2025-01-26 at 7:44 PM UTC
🇻🇦 🇰🇵 🇧🇹 🇲🇵 🇰🇮 🇹🇱 🇲ðŸ‡
2025-01-26 at 8:16 PM UTC
The us one looks like that banks sign
2025-01-26 at 10:17 PM UTC
Originally posted by Crispy
The us one looks like that banks sign
The US flag is the hardest to redesign because it has been copied by so many states, corps and countries.

But we're going to need a new flag when we annex Canada, etc. Can't keep adding those stupid stars. Could just settle on 77. But I'd just get rid of the ugly thing.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-27 at 12:26 AM UTC
Your flags are dumb. This thread is now about Bob Uecker.
2025-01-27 at 1:09 AM UTC
Read that as ventriloquist the first time.
2025-01-27 at 6:04 AM UTC
Two colors, easy to spot, instantly recognizable 🇮🇱
2025-01-27 at 6:33 AM UTC
🇹🇰 ðŸ‡ðŸ‡° 🇲🇴 🇮🇴 🇨🇠🇳🇵 🇦🇶 🇵🇲
2025-01-27 at 6:41 AM UTC
So Bob Uecker died last week.