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Where do you stand on the Palestinian Israeli confict?
2015-06-27 at 11:32 AM UTCI've just read an article on the pope signing an agreement with a Palestinian diplomat about Christians visiting the birthplace of their religion and their saviour on Aljazeera and the comments are flooded with JIDF and it's pretty hilarious to see, one guy didn't even change his name/account.
So where do you stand? jedis bad? Palestine bad? Arabs in general bad? -
2015-06-27 at 12:03 PM UTCI'm an avid atheist who blindly supports the sovereignty of Israel.
Don't forget about the 6 billion. -
2015-06-27 at 1:58 PM UTCThe jedis got kicked out of Palestine in 136 AD by the Romans who were then ruling the region.
The jedis hadn't lived in what is called Israel for 1800 years; but they wanted a country of their own where the jedis of the world could hoard away all of the ill-gotten gains that they had parasitically leeched off of White countries that they lived in and exploited during those 1800 years.
They got it in 1947. -
2015-06-27 at 2:39 PM UTCFuck the jedis. Palestinians only want their land back. Palestinian kids are getting slaughtered every day by Israeli soldiers and tanks.It makes me sick. Death to Israel.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2015-06-27 at 4:28 PM UTCFuck both sides, but fuck the arabs just a little bit more.
2015-06-27 at 4:56 PM UTCJust drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and this "jedi vs Arab" problem goes away. They are both in the wrong for existing.
2015-06-28 at 12:36 AM UTCIt's not the jedis that are bad, but the fascist zionists.
2015-06-29 at 6:25 PM UTCLike the jedis said, they don't and won't trust Obama, and neither will I.
2015-06-29 at 6:49 PM UTCArabs are bad but seriously fuck the kikes.
2015-06-29 at 9:41 PM UTCScrew israhell, they would not even be able to eat if it were not for the US taxpayer.
2015-07-01 at 6:12 AM UTC
Just drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and this "jedi vs Arab" problem goes away. They are both in the wrong for existing.
best solution I've seen so far. hopefully it gains traction -
2015-07-10 at 2:48 AM UTCQuite frankly I don't have the least bit of concern over Palestine because it is of no importance, this is simply a typical example of leftist perceived underdog bias, pet causes giving the illusion of uniqueness, intelligence, knowledge, and compassion. Those people would have never done anything of value with that land, and would have instituted their standard barbaric oppressive theocratic Islamist states that would have brought a far worse standard of living and far more destruction, suffering, and loss of life than Israel ever would.
I agree with Ayn Rand's view:The Arabs are one of the least developed cultures. They are typically nomads. Their culture is primitive, and they resent Israel because it's the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent. When you have civilized men fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are. Israel is a mixed economy inclined toward socialism. But when it comes to the power of the mind—the development of industry in that wasted desert continent—versus savages who don't want to use their minds, then if one cares about the future of civilization, don't wait for the government to do something. Give whatever you can. This is the first time I've contributed to a public cause: helping Israel in an emergency.
2015-07-10 at 3:08 AM UTCPalestinian-Israeli conflict I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck about you or anything you do, don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do.
2015-07-10 at 2:55 PM UTC
Quite frankly I don't have the least bit of concern over Palestine because it is of no importance, this is simply a typical example of leftist perceived underdog bias, pet causes giving the illusion of uniqueness, intelligence, knowledge, and compassion. Those people would have never done anything of value with that land, and would have instituted their standard barbaric oppressive theocratic Islamist states that would have brought a far worse standard of living and far more destruction, suffering, and loss of life than Israel ever would.
I agree with Ayn Rand's view:
I usually agree with Ayn Rand but not in this particular case. What's more is that since Ayn Rand was jedi herself i am pretty sure she was biased in this particular case. -
2015-07-10 at 3:25 PM UTC
I usually agree with Ayn Rand
2015-07-10 at 4:13 PM UTC
What's so funny about that? -
2015-07-10 at 4:40 PM UTC
What's so funny about that?
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=14px]“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.†[/SIZE][/FONT]
It's not funny, I was just being stupid. -
2015-07-10 at 5:14 PM UTC
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=14px]“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.†[/SIZE][/FONT]
It's not funny, I was just being stupid.
Ok senpai (n_n") -
2015-07-19 at 12:56 AM UTCI stand on my own eating a non halal non kosher Burger.
2015-07-23 at 3:26 PM UTCI just wanna put this out there.
First off fuck Israel.
Fuck those jedis.
I hope the Arabs over run their borders and slit every man, woman and child's throat.
Give Palestine to the Palestine and eliminate the enemy of the world.
Fuck those people and fuck our Zionist-loving government that protects them.