Also protip: change the name if you want to properly resurrect TOTSE and continue this tradition, then please use something more meaningful and respectful. "Niggas in space" sounds like some myspace meme from 2004.
Surprise surprise! It's not a film at all! The greatest visual work of all time, something that embodies the spirit and attitude of TOTSE, is not a jedi-made hollywood science fiction wank-fest but an animated work of TRANSCENDENT ARTISTRY form the holy land of 日本 (that's Nihon for you baka gaijin). Serial Experiments Lain IS THE REDPILL if you watch this carefully and attempt to absorb everything and fit the puzzles in place you will see SEL exactly what it is, a message from either a whistleblower deep within the program or a message from the Universe itself trying to save humanity from a future so dystopic it would make The Matrix seem juvenile in comparison. This movie describes your fate, or should I say mine since you're all probably not even real and just projections of my subconscious mind and this is all some full-immersion VR instance that I have been locked into as a form of punishment ...