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man Fuck foreigners n Brits

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Brits have a dry but obligatory outcome on their jokes. And rarely laugh at the Punchline kind of troll humors of American.

    Even Aussies can joke with Amerimutts. Zing quality. Some Brit comedians have a AmeriStyle joking ability. Ricky Gervasios however his named is spelled.

    Canadians are funny in-between shock humor and story telling Brit humor.
  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    People like polish are dead in the water on telling jokes
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Polish people are just not funny. Simple as.
  4. #4
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Don't expect Grylls or Jigaboo comment in here
  5. #5
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie Polish people are just not funny. Simple as.

    True true
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Don't expect Grylls or Jigaboo comment in here

    And if they do i assure you they won't leave any funny comments. It's a scientific fact that describes objective reality.
  7. #7
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie And if they do i assure you they won't leave any funny comments. It's a scientific fact that describes objective reality.

    OK you lost me now . I'm high and got a good beer buzz
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't worry about it. Do you believe in ghosts?
  9. #9
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie Don't worry about it. Do you believe in ghosts?

    Yes. I am prone to horrifying hauntings and visits. Once no one was in my house and I was sleeping and I felt the horror at a child's level which is fucking intense.

    The sheets were being pulled down, with a laughter sense coming from it. I opened my eyes because my wife and kids came in. The sheet was pleated like a curtain to the end of the bed with covers off.

    Yes I asked if anyone did it as a joke. MY then wife said she covered me up and they went shopping for clothes for 2-3 hours

    Explain that shit.
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Yes. I am prone to horrifying hauntings and visits. Once no one was in my house and I was sleeping and I felt the horror at a child's level which is fucking intense.

    The sheets were being pulled down, with a laughter sense coming from it. I opened my eyes because my wife and kids came in. The sheet was pleated like a curtain to the end of the bed with covers off.

    Yes I asked if anyone did it as a joke. MY then wife said she covered me up and they went shopping for clothes for 2-3 hours

    Explain that shit.

    Do you experience sleep paralysis or night terrors? Also, lets say ghosts are real. What do you think happens that causes a haunting as it were? If someone dies violently does their spirit leave an imprint on that part of 'the real' world?

    Also, ever had this happen to you or anyone you know. You are doing something, and suddenly you feel very worried for a person you know and love and then you'll get a call, so and so has been in an accident.

    Or perhaps this happened to you were you ever in any real danger and afterward did someone that care for you call you up out of the blue just to check on you because they had a bad feeling.

    I was reading this story about a guy who when he was ten had a friend at school, a girl, but it wasn't his girl friend or anything they were just close. She lived a couple miles over. But one night he was with his dad and an uncle, and some crackhead came up to them and his dad got stabbed, and the boy was afraid for his life. Well, the uncle wrestled the assailant to the ground the police arrived and the EMT's and everything turned out to be ok. But after the EMT's took his dad to hospital he got a call, and it was his friend and she was crying and asking if he was alright because she had had a dream about what had happened. As it literally happened.

  11. #11
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    deja-vu's are a trip.
  12. #12
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Shut up all of you talking about me and Jiggboo

    I’ll be back with some harsh discipline soon just about to take a hot bath in my jockstrap otherwise I really do get really bad jock itch
  13. #13
    mmG African Astronaut
    I hope you're beset by demons
  14. #14
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Ok all went as planned no pain whatsoever now chillin on the bed waitin for my gigantic swollen ballz to go down so I can get dressed

    Reminds me of this one time I was chillin at my moms on the sofa with my giant ballz tellin her how painful they were and she had been on the pop most lf that day so maybe forgot I mentioned that and launched the fucking sky remote at my ballz the bitch

    Size of that cunt how about I straight ram it up ur pussy and start smashin buttons
  15. #15
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie Do you experience sleep paralysis or night terrors? Also, lets say ghosts are real. What do you think happens that causes a haunting as it were? If someone dies violently does their spirit leave an imprint on that part of 'the real' world?

