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The nogging continues

  1. Irish Gypsies enact opposites day in Blighty.

    Sound is a must.
  2. That's what happens when you don't buy pegs from a Gypo.

    I was hoping she'd get up and beat the shit out of those two little ones
  3. I arrested hundreds of gypsies for shoplifting. They always put up quite a fight. I had one who was over 300 pounds, who I ended up ramming into an open phone booth after he dragged me 50 feet. The women have booster bags under their large dresses that can fit a 20" television inside.
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I arrested hundreds of gypsies for shoplifting. They always put up quite a fight. I had one who was over 300 pounds, who I ended up ramming into in an open phone booth after he dragged me 50 feet. The women have booster bags under their large dresses that can fit a 20" television inside.

    fixed your typo.
  5. Literally had to grab each side of the phone booth, with him inside pushing, punching, kicking at me, but I blocked him in there until the fuzz arrived. All the goods he stole were scattered on the sidewalk, because he ejected them during the struggle, and some other gypsy nippers who were with him ran up and grabbed a few items and took off.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Have to give the girl credit, she did pretty good with all those little chimps jumping her. Two guys breaking it up seemed a little faggy, I'd slung them apart and told them to knock it off.
  7. Originally posted by jerryb Have to give the girl credit, she did pretty good with all those little chimps jumping her. Two guys breaking it up seemed a little faggy, I'd slung them apart and told them to knock it off.

    In England you'd get 12yrs for attempted rape if you actually touched them.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    Yeah, here we just break em up. If they get mouthy kick em in the ass and send them home.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson In England you'd get 12yrs for attempted rape if you actually touched them.

    unless your an "asian".
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    The UK has really changed in just my life time. I was all into guns and hunting as a kid and read stories of guys going on African safaris. They would go to England first because they made the best big bore double rifles and cops would give smart asses a good smack.
  11. Originally posted by jerryb The UK has really changed in just my life time. I was all into guns and hunting as a kid and read stories of guys going on African safaris. They would go to England first because they made the best big bore double rifles and cops would give smart asses a good smack.

    Yep, it's changed dramatically since I left 26yrs ago...not the same country at all...coincidence things went to shit after this REAL man left?? I THINK NOT!
  12. Originally posted by jerryb The UK has really changed in just my life time. I was all into guns and hunting as a kid and read stories of guys going on African safaris. They would go to England first because they made the best big bore double rifles and cops would give smart asses a good smack.

    I went on holidays to an Irish fishing town over the weekend, and I was thinking back to the last time I was there, which must be 30 years ago. Back then Ireland was a poor country. Now it's unaffordable, full of swanky hotels, expensive cars, all sorts of American carry on. It's massively different.
  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump I went on holidays to an Irish fishing town over the weekend, and I was thinking back to the last time I was there, which must be 30 years ago. Back then Ireland was a poor country. Now it's unaffordable, full of swanky hotels, expensive cars, all sorts of American carry on. It's massively different.

    when ireland was poor, its people were rich.

    now that its rich, its people has become poor.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    Sometimes being poor not to bad vinny. East TN always was one of the poor regions of the US but houses where cheap and taxes low but now we have been discovered by out of state rich people. Houses have gone way up in price but wages stay the same, sucks for local young people.
  15. Originally posted by jerryb Sometimes being poor not to bad vinny. East TN always was one of the poor regions of the US but houses where cheap and taxes low but now we have been discovered by out of state rich people. Houses have gone way up in price but wages stay the same, sucks for local young people.

    i never said being poor is bad.

    im actually poor.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i never said being poor is bad.

    im actually poor.

    Hey I grew up dirt poor and just get by now so I don't judge people. I know good people rich and poor and as long as they are good to me then that's all that matters.
  17. Originally posted by jerryb Hey I grew up dirt poor and just get by now so I don't judge people. I know good people rich and poor and as long as they are good to me then that's all that matters.

    really ?

    so it doesnt matter if bad people do bad things but as long as theyre good to you then everythimgs fine ?
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    that's a stretch
  19. its not a stretch if youre always flexible.
  20. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i never said being poor is bad.

    im actually poor.

    I'd buy you a refrigerator if you could afford to run it...because that's the kind of guy I am!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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