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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. Originally posted by Dirtbag Time for a beer

    Damn you're lucky. I haven't had any beer in a long time. Kinda scared to drink honestly
  2. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Stressed. The ghost scratching and breathing at my bedroom door last night which could be an omen or a sinister entity that could return. The tarot cards foretelling female sadness and privation of political liberty, an enemy at an open gate. The incel cashier showing resentment toward me. My heart is pounding and I just want to be unconscious.
  3. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan [img[

  4. Originally posted by Dirtbag Stressed. The ghost scratching and breathing at my bedroom door last night which could be an omen or a sinister entity that could return. The tarot cards foretelling female sadness and privation of political liberty, an enemy at an open gate. The incel cashier showing resentment toward me. My heart is pounding and I just want to be unconscious.

    Fart under the door when that happens.
  5. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Woke up 20 mins ago, felt like a heavy sleep. My Internet is acting up and I'm scared to go to the bathroom in case something's out there. I have no cigarettes left so am annoyed.
  6. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Stuff isn't appearing on the site. Idk if anyone can see my posts.
  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    why is the post above me blank? with no account name?
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