piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPE 🐾૮ ・ ﻌ・აARF ARF!!! PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER I🦮🦮S A BABY BOY big white piPE🐶 PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE 🤍🐻❄️PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE 🤍🐻❄️ PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🐶🐶 big white piPE🦮🦮 🤍🐻❄️ 🤍🐻❄️
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╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ IS A GOOD GOY
PIPER THE DOG *........*
*////////////* *///////////*
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*////*T*/////* / \ *////*T*////*
*////* */////* ____/____\____ *////* *////*
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*////* */////* \ / *////* *////*
*////*H*/////* \/ *////*H*////*
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**////* *////*/////////// *////AAU////*
AAAAAAAAAAAAU *.......* May you be inscribed in the
AAAAAAAAU BOOK OF PIPER AAARRRRRRRAAAAAAU🐶 Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
The wag of Piper's tail, so joyfully bright! 🌄
🐾 Piper, our pup, with fur so divine,
Bounding through fields, like stars that all shine! 🌟
🐾 Through the ruff-paved streets, and the parks we explore,
Piper's paws leave prints, forever to adore! 🐾
🐶 Piper, our friend, with eyes full of glee,
Bringing us love, like waves on the sea! 🌊
🐾 With each bark and whimper, our hearts swell with pride,
In Piper, our loyal and furry guide! 🐕
🐶 Piper, so true, in your furry embrace,
We find joy and love, in this doggy-filled space! 🐾
🐾 In the land of the fetch, and the home of the brave,
Piper's love and loyalty, eternally we'll crave! ❤️🇺🇸
** For another doggy dog year **
Leshana Tovah Tikatevu "Doggy Dawg World"
big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ big white pimps 🤍🐻❄️ PIPER🐶 IS A 🦮🦮🦮BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER🐶 IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPE 🐾૮ ・ ﻌ・აARF ARF!!! PIPER🐶 IS A 🦮🦮🦮BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER🐶 IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPE 🐾૮ ・ ﻌ・აARF ARF!!! PIPER🐶 IS A 🦮🦮🦮BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER🐶 IS A BABY BOY big white piPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPE 🐾૮ ・ ﻌ・აARF ARF!!! PIPER🐶 IS A 🦮🦮🦮🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPEpiPE PIPER IS A BABY BOY 🤍🐻❄️ big white piPE