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Posts by Lanny
2016-11-20 at 6:51 AM UTC in Alright, all joking aside about my problems with women, I learned something disgusting today.I'm sympathetic to dude hitting on cheating chick. Just because your buddy got cucked doesn't mean you can never look at a woman again and frankly anyone so petty as to forbid people from interacting with their ex is kind of a cunt.
2016-11-20 at 5 AM UTC in ATTN: AntinatalismI'm not sure how to feel about NiS getting weeby lately. On the one hand I'm a closet weeb so it's fun to shitpost about animu and mangos, but on the other hand we're supposed to be trill ass heavy pipe hitting niggas and you know I just can't reconcile these two things.
2016-11-20 at 4:58 AM UTC in ATTN: AntinatalismS2 tho
2016-11-20 at 4:44 AM UTC in ATTN: AntinatalismYO! You're making me want to smoke and that's not fucking cook. I have literally two smoke alarms in this shithole (although I'm not convinced either do anything) and I shouldn't be smoking but what's a nigga gonna do when someone tells them about a bottle of whiskey and cigarettes illuminated by a screen that's like a fuggin invitation right there shit.
2016-11-20 at 4:41 AM UTC in So my bro got an american gf.Raging leftism is an inevitable sign of moral character HOWEVER the myth of cultural appropriation is some trumped up bullshit designed to manufacture outrage in its primary audience and dismissiveness in its secondary audience. That said good job on seeing past a person's potential failings.
2016-11-20 at 4:34 AM UTC in Battlestations Thread
2016-11-20 at 4:10 AM UTC in enters momEnter, I'd really like to know what your opinion on your mom is. Does she work? If so what does she do? How often do you talk to her? Is she in your dad's league? Do you love her? When your parents get too old to take care of themselves what do you plan to do?
I'm serious blood, I'd love to learn about your family life. I'll answer any questions you have with absolute honesty as long as they don't pertain to passwords or violate the law if you answer my questions -
2016-11-20 at 4:06 AM UTC in You know what's the fuckin best?Ether's also on the hit list. Huffing shit is kinda shoddy but all things in moderation. So what's the procedure for procurement? Do people really huff starter fluid? Is there no abuse deterrent shit in there?
Man, I made a thread about some dope ass fried rice I made, how did I end up asking about how to use starter fluid as a drug? This place can be kinda depressing tbhfam -
2016-11-20 at 3:47 AM UTC in Lan, can i pretty please has code tags?Bam!
I didn't write the BBC parser so there's some wonkiness like this.
Then there's wonkiness in the shit I did write too, so I guess it's a wash.
IN ANY CASE this should hopefully be better. -
2016-11-20 at 3:33 AM UTC in You know what's the fuckin best?I've never actually done chargers. Want to try them but honestly it sounds like something I'd really like while there seems to be good evidence that shit fucks you up long term so I'm a bit apprehensive.
2016-11-20 at 3:21 AM UTC in Its 930am and im fucking drunk
Originally posted by Malice What was the scenario? Why were you there/with him?
A work friend invited me to a happy hour his team was having. It was friendly on the whole, I just thought it was funny someone wanted to be all alcohol-supremacist when they couldn't drink what they were (lightly) making fun of. -
2016-11-20 at 3:15 AM UTC in You know what's the fuckin best?No, although I was drinking my second G&T of the evening while eating and had a pretty nice buzz going.
2016-11-20 at 3:13 AM UTC in Do you think there more good stuff than bad stuff in the world?Quantification is difficult. Establishing extremes is difficult so even determining some middle point (much less deeming it a sufficiency threshold) is more or less impossible. The fact is that there are better and worse outcomes and we have agency in securing them.
2016-11-20 at 3:07 AM UTC in odium
Originally posted by Malice Tsk tsk tsk, do you honestly believe the overwhelming majority of my copious stack is devoted to attenuating the effects of depression, which I've largely surpassed through sheer mental fortitude? You can always be better, with regards to mood included.
That aside, even if you could emulate a state of happiness/marked hedonic pleasure, that does not imply that you would be able to constantly maintain it!
This conversation is so absurd I don't even know how to go forward from here. I guess I'll just say I don't believe you (you personally) can really reproduce a tactile experience on demand without the corresponding physical stimuli, much less a tactile experience you've never experienced personally. "But I can!", well tough shit bud it's called qualia and loud protestations on the matter haven't convinced anyone in at least a couple centuries of trying.Weaboo alert! Only the worst dweebs bother to purposefully learn Japanese. Be honest! What other use would it have than for the inordinate amount of anime you watch? Do you read untranslated/raw manga scans? Or are you tempted to use it to prey upon the nubile Japanese foreign students in SF/the bay area? Kono hentai!
