Originally posted by DocFoster
How do you all think it'll go down? I don't expect to be able to virtualized and become a datagod in my life time. Plus the whole notion has some blasphemous overtones
If Agenda 2021/2030 doesn't happen and the JWO doesn't purposefully kill us all off then FIVR will happen in about 7 to 15 years.
How will it happen, they're already working on it, in fact I read somewhere that a government program was testing this by sending small bits of information to people's minds, they were even able to manipulate memories.
The 2020s will be the decade where we see major advances in neuroscience.
As for fully virtualizing ourselves, they'll just copy your DNA information and brainwave data then using a FMRI-like device create a virtual scan of you, you'll be able to then go into a state of virtual reality.
Once we figure how to transmit information without physical interfaces, IMO by using electrical currents that can float around in space (like ball lightning) we will be free from our physical bodies and using digital processing you could morph into your physical form again (though you would hallow and only people who are interfaced with BCI tech could feel you).