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Aldra, MMQ and Bill Krozby like(d) me less than i like(d) them...

  1. #61
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I think you just like hot liquids squirted up your arse.

    Projection. I might though. I've literally never experienced that. What's it like?
  2. #62
    Originally posted by mmQ I mean me either. I've been wiping my ass my whole life and I intend to continue

    They'll come a day when you no longer do and you need help, now is the time to get your support system in place.
  3. #63
    Like your grandmother wrapping you in the coziest blanket and then giving you a cookie
  4. #64
    Originally posted by mmQ Projection.

    Squirting..same like that hot stuff up your bunghole.
  5. #65
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Squirting..same thing…you like that hot stuff up your bunghole.

    get a hold of yourself!
  6. #66
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by frala Like your grandmother wrapping you in the coziest blanket and then giving you a cookie

    do you remember when you were 2 an you had to get your diaper changed and your garndma came into your room and shes like DIAPER TIME and youwere like YAAYYY and just crawled to the diaper drawer in the bathroom around the corner second drawer down out of the four and got your diaper and then crawled back me either
  7. #67
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frala Yeah, thanks to me Lanny finally has man hands.

    Originally posted by frala Like your grandmother wrapping you in the coziest blanket and then giving you a cookie

    are you on the dev team for NIS unlimited

    also shit posting in a ell hung thrad &waves at jeffs ghost&
  8. #68
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Do you folks like dice
  9. #69
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I personally do not like dice. Too random.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #70
    Originally posted by mmQ I personally do not like dice. Too random.

    That was pretty witty
  11. #71
    Originally posted by Twinkie the kid NIS unlimited™
  12. #72
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ I personally do not like dice. Too random.
    XdDD erandom idear
    we should get a dice biot

    Originally posted by frala

    wut u think ofa a dice bot thats like

    [d] 2x d20 [/d]

    16 1

    can you forward that at the next board meeting for me thanks or approve it if you do taht sort of thing im still learning how grubhug works
  13. #73
    Tradewars is what we need...I bet Lanny could implement it with is mad skillz
  14. #74
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Tradewars is what we need…I bet Lanny could implement it with is mad skillz

    currently in development,JOIN OR FLEDGING TRIANGLE BBS DEPARTMENT you can play on serevr right now though but we don't have our own and I don't think there is a league anymore like a inter-server league, start one up ill sponser it

    I think osiris p2p web portals are the successor to this technology and there is no reason all of the above cannot be run in VM on such a setup, loading all locally offline
    (NIS, BBS with door games & Triangle Enterprise Solutions Co. LTD all on one portal aka offline data host)

  15. #75
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    i think I saw one website that was on like 12 different p2p networks, wild times., the skitzonet
  16. #76
    WellHung Black Hole
    Whimpy Whimpers?
  17. #77
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
  18. #78
    WellHung Black Hole
    Mellow Yellow
  19. #79
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, my $7000 robotic sex doll fulfills those requirements.

    found in in value village ?
  20. #80
    Originally posted by aldra lanny told me once that fingering her is like getting your hand caught on a belt sander

    pipe threader
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