The honest to god truth is that I want to read Murakami in Japanese. I read 1Q48 this last summer, I didn't think it was a tremendous work of literature and I don't think he's an all time great author but frequently while reading it, especially early on, I really wanted to understand what he had written in Japanese because the translation used some odd idioms here and there. Reading/watching raws would be kinda cool but I've never come across a work I wanted to consume that wasn't scanalated/subbed and there are very few pieces of anime or manga that I feel contain enough depth that something significant was lost in the translation.
In any case, the activity of learning another language is kind of fun in itself, it's a very interesting opportunity to introspect on subjective dimension of language acquisition. I'm a very verbal/linguistic person and it's really hard (I'll argue impossible, as would be the case for most people) to pry my thought process apart from language so L2 acquisition is a really cool opportunity to see the transformation from ridged symbol manipulation to intuition. I had a similar experience when I was learning to program (learning a new language, even if it wasn't a natural language) although I didn't have the same interests at the time to make the same observations. Interestingly picking up a new programming language gives a ghost of the same experience although after the third or fourth you start to think in terms of ASTs and syntax memorization becomes trivial. -
2016-11-20 at 2:45 AM UTC in User titles
Originally posted by Sophie If you really don't own a suit, you should go out and buy a nice one. It's cool to wear a nice suit to some function, i think you'll like it. Also bitches love it for some reason. Probably because it makes you look rich and powerful. I happen to have a sterling silver tie pin, and i wear a silver watch and seal ring as well. Basically i look like a bauce in a suit.
I don't deny, some guys look really good in a suit. I don't fall into that group though. Not sure what it is, I look like too much of a baby to pull off the bondian sort of looks-good-in-a-suit and my hair is always too shaggy to work in the Ryan Gosling kind of way. I don't know, I just can't seem to make it work. But that's alright since I've made it 23 years without needing to wear a suit, I'm sure I can get by. -
2016-11-20 at 2:27 AM UTC in You know what's the fuckin best?When it's time to go shopping but you don't want to so you grab some random shit you have left and throw it together and it turns out really good. I had some freezer burned corn and peas so I made fried rice with them and onions and just threw together a bunch of spices (the main ones being garam masala and cumin) and it turned out dank AF.
Man, love these last ditch dishes. Feels like god's giving me a pat on the back because by rights I couldn't have been able to make a meal out of it. -
2016-11-20 at 2:15 AM UTC in Its 930am and im fucking drunkThe other night this guy gave me shit for only ordering gin drinks, he was having some $12 a pop scotch and going on and on about it. Says I've got to be a man and drink real alcohol. Next round he orders me the same scotch neat, and I order him a negroni. The scotch wasn't bad, heavier than I like but w/e. He's over there bitching about how bitter his shit is, takes him two rounds to choke it down. Whiskey is fine but I feel like people who are really into it are kind of douchebags
2016-11-20 at 2:06 AM UTC in User titles
Originally posted by reject As bad as our parents feel about us, at least they never had to look at pictures of us huffing shit
I'm going to say this next time my mom gives me shit about something
"yeah mom, maybe I don't own a suit, but at least I've never huffed human shit to get high" -
2016-11-20 at 1:02 AM UTC in odiumですmakes a sentence declarative, so the use of "is" is wierd
2016-11-20 at 12:59 AM UTC in odium
Originally posted by Malice Yes you can! Theory of mind is an enormous problem for most people. The minds of others, their cognitive abilities, can vary widely! Bring to mind an incredible feat of mind you have witnessed/read about. Could you imagine yourself ever doing that? Well, that doesn't mean it isn't possible because the mind is dependent on material reality, your physical vessel, which arises from your DNA, and that can vary enormously between individuals.
For a Juden, you certainly are simple minded.
lol, right, and you just have a superior neurology where you can "emulate" arbitrary sensations on demand that you've never experienced in full fidelity.
Well, it just so happens that I have a mental superpower too. I'm using my amazing unique mind that you can't possibly comprehend to deduce that someone with the power to have arbitrary subjective experiences would be able to emulate the feeling of not suffering from crippling depression and ergo would not be taking ungodly quantities of, often experimental and untested, drugs to try and cure said crippling depression.