    Also, ever had this happen to you or anyone you know. You are doing something, and suddenly you feel very worried for a person you know and love and then you'll get a call, so and so has been in an accident.

    Or perhaps this happened to you were you ever in any real danger and afterward did someone that care for you call you up out of the blue just to check on you because they had a bad feeling.

    I was reading this story about a guy who when he was ten had a friend at school, a girl, but it wasn't his girl friend or anything they were just close. She lived a couple miles over. But one night he was with his dad and an uncle, and some crackhead came up to them and his dad got stabbed, and the boy was afraid for his life. Well, the uncle wrestled the assailant to the ground the police arrived and the EMT's and everything turned out to be ok. But after the EMT's took his dad to hospital he got a call, and it was his friend and she was crying and asking if he was alright because she had had a dream about what had happened. As it literally happened.


    tandem expressions or some weird name for that. were people feel the same thing at the same time and check up on each other. even when they havn't talked to each other in years.

    So, I have experienced Sleep Paralysis. it's common with Sleep Apnea people. I get it bad when it's hot and Im sleeping. but this was not sleep paralysis. also our Bedroom was on the second floor, they walked in downstairs from shopping coming in through the garage.

    how were the sheets pleated so neatly. not just pulled down and halfway hanging off like a normal thing when you're tossing and turning. but neatly pleated as I felt someone pulling them, little bit at a time. I was terrified to open my eyes. As an Adult I would normally Open my eyes and jump up to defend myself. I had a sense of a small child too frighten to open his eyes. I was in a sense paralyses with fear. I know this would be used. it's the go-to for doctors.

    The movie Poltergeist comes to mind as to why this happened. I heard it was a MiWak burial region and sacred land where our house was built. Most like the off-chute of the MiWak called the Olone Indians (Native Americans). They lived more in the marsh lands which were hunting grounds before Spanish came and took their shit. then Anglos.

    But Olone are said to be peaceful and not combative. Maybe some 1800s shit occurred in the area. We had shadow figures too. I told my children to ignore them. But My youngest daughter and I watching TV on a large screen with the lights out I first saw it hanging from the wall and then she said "Dad, there is a shadow man on the wall" and I said, I see him too sweety. just ignore him.
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Jesus Christ did your dad actually say that to you? That's kind of fucked up. Also, why did your dad call you sweetie and not champ? That seems a little weird, but it's California so what do i know.

    I used to think it'd be a grand old time to be haunted, but then i got stimulant psychosis for a month straight and it was scary as fuck. Couldn't see the shadow people but i could hear them, and i saw eyes, and i started to make a habit out of just walking around with a big ass knife on my person. And i mean big. I almost burned the house down to get teh shadow people out of the walls.

    One day i went out and i left a note i wrote in red ink and it said something along the lines of; the next eye i see is getting stabbed.

    My mom, sister and me were temporarily living at my grandmother's during that time. I am sure they were very concerned. I just thought they were in on it.

    Anyway, since you believe in hauntings and visitations and such how do you feel about ghost hunters and/or paranormal investigators? Anything to that in your estimation?
  17. #17
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready tandem expressions or some weird name for that. were people feel the same thing at the same time and check up on each other. even when they havn't talked to each other in years.

    So, I have experienced Sleep Paralysis. it's common with Sleep Apnea people. I get it bad when it's hot and Im sleeping. but this was not sleep paralysis. also our Bedroom was on the second floor, they walked in downstairs from shopping coming in through the garage.

    how were the sheets pleated so neatly. not just pulled down and halfway hanging off like a normal thing when you're tossing and turning. but neatly pleated as I felt someone pulling them, little bit at a time. I was terrified to open my eyes. As an Adult I would normally Open my eyes and jump up to defend myself. I had a sense of a small child too frighten to open his eyes. I was in a sense paralyses with fear. I know this would be used. it's the go-to for doctors.

