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stealing public software from 4chan and then charging money for it

  1. #1
    All you gotta do is yoink the code and add more features and call it the premium plus version and charge the big bucks.

    check this out

  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't steal code, it's rude. You can use source someone else has put out but common courtesy is to acknowledge the work of the person you took a bit of code from.

    Especially at places like Github a lot of projects are OSS. Meaning no need to worry about copyright, which is nice, so the least you can do is give a shout out to the original creator.
  3. #3
    They won't even be mad if you charge money for it? I have no problem admitting I yoinked the code and say who I yoinked it from but I would also not do it unless I could get money for it.

    I remember when dice yoinked /vg/'s custom creatures and remade them into their own and then charged money to unlock them. /vg/ was pretty upset with the furries from dice for that one, a hard line split in the community as a whole.

    They thought moth men were too memey so they made foxes and lisards because furries will shell out for that shit.

    I have to admit they did something cool with the spooky skeleton code and turned it into plasmamen which are just darn cool

    Plasmamen appear to be the remnants of an ancient space-faring species affected by a condition known as Plasma-Restructurant Syndrome. Though studies on Plasma-Restructurant Syndrome are relatively new, chronic generational exposure to plasma appears to have caused the species to lose much of its soft tissue. It is posited that, over successive generations, high-levels of plasma in the environment introduced mutations caused the loss of carbon compounds in the body and skeletal structure - leading to their subsequent replacement with hard, mineralized deposits of plasma. While it is unknown to what extent this has affected the life expectancy of any individual member of the species, as the average Plasmaman is believed to live in excess of 150 years, the high-concentrations of plasma in the skeletal structure have rendered Plasmamen to be extremely volatile in oxygenated environments.

    i think there is still some remnant of /vg/ code in here.

    name = "Plasmaman"
    name_plural = "Plasmamen"
    icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_plasmaman_sb.dmi'
    dangerous_existence = TRUE //So so much
    //language = "Clatter"

    inherent_traits = list(TRAIT_RADIMMUNE, TRAIT_NOHUNGER)
    inherent_biotypes = MOB_HUMANOID | MOB_MINERAL
    forced_heartattack = TRUE // Plasmamen have no blood, but they should still get heart-attacks
    skinned_type = /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/plasma // We're low on plasma, R&D! *eyes plasmaman co-worker intently*
    dietflags = DIET_OMNI
    reagent_tag = PROCESS_ORG

    taste_sensitivity = TASTE_SENSITIVITY_NO_TASTE //skeletons can't taste anything

    butt_sprite = "plasma"

    breathid = "tox"

    burn_mod = 1.5
    heatmod = 1.5

    //Has default darksight of 2.

    suicide_messages = list(
    "is twisting their own neck!",
    "is letting some O2 in!",
    "realizes the existential problem of being made out of plasma!",
    "shows their true colors, which happens to be the color of plasma!")
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