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New manchild job / rogue pizza guy

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    About this time last year I got a job at this shitty pizza place as a delivery guy, and I ent up quitting and acted like a jerk telling them I didnt like the shirt they made me wear. Well a little more than a week ago or so, I got really drunk and went to get an oil change and went into the same pizza place asking for a job, and the funny thing was they gave me an interview because they have new mgmt, the workers there were looking at me like wtf is this douche doing here again?

    They didn't say shit though because they are cowards. I got hired and they told me I'd be working at there new location closer to campus, but instead of driving my car I'm driving a golf cart. (which is good because I hate paying for gas and I don't want to get my car towed for illegally parking downtown)

    They told me *a black man named trumane* when I started I had to shave (i don't even have that big of a beard atm) and i told them yes I would. And when I came to work the next day, he was like why didnt you shave??!

    and i was like "oh im sorry sir, i didn't know what the time constraints were on the shaving policy, I will do it tomorrow.."

    and then I came into work the next day and he was like, "why haven't you shaved??!" and I was like "derpadeew! may shaver broker m8!11"

    I had yesterday off, and I'm going back in today and I'm still not going to shave, and when they ask why I didn't shave I'm going to say, "i realized i was out of money and you said i don't get paid for 2 weeks and I had to spend my tip money on cat food..." and look down at my feet all sullen and depressed...

    But yeah at least I've made a few bucks the last few days, I deliver to almost strictly college kids (I tell them the pizza is 5 more dollars than it actually cost if they are paying cash), I take my stupid company shirt off and wear a normal shirt while im working, and throw it back on when i have to go back into the store.

    It kinda sucks, but it's at least something until I find a better job. I fucking hate those bastards.

    A couple of times I even went to students dorms with the pizza and opened the box in front of them to show them the quality of the pizza, to be a good customer service guy.

    I don't know why they want me to shave so bad, what do they think I am? Some kind of j crew (more like j cuck / jedi crew) model that wears a stupid polyester shirt? they are crazy, as if I don't already have to feel like a total faggot doing this job, they try to make it worse.

  2. #2
    how is your life so interesting without money

    I think they want you to shave coz you're working with food
  3. #3
    You're my hero.
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've known delivery drivers to have some of the most unkempt, huge-ass cringe beards known to mankind, smelling like straight BO, shedding all over the place with little hair danglies and food particles caught up in there, and the management never gave a shit. They must really not like you. Haha.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've known delivery drivers to have some of the most unkempt, huge-ass cringe beards known to mankind, smelling like straight BO, shedding all over the place with little hair danglies and food particles caught up in there, and the management never gave a shit. They must really not like you. Haha.

    I'm pretty sure they don't like me, its just at this pizza place its a totally different vibe man, its a lot of older people that work there. At the last pizza place I worked at , the one i got fired from, almost everyone that worked there, had a beard , and it was better more expensive pizza!
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You should by a MASSIVE strap-on Santa Claus beard and wear that from now on. Maybe the old farts could relate more to that. Heh.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    how is your life so interesting without money

    I think they want you to shave coz you're working with food

    I do have money.... But you don't need money to have an interesting life. Ever heard the phrase, "hippies is punx?"

    If I ever have my Bill Krozby doge stand and it works out, I will make another restaurant called "derpadews pizza" where you can play video games and drink blue berry pilsner called "doug's dirty asshole" and the logo would be a psychedelic cat with a triangle on it's forehead. And there will be a special "jeeeeert" sauce that's basically a spicy ranch, with ground up bacon in it

    people say Bill Krozbydogs will never work, and even people that think I may eventually get my Bill Krozbye doge trailer, say it's not a smart idea financially.. but I at least want to try. And who knows maybe I could own vending machines or something.

    though if I'm ever going to attempt to do this I'm going to have clean up my act and quit drinking so much and get in shape.
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You're my hero.

    You're my hero too, homie.
  9. #9
    No, fuck you. You have not even come close to the degeneracy I pull when I work. I would smoke weed 24/7 even at work. I ate BEEDRILL, bundy and benzos while operating a forklift. I hit the meth pipe at work and went completely crazy and cut myself up with a box cutter and needed to get stitches. My cl workers fucking hated me, I would show up hungover all the time and puke a lot. I only ate fast food and drank cola and high sugar drinks. I would trip out and question existence and reality in the middle of the day and completely fucked over everyone around me for no reason.

    You are good boy compared to the likes of me. Except for the wild lil homo seizure shit.. That was seriously hardcore nigga. You could be a spaceman.. You even live in Houston
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I live in Austin...
  11. #11
    Merlin Houston
    They do it as a way to exert control. If you really want to fuck with him say it's for religious reasons and you we're embarrassed to initially bring it up. Next day bring in your prayer rug. Day after that show them the clock you built from scratch.
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  13. #13
    ^I have autism…

  14. #14
    They do it as a way to exert control. If you really want to fuck with him say it's for religious reasons and you we're embarrassed to initially bring it up. Next day bring in your prayer rug. Day after that show them the clock you built from scratch.

    Bill Krozby if you dont do this you are a pussy faggot.
  15. #15
    And then slowly become more radicalized and distant as the weeks go by, talk about ISIS attacks and say stuff like "those infidels deserved it" and start showing an interest in guns and explosives.
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