    The movie Poltergeist comes to mind as to why this happened. I heard it was a MiWak burial region and sacred land where our house was built. Most like the off-chute of the MiWak called the Olone Indians (Native Americans). They lived more in the marsh lands which were hunting grounds before Spanish came and took their shit. then Anglos.

    But Olone are said to be peaceful and not combative. Maybe some 1800s shit occurred in the area. We had shadow figures too. I told my children to ignore them. But My youngest daughter and I watching TV on a large screen with the lights out I first saw it hanging from the wall and then she said "Dad, there is a shadow man on the wall" and I said, I see him too sweety. just ignore him.

    Didn't read
  18. #18
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Jesus Christ did your dad actually say that to you? That's kind of fucked up. Also, why did your dad call you sweetie and not champ? That seems a little weird, but it's California so what do i know.

    I used to think it'd be a grand old time to be haunted, but then i got stimulant psychosis for a month straight and it was scary as fuck. Couldn't see the shadow people but i could hear them, and i saw eyes, and i started to make a habit out of just walking around with a big ass knife on my person. And i mean big. I almost burned the house down to get teh shadow people out of the walls.

    One day i went out and i left a note i wrote in red ink and it said something along the lines of; the next eye i see is getting stabbed.

    My mom, sister and me were temporarily living at my grandmother's during that time. I am sure they were very concerned. I just thought they were in on it.

    Anyway, since you believe in hauntings and visitations and such how do you feel about ghost hunters and/or paranormal investigators? Anything to that in your estimation?

    Child molester^
  19. #19
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie Jesus Christ did your dad actually say that to you? That's kind of fucked up. Also,

    No, I said it to my daughter. fucking hell. My pops was a piece of shit and would of said something like "Good, I hope he taunts you in bed"

    No, I told my kids who stated they seens these things. They nicknamed it Bidee. it was a imaginary friend who became real. I tried looking up the name Bi-Dee to see if there was some demon or something with this simuliar name.

    One night, My kids were in fact asleep. and I hear this Pitter-Patter across the rug, and a giggle. my wife heard it, gets up and is like "Why arent you two in bed" but they were both alseep. according to her not faking. she said she's heard it several times as did I. this was the first we both heard it at the same time and never question the other thinking it was just mild dreaming it.

    in another house prior to this house, back around 2000-2001. My wife was sleeping in the girls room and I was alone in the master bedroom when I would hear whispering I get from running water. we had an indoor asian waterfall art piece with a kind of nightlight in the hallway with water running. Then I hear my name in my ear and everything on the dresser went flying off, into a stack of tv dinner trays we had sitting next to the dresser. it was two bookend Crystal rocks that were like paperweights. maybe 5 pounds each. and some books between and something else like a silk flower pot. they went flying off like someone swept them with their arm to the side and into the tv trays. this was a TV tray stand with the TV trays inserted on both sides. not just tv trays on their own. we just stored it in the bedroom because there was room in there. use them for movie night with the kids.

    My then wife came in like 'WTF just happened" she thought I was mad or it was an earthquake. there was no quake. it was my name with a breeze and everything flying off the dresser. this house was maybe 3 miles from the other house. the House was near Antioch were Greenplastic claimed to live. hmm neighbors maybe? there is a lot of hauntings shit in those towns of Brentwood, Oakley and Antioch because they're near Mt Diablo I guess. "The White Witch" of Sommerville and Gravity Hill where cars roll upwards. and The "Slaughterhouse" stories.

    some fucked up shit. The Mitchell Brothers grew up there. they were the porn kings of the 1970s and 80s.
  20. #20
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The cars don't actually roll upwards, it's a perspective thing. Like an optical illusion. I know because i know about that place. Unfamiliar with the "Slaughterhouse" story.

    Also that's freaky, but how do you square away the fact that you have schizo-affective disorder with the things you have heard/seen/felt?

    I am not saying i don't believe you, all i am asking is how can you be sure. Also you think there's something to EVP's and Spirit Boxes and stuff like that?
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