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Poll: The recent UAP activity is...
- Real extra terrestrial craft.
Government controlled UAV engaged in Psy Ops.
- Fluttershy ,
- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ,
- Xlite
Holograms controlled by the feds.
Holograms controlled by a secret NAZI base in Antarctica.
- Holograms controlled by Space J[/b]ews
Recent Mass UAP Phenomenon
2024-12-17 at 3:24 PM UTC
2024-12-18 at 10:20 AM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker You sound like Pauliwog in this post.
He's an intelligent and knowledgeable guy but like you he's pretty autistic. Kind of retarded both of you but you're both capable of making interesting posts but anyway:
People are saying orbs are just spots on a camera or whatever uhhh no they fucking aren't. I've seen them in person in a town notorious for them. They've been around hundreds of years all over the world.
I know two people who saw one hover inches from their faces. Some are big some are huge. Up close it looks like a ball of solid light. They move insanely fast if they want to, faster than anything man made as far as anyone knows.
The two people that saw one up close said they felt like it was scanning their brains.
East Texas is notorious for them in the big thicket, but my home city has a bunch too. The book/movie communion is based on a guy who lived here and saw them in Olmos* basin. We've always had them but they're found all over the world throughout history.
My guess is a probe from a tall white or tuatha de danann or nunnehi. They can be thought of as friendly aliens, but they're literally shapeshifters with extremely advanced tech. Some people say they're from Earth like us but live mainly under the oceans.
There was an episode of coast to coast AM about most UFOs actually being submersibles because so many people in the Navy for decades had seen them going in and out of the ocean.
Whatever the drones are is probably man made but possibly with some of their tech. They're the ones that shut off our nukes and such. They live here too so they don't want us blowing up the planet and poisoning the ocean. But I think it's only a rumor that the drones are fighting them. There's been reports that people have been cut in half by these things in South America, so they're not always friendly, but usually. -
2024-12-18 at 10:21 AM UTC
2024-12-18 at 10:27 AM UTCThe Russian guy and the nord guy that posted about the orbs, those are interesting posts. The Russians did a lot of research into long lived plasma phenomenon and steerable or controllable plasma. Some spooky shit but I think the orbs are literally a shapeshifting being, a living entity in some cases. It'll sound crazy but like Tinkerbell.
2024-12-18 at 10:31 AM UTCAlso these are connected to witches or people who practice witchcraft to some extent. In Mexico they're associated with the bruhas who are also said to be shapeshifters. They're really good at magic like humans.
Magic is real, it's a way of simply imagining things into reality. they've also been splicing their DNA with human DNA for a long time. That's why all the milabs or military abductions associated with supersoldier programs are also associated with magic. They use chaos magic. -
2024-12-18 at 10:33 AM UTC
2024-12-18 at 10:38 AM UTC
. In this sense, the Nunnehi (along with the Yunwi Tsunsdi, or "Little People" in the Cherokee language) are the Cherokee equivalent of fairies in traditional European folklore. The belief in fairy-like beings is universal among all ethnicities, including all American Indian tribes.[1]
Humans have been seeing them everywhere for thousands of years. They can shrink like in Earth Girls Are Easy and be the same size as us.
They can turn into balls of light and fly also. The Muslims think of the as djinn and consider them to be very similar to humans but experts with magic and advanced technology. They believe they live in another dimension normally. -
2024-12-18 at 10:41 AM UTCOne reason governments are reluctant to disclose the information about these beings is because they believe it'll cause mass panic since they're the closest thing to God as far as humans can perceive it. It's quite possible they also created us and it would have people question everything, including whether or not we even have souls since were basically their pets.
I think we do but these beings automatically reincarnate into whatever they want if they die, humans do not. -
2024-12-18 at 10:48 AM UTC
The Tuatha Dé Danann (Irish: [ˈt̪ˠuə(hə) dʲeː ˈd̪ˠan̪ˠən̪ˠ], meaning "the folk of the goddess Danu"), also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"),[1] are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. Many of them are thought to represent deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.[1][2]
The Tuath Dé Danann are often depicted as kings, queens, druids, bards, warriors, heroes, healers and craftsmen who have supernatural powers. They dwell in the Otherworld but interact with humans and the human world. They are associated with the sídhe: prominent ancient burial mounds such as Brú na Bóinne, which are entrances to Otherworld realms.
Just like the Nunnehi, they often appear as regal human warriors. They're a very peaceful but highly militant race of beings.
Humans are similar in terms of supernatural ability, psi or animal magnetism, hermetic magic/chaos magic. The Egyptians believe that all the gods were originally humans that spiritually transcended. Some humans are selected to live with them for that reason. -
2024-12-19 at 6 AM UTCthese damm obbs are bringing all the schizos outta the woodwork
2024-12-19 at 10:14 AM UTC
Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina this is retarded.
a class 3 radioactive device cant be detected from the air.
Yes, a Class 3 radioactive device can be detected from the air using specialized radiation detection equipment, such as airborne radiation monitoring systems, which can measure the levels of radiation in the air, even if the radiation source is relatively weak; however, the ability to detect it would depend on the specific device, its activity level, and the sensitivity of the detection equipment used.
To detect airborne radiation, specialized air monitoring equipment is needed, which can include devices like Geiger counters, scintillation detectors, or high-resolution gamma spectrometers.
The ability to detect a Class 3 radioactive device from the air depends on factors like the device's activity level, the distance from the detector, and background radiation levels. -
2024-12-19 at 2:39 PM UTCIt's that government operation to distract the public.
Project Blue Balls. -
2024-12-19 at 2:45 PM UTC