut it in a way that will make blakies look good on the evolutionary chart.
  9. Originally posted by Solstice There's always been "liquid soap" in there…

    soap cleanses, not make one feel dirtier.
  10. Originally posted by ner vegas

    2 days

    is dat an M ... 1 ?
  11. Originally posted by DUSM Raylan Givens Why haven't you made any money amongst ur own people, do even white people hate you?

    dalit, im warm-white and proud, very much unlike you.
  12. Originally posted by infinityshock That's why soap-on-arope is a popular ankle bracelet in prison

    they havent shift to liquid soap yet ?
  13. Originally posted by ner vegas I don't want an old man gimp

    gerontophobic ?
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock This isn't show and tell. This is you being a good little slut and doling out usage of your orifices for all comers

    tell me by showing me.
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein You went there to clean off after one of your call girl sessions and killed all the fish …


    c. fo effort.
  16. why do archeologists keep digging things up ?

    because ancient peepuh keep burrying stuffs.
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein Tf would they bury them for ..see….should have stayed in school….

    another golden post that cracked me up
  18. Originally posted by CandyRein Don’t go chasing water falls ..please stick to the abandoned houses and back alleys you’re used to … 🌹

    why, what happened at da waterfall.
  19. Originally posted by CandyRein You’re showing your ignorance…basically every instrument can be connected back to my ancestors….

    Just because you put a thing on a thing doesn’t make it a new thing

    image of an african musical instrument that archeologists dug up:

  20. Originally posted by CandyRein This is why you should have stayed in school…
    Instead of chasing your dream to be a call girl

    ma'am, dis izznt eh time machine to send messages to yourself of futures past.
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